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最初に見たように 持続可能なパルス, 米国とEUの国際的な科学者のグループによる新しい査読済みパイロット研究は、母親が子宮内にいるときにグリホサートにさらされているため、女児の肛門性器間距離が男性に典型的になっていることを示唆しています。

The study published on Monday in the well-respected Elsevier peer-reviewed Journal ‘Environmental Pollution, is a breakthrough in our understanding of glyphosate as a hormone hacker (endocrine disruptor).

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Big Telecomが支援するカリフォルニア州の法案は、都市、町、および近隣の「小さな」セルタワーの「合理化」5 G設備に提示されました。これらの法案は、各州で提示される可能性が高い、または提示される予定の例です。

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On 3月 22, 2021, The Del Mar Garden Club of Southern California held an informational session called “Fighting Climate Change with Plants”. As a person who is extremely concerned about the looming apocalyptic events due to climate chaos, but not extremely well informed about what we can do to prevent them, I signed up.

母なる自然に仕事を任せれば、炭素を隔離する能力を持つ植物の本来の美徳を称賛するという意味で、プレゼンテーションが私が望んでいた方向に進んでいないことにすぐに気づきました。いいえ。カリフォルニア州サンディエゴに本拠を置くソーク研究所の植物遺伝学者であるジョアン・コーリーは、彼女と彼女のチームが、より大きな根、より長い根、そしてより多くの炭素を隔離する根を持つように植物を遺伝子操作する方法を共有しました。スベリンを作ってより多くのスベリンを作り、したがってより多くの炭素を保持し、次にそれらの遺伝子を作物に入れます。彼らはソルガムから始めようとしていました。 (なぜそれが興味深いのかについては後で話します。)彼女は、何が操作されるのか、そして予備試験で根が実際にどのように長く成長したのかを描いたスライドを示しました。私は実際にそれが良い考えかもしれないと思いました。約1秒間。 

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Many of us have children that are heading back to the classroom. During the shutdowns, many school districts have “upgraded” their technology systems and have purchased laptops or iPads for every student. When our children do go back to school, instead of exposure to one device’s radio frequency (RF) radiation, they will be in a room for hours a day with a dozen or two devices. 

We must ensure that schools are making classrooms as safe as possible. The fact is that school districts have a legal obligation to provide a safe learning environment for our children. Science is showing that RF radiation can be harmful to our children. 

最近の査読済み研究 RF放射線への曝露は、頭痛、めまい、吐き気などの急性症状の発生率を高めるだけでなく、免疫系や殖器系の損傷、DNAの変化、さらには癌など、より深刻な長期的な健康問題を引き起こす可能性があることを確認しています。 

Children are at higher risk from RF radiation because of their thinner skulls, developing nervous system and rapidly changing physiology.

Although manufacturers and the FCC claim that RF radiation is safe, the current FCC human exposure guidelines were developed back in the 1980s, and last updated in 1996!  

What’s the solution? Hardwired classrooms are the safest and most secure learning environments for children. Hardwired systems are faster, more reliable, easily adaptable to new technologies, and have none of the potential health issues now associated with wireless technology. Virtually any computer, smartphone, or tablet can be connected to the internet using simple, low-cost adapters.

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The EPA has admitted that glyphosate herbicides (also known as Roundup or Ranger Pro by Monsanto/Bayer) harm 93% of endangered species. This is an excellent reason for the EPA to deny the license of glyphosate. However, they claim that only landscaping use (20 million pounds of glyphosate a year) is the only method of use that is causing harm, NOT agriculture use ( 280 million pounds). This is outrageous! We have a huge problem with this- do you?



Do you have a grievance with this known carcinogen, endocrine disruptor, and neurotoxin that causes liver disease and multiple generations of reproductive harm being found in our breastmilk, baby food, tap water, wine, beer, orange juice, and thousands of foods?

Do you have a grievance with this herbicide damaging gut bacteria, weakening our immune systems, leaving us more vulnerable to severe COVID symptoms and prolonged shutdowns?

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グリホサート除草剤は、世界で最も広く使用されている農薬です。. EPAによると、 300百万ポンド 毎年米国で使用されています、 私たちの食べ物に直接280百万ポンド。大豆、トウモロコシ、砂糖、小麦、豆、エンドウ豆、アルファルファ、オーツ麦などの作物は、高レベルのグリホサートで汚染された家畜や人間を養う作物のほんの一部を構成しています。私たちの家族やペットが有機食品だけを食べていない場合、彼らは食事のほぼすべてのかみ傷でグリホサートを消費します。グリホサートは 数千 人間の食品サンプルの シリアル、オレンジジュース、卵など ペットフード, 水道水、母乳、子供の尿, ストリーム, 海水、 そしてさえ 雨。

A study by Professor Paul J. Mills, Ph.D., and his clinical research team at the University of California showed in the Journal of the American Medical Association a greater than 1000% increase in human glyphosate levels over the past 23 years. 

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According to a 新しい研究, we have not even begun to see the true impact of glyphosate.

This new study by Kubsad et al, published in Scientific Reports shows that glyphosate 1人, not the surfactants, impacts the germline of the fetus in female rats. The germline means the sperm and eggs inside the fetus, which will ultimately become the fetuses’ offspring. The sperm and eggs are harmed by glyphosate, affecting the health and viability of future generations.

There has been considerable controversy about whether or not it is glyphosate alone or the surfactants, also known as co-formulants, in glyphosate herbicides that cause harm. This point is legally significant. The EPA only requires safety studies on the one declared “active” chemical ingredient in glyphosate herbicides or any pesticide for that matter, ない the full formulation which, includes the co-formulants. Lawsuits worth billions of dollars are being contested based on the industry science and EPA policies. Scientists who asserted that only the co-formulants caused harm and not glyphosate alone were inadvertently supporting Monsanto’s assertion that glyphosate (alone) does not cause harmful effects. That assessment could lead to another 15-year approval from the EPA.

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  • A new study released 1月 28, 2021, shows that both Roundup and glyphosate affected the microbiome at all doses tested, causing shifts in bacterial populations and their function.
  • 腸内細菌または腸内毒素症の不均衡は、癌、2型糖尿病、肥満、ADHD、自閉症、うつ病などの行動上の問題を含む、増え続ける一連の病気に関連しています。
  • 以前の研究では、糖尿病や肥満、または免疫力が低下している集団は、COVID- 19による死亡のリスクが高いことが示されています。 
  • COVD- 19による死亡率の上昇は、州または国が経済を閉鎖するかどうかの最大の要因です。 

As reported by gmwatch - A new study conducted by an international team of scientists based in London, France, Italy, and the Netherlands, led by Dr. Michael Antoniou of King’s College London, was published today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

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