US Premiere of Japanese Movie - People Protecting Food Safety
Moms Across America Premieres
People Protecting Food Safety
A Japanese Film with a Huge Impact on the American Food Supply
The Japanese government owns the largest grain distribution center in the world. It is based in Convent, Louisiana, USA.
The distribution center Zen Noh Agriculture purchases hundreds of millions of pounds, over four billion US dollars worth of GMO and non-GMO grains annually, from American farmers and ships them to China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and South East Asia.
In other words, the Japanese government owns an outsized stake in the American midwest agriculture system. This is why American Presidents and corporations put enormous pressure on the Japanese government to accept our GMO grains sprayed with glyphosate. The Japanese government, in response to the US and Monsanto’s demands, drastically deregulated glyphosate. Japan’s allowable levels of glyphosate residues are as much as 95% higher than China’s. As a result, Monsanto’s and US grain products have had not only devastating health effects on the people living in Japan but on America as well.
No other market, not even the American mothers, is as intricately connected to the American agriculture system as the Japanese.
The fact is that if the US government was responsible for safe food production, they would not produce toxic GMO crops and export them to any country. And if the Japanese government was responsible for the safety of their people, they would not allow them into their country. The political pressure from the USA is enormous, though. Will the people triumph in protecting their food supply?
続きを読むGlyphosate and GMOs in Beer?
Glyphosate in German Beer: New Testing
Germans are serious about the quality of their beer. While there are countless beer brands, the level of quality is not the same for every brewer.
A recent study by ÖKO-TEST (the German equivalent of Consumer Reports) found trace amounts of glyphosate in beer for 12 of the 50 German beer brands they tested. Only the organic brands showed no detectable levels.
You can read details from the ÖKO-TEST study here, but it's in German, so you might need a translation tool like Google Translate. Keep reading here as we analyze the findings.
Meanwhile, in July of 2020, a second Canadian grain processor restricted the processing of oats sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant (drying agent) in their facilities due to the impaired quality of the oats. The presence of glyphosate in beer, made with various grains often sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant, would indicate a potential decrease in the quality of the product.
The following excerpt is from Rebecca Burgess’ new book Fibershed: Growing a Movement of Farmers, Fashion Activists, and Makers for a New Textile Economy (Chelsea Green Publishing, 11月 2019) and is reprinted with permission from the publisher.
GMOの安全性は非常に争われています。 GMOの支持者は彼らが安全であると言いますが、最近の研究はそれらに固有のリスクがあることを示しています。彼らは、GMOは常に自然界で発生する、つまりハイブリッドのようだと言います。ただし、GMOは、遺伝子銃を備えた実験室で、科学者が技術を保護するために特許を取得したプロセスによってのみ作成されます。 GMOはハイブリッドではなく、自然界で自然に発生することはできません。遺伝子工学、例えば外来種によるDNAの変更、種から永続的に形質を除去するためのDNAの編集、または所望の形質に対するDNAまたはRNAiの変更は、自然に起こりません。自然界にはどんな形や形でも見られません。 GMOは自然であると言う科学者やメディアは、一般の人々を誤解させています。これら科学者の多くは公平ではありませんが、代わりにGMO /化学メーカーからの大学への広告費や助成金によってサポートされており、これらの主張をするインセンティブがあります。彼らの推論に関係なく、彼らは確かに「予防原則」、つまり、最終的な効果が疑われるか未知である新製品またはプロセスの導入に抵抗するという原則を無視しています。彼または彼女の塩に値する科学者は、GMOの多くの側面がまだ知られていないことを認めるでしょう。
Comment to USDA Regarding GMO Regulation
Zen Honeycutt著、ママズアクロスアメリカ
8月 2, 2019
連邦政府の医療費は2018で 3.5兆を突破しました。食物は私たちの健康の最も影響力のある要因です。アメリカの食べ物は有毒であり、私たちを病気にしている。倒産する可能性があります。
私たちの何千人もがGMOにラベルを付けることに人生を捧げました。私たちは自分たちが合理的であり、私たちの政府が私たちに耳を傾けると思っていました。私たちの前政権はしませんでした。 GMOはまだラベル付けされておらず、警告なしに目に見えないまま食品に残り、さらに数千ものパイプラインがあります。
Now our new administration has signed an executive order that GMO companies will be able to self-determine whether their GMO should be regulated or not. These are the same companies that brought us DDT, PCB's, Agent Orange, and グリホサート. The same companies that poison the paradise of Hawai'i, that refuse to pay the fees justly award to cancer patients in need of care due to the use of their products, and the same companies that have been found to be ghost writers of "scientific" studies showing that glyphosate is "safe."
Zen Honeycuttによる操作
この記事を書いて「モンサントが私たちの生活を台無しにした方法」と題するつもりでした。しかし、これらのことをしたのはモンサントだけではないことに気付きました。彼らは、除草剤に耐性があり、殺虫剤が組み込まれたGMOを開発することで道を先導しましたが、すべての信用を得るべきではありません。米国企業のダウ/デュポン、およびEU企業のシンジェンタ/ケムチャイナ、BASF、およびバイエル/モンサントは、人道に対するひどい犯罪についても多数の訴訟を起こしました。しかし今のところ、私はヨーロッパ人ではないので、AのGood Ol 'USで起こっていることに焦点を当てます。
Moms Across Americaはまさにそれです。
Natalie, RN
Moms Across America's Advisors
Ruth WestreichPresident of the Westreich Foundation |
George KlabinFounder of Klabin Marketing
Don HuberEmeritus Professor of Plant Pathology |
Eric PlaskerBestselling Author, Creator of The 100 Year Lifestyle®, International Speaker, Chiropractor, Human Potential and Longevity Leader for Decades |
Beth LambertExecutive Director of Epidemic Answers |
Michelle Perro, MD, DHom |
Mark DoudlahRegenerative Organic Farmer |
Stephanie Seneff, PhD |
Former AdvisorRobert F. Kennedy Jr.Chairman of Children's Health Defense |
Moms Across America is seeking additional advisors, especially those from underrepresented communities and diverse backgrounds. Please send nominations to [email protected] with 3 references.
Moms Across America’s Partnering Organizations
ホリスティックママズネットワーク is a non-profit organization whose mission is to generate national awareness, education, and support for holistic parenting and green living by providing nurturing, open-minded, and respectful local community networks that encourage families to share these ideals and learn from each other.
Children's Health Defense is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Their mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.
Americans for Responsible Technology is committed to promoting new technologies that protect the health, safety, security, privacy, and property values of their fellow Americans.
Alliance for Natural Health USA is the largest organization in the US and abroad working to protect your right to utilize safe, effective, and inexpensive healing therapies based on high-tech testing, diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes. They believe a system that is single-mindedly focused on “treating” sick people with expensive drugs, rather than maintaining healthy people, is neither practical nor economically sustainable.
Moms Across Americaは、過小評価されたコミュニティと多様なバックグラウンドから追加のチームメンバーを募集しています。
Email us your nomination with 3 references HERE. Thank you!
Moms Across America is the brainchild of Zen Honeycutt, mother of 3 boys, one of whom had life-threatening allergies. That is until she found out about GMOs and helped her sons to avoid them. Her sons with allergies and autism symptoms got better when they avoided GMOs and pesticides by eating organic. Later her second son experienced a sudden onset of autism symptoms at 8 years old. He tested positive for fungus, gut dysbiosis, and 8 x higher the level of glyphosate in his urine than was found anywhere in European testing. Through an organic diet and restoring the gut bacteria, he is completely recovered. Passionate about caring for her family, and inspired by Robyn O'Brien's Ted Talk "Patriotism on a Plate" and Jeffrey Smith's "Tipping Point Network" concept, Zen created a forum for Moms to reach out & encourage one another. The power of one. It starts a movement. And now look at us, marching in solidarity from Sea to Shining Sea in 172 parades in 2013 in 44 states! And 1000 events since then!
Moms Across Americaは、内国歳入庁によって、内国歳入法のセクション501(c)(3)と一致する非課税の公共慈善団体として認められています。納者番号は30-0891447です。アメリカ中のママへの慈善寄付は、内国歳入法のセクション170に従って課税控除の対象となります。
彼らはあなたに何かを思い出させますか?おそらく有機的なシンボル?ヨーロッパに旅行したことがある場合は、ほとんどすべてのショップでこれらのロゴが下に表示されます。ヨーロッパの「BIO」はOrganicの略です。それでも、GMO業界は、「BIO-EngineeredFood」の略であるBEでGMOにラベルを付けたいと考えています。 GMO業界は有機業界を共同選択しようとしています!
5月 5, 2017 Mission Viejo, CA- アメリカ中のママ releases their report on their recent findings of toxins in 36 American children, tested at Great Plains Lab, along with results from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency(CFIA). The results are disturbing and have an important message for Gluten Free, Vegan and Vegetarian American consumers and food manufacturers.
「すべての子供の100%が深刻な毒素について陽性でした。テストされた子供の79%はADHDまたは自閉症の症状がありましたが、21%はそうではありませんでした。 50%以上が、平均よりも高い3 Xの陽性レベをテストしました。オーガニックを食べた子供たちは、食べなかった子供たちよりも毒素のレベルが低いと予想しました。これは、大多数の子供には当てはまりません。 CFIAグリホサートのデータがリリースされたとき、私たちはその理由を理解し、消費者と食品メーカーがこれらの重要な調査結果に注目することを望んでいます。