

オレゴンの「In Good Tilth」誌に掲載1月 2014

それは感謝祭で、私の5歳の息子がお祝いテーブルで私の向かいに座っていました。 18人のいとこと陽気な家族に囲まれていましたが、彼は完全に惨めに見えました。口いっぱいのおいしい詰め物で、彼は幸せだったはずです。代わりに、数秒以内に彼の全身がラズベリーのように膨らんだ。赤く、炎症を起こしています。彼の目はgめき、ぼろぼろの人形のように垂れ下がった。詰め物にペカンが含まれていることがわかりました。息子は死にかけていました。私はスクランブルしてエピペンを見つけ、夫はそれを息子の足に突き刺しました。私はそれを引き抜き、彼の足から血が噴き出した。私たちは彼を病院に急ぎました。二人とも息子が後部座席でうめきながら泣きました。彼がステロイドとモニターにつながれたので、私ちは彼の人生のために神に祈りました。




We found out about GMOs. We ate organic for the past year. He chose to drink an organic green drink every morning to heal his stomach. His gut and therefore his immune system, is growing stronger and his allergies are disappearing.  His walnut allergy has gone from a 19 down to a .2. This is not a scientific study, this is our family’s reality. His healing is a triumph over toxic food and resignation. It is a triumph of the human spirit.

個人的な経験とロビン・オブライエンのTEDxトークおよびジェフリー・M・スミスの「ジェネティック・ルーレット」からの多くの子供の健康問題とGMOとのリンクは、私の子供への愛とともに、アメリカ中のママを作るようになりました。止められないママの連合。私たちの目標は、数百万人がGMOについて自分自身を教育し、ラベルを付け、GMOフリーの有機ソリューションを提供できるようにすることです。 Kathleen Hallalという3人の男の子の仲間のOC MomであるLabelGMOs.orgと、NYR Organic、Dr。Bronner、Organic Valley、Nutivia、Nature's Path、およびアメリカ中の何百人ものママとのスポンサーとのパートナーシップで、私たちの目標は食べ物を変えることですアメリカの産業と未来。私たちのモットーは「エンパワードママ、健康な子供たち」です。


Everything we do is because we love our families. Moms from 44 states took on leadership and marched in 172 parades this last 7月 4th, carrying banners that said Moms Across America March to Label GMOs reaching approximately 1. 5  million people. This year our goal is 400 parades. We will reach 5,000 to 50,000 townspeople locally and tens of millions nationally in a single day. We will take part in the most patriotic, fun, festive, family-friendly event in America and march for health and freedom in America.


Please go to www.momsacrossamerica.com and contact us. We look forward to connecting with champions of change!

-Zen Honeycutt、3人の男の子のママ、Across Americaの創設者兼ディレクター


Short Bio:

禅ハニーカット is the Founding Executive Director of the non-profit, アメリカ中のママ, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms with the motto "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids." Moms Across America’s leaders created over 1,000 community events in all 50 states to raise awareness about GMOs, toxins in the food supply, and other environmental issues that pose risk to the health of our families. The organization’s mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and soutions to create healthy communities.  Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America initiated the first glyphosate testing in America and successfully petitioned Costco to remove Roundup from their shelves. She is the author of UNSTOPPABLE, Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and Celebration of Community, the director of a short film called “Communities Rising” and the co founder of the recently launched program called “The Neighborhood Food Network��� whose mission is to create a parallel food system, one street at a time.


Zen is an international speaker, award winning activist, and has been featured in over a dozen documentaries such as BOUGHT, Secret Ingredients, Modified, and Common Ground, in hundreds of podcasts, and other media outlets. She is available to speak about the topic of the toxicity of the food supply and what we can do to protect our families.




Long Bio:

Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Executive Director of non-profit アメリカ中のママ, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms with the motto "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids." Moms Across America’s leaders created over 1,000 community events in all 50 states to raise awareness about GMOs, toxins in the food supply, and other environmental issues that pose risks to the health of our families. The organization's mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities and has had over 100 million impressions on social media and beyond.  Zen instigated the first consumer-funded glyphosate testing in America which has led to over 60 countries and hundreds of cities, homeowners associations, and school districts banning or restricting the use of glyphosate. Moms Across America successfully petitioned Costco to remove Roundup from their shelves, leading to nationwide awareness of alternatives to Roundup and the benefits of regenerative organic farming.


Zen’s inspiration came from her three boys who had allergies, autoimmune, asthma, and autism symptoms, which greatly improved when they went GMO-free and organic. She then instigated a national and global movement to transform the food supply. Through the expansion of the nationwide and now global network, with over 100 million impressions over the past 11 years, her team discovered that thousands of other Moms are seeing the similar results from avoiding GMOs and eating organic.


Zen is the author of UNSTOPPABLE, Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and Celebration of Community. She was also the director of a short film called コミュニティライジング and recently launched a new non-profit pilot program called “The Neighborhood Food Network” to create a parallel food system, one street at a time.


Zen has received numerous activism awards, has been featured in mainstream media news networks such as CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC, over a dozen documentaries such as BOUGHT, Secret Ingredients, Modified, and Common Ground, in hundreds of podcasts, and other media outlets. She has served on the board of the California Organic Products Advisory Committee of the Secretary of Agriculture and works with the former Minister of Agriculture of Japan and hundreds of activists in Japan to transform the global food supply.


Zen, formerly of Connecticut, New York City, and California, currently resides in North Carolina. She has three sons –Ben, Bodee, and Bronson, who grow food with her, along with thirty-six farm animals. 



Link to website - Moms Across America - https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/

Zen Honeycutt - https://www.zenhoneycutt.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MomsAcrossAmerica

Twitter - https://twitter.com/yesmaam74

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/momsacrossamerica/

Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@momsacrossamerica

Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/MomsAcrossAmerica

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@MomsAcrossAmerica

Book - "Unstoppable: Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment and a Celebration of Community " - https://smile.amazon.com/Unstoppable-Transforming-Empowerment-Celebration-Community/dp/1986668266/ref=sr_1_1?crid=35XG8F8A54CXR&keywords=zen+honeycutt&qid=1670002997&sprefix=zen+honeycutt%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-1


  • デビーS
    コメントした 2021-11-29 23:08:01 -0500
    こんにちは私は最近YouTubeでLetFoodBeThyMedicineのビデオを見ました。禅、あなたは本当にすべてのお母さんのためのインスピレーションです!食べ物やライフスタイルの変化による治療法を見つけることへのあなたの積極性は私にインスピレーションを与えました。私の17息子はEoEと診断されており、過去1か月間、乳製品を止め、食事中の糖分を大幅に減らしました。医師は、一度に1つだけやりたいので、この除去食でグルテンや他の食品を止めたくありません。誰かがこれから癒す方法を知っていますか?遅れるのは食物アレルギーなので、それが何であるかについては非常に混乱しています。私は自然な治療法を探しています、そして私はそれがそこにあると確信しています。誰かがEoEから治癒する方法を知っているなら、私は本当にあなたの入力に感謝します。彼は現在、ネキシウム(1日あたり2錠)とブデソニド(2 mg /夜)を服用しています。助けてください!
  • ドン・ポール・ラデマッハー
    コメントした 2015-04-24 10:56:30 -0400
  • 禅ハニーカット
    コメントした 2015-03-10 18:20:26 -0400
    The green drink was raw organic greens, in organic apple juice, preceeded with MSM by 君の in water to seal the gut.I think he had B12, Vitamin D, enzymes when he ate, collidial sillver when he was sick and probiotics every day. All organic. Check out the diets under SOLUTIONS on our website!
  • サラ・トシック
    コメントした 2015-02-26 12:27:28 -0500
    こんにちは!映画「Bought」であなたのことを知りました。本当にありがとうございました!!私も3人の男の子のママです!すべてアレルギー/喘息。私たちは2 +年にわたって食物の旅をしてきましたが、現在は栄養素の濃い本物の非GMOダイエットを食べています。長い間ありました…しかし、私は何の変化も見ていません:(そして、悲しいことに、私の3番目の男の子、赤ちゃんだけが、房の最悪のアレルギーを持っています。私は怒って、混乱しています。私たち全員が必要としているプロトコルですが、あなたの息子の癒しのプロトコルのグリーンドリンクの成分について聞いてみたいと思います。

