GMO外来タンパク質、およびこれらの食品(および160その他の非有機食品の土壌)に散布される農薬と除草剤は、安全性テスト、ラベル、およびそれらが関連していないという決定的な証拠なしに子供に与えられています子どもたちの健康問題の急増。 3人の子供のうち1が自閉症、アレルギー、喘息または自己免疫疾患になりました。 22人のうち、肥満または糖尿病の子供には、これらの追加のAの1つがあります。科学者、医師、農民は、これらのGMOと化学物質を、ラット、ブタ、そしておそらく人間の子供の健康問題(さらに流産、不妊症、先天性欠損症)にリンクしました。害」の記事)。
小さいけれど強大なバンドが言いました...「私たちはカリフォルニアの学校で食事を取ります。私たちはこれについて何かをするつもりです。」 3人のMAAサポーターがカリフォルニアスクール栄養学会議に参加しました。そこでは、1000フードディレクターと学校役員が来年、どの食べ物を子供に提供するかを決定します。 3人は、NOWが食品管理者が遺伝子組み換え作物と子供たちへの健康影響の可能性について知る時だと言いました。これが彼らの物語です。
"It was beautiful weather in Palm Springs. Driving out there, it was raining, hard at times, all through Moreno Valley, Beaumont, and Banning. And I was thinking this was not a good sign. But once I got to Cabazon, the sky cleared, and it was GORGEOUS!!!!!
It was fun gathering at the Forever Marilyn statue. Not to be missed if you get out to Palm Springs (it's there only temporarily I was told). We were a band of THREE for today - small but mighty (Mike H., Don David Y., and me). We took photos with our "Moms Across America" banner (hand-painted by Sharon K.) in front of the Marilyn Monroe statue.
Then we headed over to the convention center and we handed out flyers, and put them under windshield wipers for cars on the public street. Standing on the corner of a parking lot across the street from the convention center, we handed a lot of flyers directly to people. A few even stopped to chat and ask questions.
One of the vendors I talked to told me this convention will be in Sacramento next year (not so handily close). We need to look at getting a booth, and maybe offering to be speakers for a panel explaining GMO foods.
I met Kevin Stong of "Tofu Yu". He told me he was one of only 5 vendors there with non-GMO foods. He sources non-GMO soy for his tofu. If you'd like to connect with him, his email is: [email protected] and the website is www.tofuyu.com
Another vendor I talked to also provides to Whole Foods. They are working on becoming non-GMO (didn't get their business name, sorry).
Mike took the flyers we had left over (a stack of about 3 inches high) and was going to return tomorrow morning to finish handing them out.
Thanks to Mike and Don David for their help today. Overall, I think we did some good (hopefully some people will actually read the flyers). And I got in a good walk in gorgeous weather. Afterwards, Mike and I ate lunch at Palm Green Cafe, the only organic restaurant (according to Mike) in Palm Springs. Very good food, and quite reasonable. I really enjoyed the lavender lemonade and salmon tacos I had.
These three wonderful people reached THE 1000 people who decide the food in our schools with clear GMO info and Mom testimonials how their kids got better when they got off GMOs. This is huge. We will never know the results or reach of their generosity and commitment. We will never know which children will be impacted and how many people will begin to reconsider not only the food they serve their own families, but in the cafeteria to hundreds as well. We will never know if this will be the catalyst for change or just one more step in the direction for change down the road.
Take a look at the book "David and Goliath" by Malcolm Gladwell. There are advantages to being the few, the "small" or the "disadvantaged." In this case, the advantage is that we can reach many with only a few. And the benefit is that we connect with amazingly kind and commited people. Our faith is renewed in America and we make a difference with uncountable thousands. All because we care.
PS別のブログでカウアイの勝利を認めます。市議会は、nincompoop市長によって拒否権を覆し、島のGMO /農薬法案を可決しました。はい!!!!!人々への強い愛を持つ少数の人々による別の大きな勝利。皆さん、ありがとうございました。
P.P.S PLEASE look up the School Nutrition Conferences in YOUR state today and get your flyers to pass out from www.momsacrossamerica.com/products. You can download or purchase ( probably cheaper because we print large quantities) We have a new one just for schools.
44州で行進するために申し込んだ3500人以上、7月 4で177パレードをありがとう!
LabelGMOとPamm Larry
3 DVDトーク用の第2世代ファーマーハワードヴリーガー。
グリーンアメリカ/ GMOinside
素晴らしい車のデカールを提供してくれたProImageSigns.com Fountain Valleyに感謝します。ウェブサイトのメーガン・トーマス、データ入力のドロシー・ウィンチェスター、広報のシェル・スポールディング・ムーア、キンバリー・キャプウェル。 Lauren Weinstein Intern臨時、Magnum Screen PrintsのScottとBarbara、プロモーション資料のPennworthy and Associates、Howard Vliger DVDのMike Reinmann、将来のパートナーシップのOMG.com、あなたの忍耐の夫と家族、エンパワーメントのランドマーク、もちろん、ママ、あなたの愛のために。
” If every Mom knew how awesome they are , every problem in the world would be fixed.” – Kid President
When I watched this video, my heart giggled. My soul glowed and I thought of all the times when I stopped, looked and listened to the glory of childhood…and sometimes even joined in with a booty shake and high five. The awesomeness of being a Mom is not all the things we do, but it how present we are to what we are doing.
In short, it’s who we are BEING. Mostly I don’t take the time to think about or create that, but when I do, when I choose that Today is the Day that I am being Courageous, Creative and a Contribution…whoa, watch out world…things are done that have never been done. My kids get a Mom who is happy to build a volcano with them instead of resentful. I reach out and do activism in the world to make a future for our kids great in ways I never imagined before. And when I see other moms being present with their kids, being gentle, curious and giggly, I know that all our activism is for those moments…the fleeting, magical, moment of love and delight.
So I invite every Mom on Moms Across America, to really get how awesome you are. Not because of all the doing, but because of who you are being. You are being your kids champion. You are being Courageous, Creative and a Contribution. You are the Gateway to Adventure! You are the most awesome person on the planet to at least one person and in their eyes, you can do anything. Look at yourself through their eyes …because theirs is the most beautiful perspective in the world.
Moms Across Americaの創設者としての私たちの使命は、Empowered Moms、Healthy Kidsです。私たちの現在のコミットメントは、数百万人が遺伝子組み換え生物または遺伝子組み換え生物について自分自身を教育し、それらにラベルを付け、アメリカの遺伝子組み換え作物を含まないソリューションを提供することです。
We have created the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs on 7月 4. We have partners all across the nation like Robyn O’Brien ( Mom of 4 and TedX Talk speaker “Patriotism on a Plate”), LabelGMOs.org, The CA Guild, GMO Free USA ( Mom Diana Reeves), Green America/GMO inside, March Against Monsanto (Mom Tami Monroe), Institute for Responsible Technology, NYR Organics, Dr. Bronners, Nature’s Path, Nutivia, Holistic Moms and many more.
We hope you will join us in marching in parade on the 4th of July in your hometown or town on vacation near you. This is the one opportunity we have to share our message with thousands locally and millions nationally, who are ready, waiting and interested. So grab a balloon, your kids and trike and join us!
Sign up at http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/
For more info about GMOs go to http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/gmo
Read more: http://www.momsrising.org/blog/the-power-of-moms/#ixzz2TNyOBSTs
There is an uprising happening in America. It's not visible like in Europe where they are tearing up crops and being dragged away from protests in Hazmat suits.... in America the uprising is in kitchens and coffee shops and on the internet. Moms who once found their lives exhausting are now waking at 6 am automatically and posting everything they can about GMOs. They are spending money from their savings to start a ballot initiative for their state and learning the ins and out of politics that they once abhorred. They are doing radio shows and sharing their rage with thousands. People are MAD. Moms are LIVID. The recent reports, there seem to be a new ones every day now, are so many that if you don't scan Facebook for two hours you are out of the loop...and these reports now show categorically that GMOs are dangerous, not only to our health but to the environment and our economy. This is something I knew in my bones as soon as I saw Robyn O'Brien's TedX Talk "Patriotism on a Plate" and Jeffrey M. Smith's movie Genetic Roulette, but my brain did not have proof of human harm on paper until just these past few weeks. See here for many of those reports.
はい、すべてCAPSで、すべてが叫びます。彼らはMADです。 69,000人が5月 25, と9,000の「March Against Monsanto」を気に入ったのは約1週間でした。人々は怒っています...そして怒っているよりも悪いです...私のような人々は裏切られたと感じます。
たとえば、Walmartは、従業員への給与を部分的に少なくすることで大きな利益を上げており、これらの労働者は、栄養価の低い安価な食品の購入に頼らなければなりません。ウォルマートや他の低賃金の従業員によるこれらの安価な食品の購入による大きな農業の利益。いわゆる食物で病気になったとき、彼らはビッグ・ファーマシューティカルズからの薬物に支払うために残した収入を莫大に支払わなければなりません。 Big Mediaは、Big Agの除草剤と殺虫剤を製造するBig Pharmaceuticalsが支払いを行う医薬品の商業広告を運営していますが、これらはまったく同じものです。彼らは一緒にホワイトハウスと大政府を運営します。この利益の輪を継続するために、すべての法律が賛成で書かれていることを支払う。
Especially as Mom, I love our freedoms, our opportunities, the fact that we are not at war with another country on our homeland and our children are mostly safe...but now with GMOs in every school, church gathering, birthday party and scout outing...I feel like they are being attacked by food and our government knows this and lets it happen. My faith in our country is deeply shaken...and our food is slowly and literally killing us. ( I say this in reference to Dr. Huber's report, see link in first paragraph, that it has been discovered that soy has a new pathogen which causes birth defects and miscarriages in animals AND humans and we now have the lowest recorded birth rate in history. These are our BABIES.)
Unless I fight the status quo, be the one who doesn't have her kids sit down and eat the pizza at the bowling party, be the one who says "No you can't have popcorn" (at the movie theater because it was impromptu and we didn't smuggle in popcorn without GMO canola oil on it) "because it's GMO", loud enough for everyone around me to hear and not care...
私が精力的に、精力的に、積極的に、警戒していない限り、私の子供たちは時間の経過とともにGM食品に傷つけられます。何千人ものお母さんがこれを手に入れ、同じように感じることを知っています。それはエキサイティングですよね? 「F it」と言ってGMOを禁止するニュージーランドやペルーに移動したいだけではありませんか?
Can you just NOT BELIEVE what a twilight zone of a mess our country is in right now? I hate to say this because it seems so un-American. I want to shake myself and wake up. I want to be able to eat at a restaurant and not feel like crap for two days afterwards. I want be able to send my kids to school with 3 dollars and say "Sure, buy lunch today". I want to be able to go to parties and smile authentically at the host and thank her and accept the cake, but that is not going to happen now. Not because I can't, because I could do all of those things, I just choose not to.
We have a choice but many don't. They don't know what they don't know. They are eating GMOs and wondering why the hell they can't loose the weight or why their autistic kid is not responding to therapy. Everybody, teachers, librarians, parent friends, bankers are all trying to give our kids GMO candy or sweets as rewards. They just don't know...and not only do they not know they are literally having the freedom to choose their food taken from them by not being told what is in their food. What is truly American is to have faith in the people. That's what our founding fathers did a couple hundred years ago and that's what this movement of mothers is doing now.
So as Moms, as exhausted and mad as we are, I invite us all to channel that energy, that relentless vigilance and tireless love for our children, to share. Share everyday, and in every way you can imagine as an act of generosity for fellow Moms and as an investment in the future of America. We are the ones. There is no one else that is going to swoop down from the sky and fix this for us. This is our country and our kids and it's up to us. We just need to shift from what's bad and wrong to what's possible...
自分の怒りを煮詰めるのではなく、愛の場所からすべてのママの友人と共有するなら、子供たちに何が可能でしょうか?今、それは私たちがアメリカで必要とする一種のリーダーシップです。あなたがそれぞれ10ママと共有し、映画の夜を過ごし、それぞれが5と共有したとします。5はすべて5と共有し、彼らは5ママと共有しました。 1,270ママがGMOについて知り、家族の食べ物を自由に選択できるようにすることに対して個人的に責任を持つ。その倍の100千人のママ(州ごとにたった2000)で、127百万人以上のママに自由をもたらしました。これは、消費者がGMOを拒否し、食品製造業者の利益を5%失うために必要な転換点をはるかに超えています。これは、食品メーカーに非遺伝子組み換えへの切り替えを促すでしょう。 7月 4 への行進にサインアップし、GMO情報チラシをあなたのホールタウンと一度に共有することで、私たちは全国でその転換点同時に引き起こします!
ほとんど4月 2013であり、惑星は大規模な変化を遂げています。この変容には多くの側面があり、最終的には、私たちと集団レベルの人類が一緒になって、グローバルな変化の基本的な構成要素を実現するようになる必要があります。
夫は先日、「The SIXTIES:Years of Hope、Days of Rage」という古着の本をくれました。私たちはそれらの時代をいろいろな方法で模倣しているように思えます...彼らは女性の反乱を起こした「匿名」のような「いたずら」を持ち、バンダナ・シヴァのようにグロリア・スタインメンを持ちました。彼らには戦争があり(今日は同じ化学会社のモンサントが関与しています)、プロップ37で行ったようなコミュニティグループの会合やOccupy Wall Streetのような抗議がありました。 Facebookの投稿から、変容、意識変化、日々上昇しているエネルギーについて語っていますが、それはヒッピーなものでも変なものでもないということです。それは本当です...私たちはもっともっと大きなものを求めています私たちの誰もがイメージできるものとは異なります。
50から60への社会の大きな変化を考えてください。巨大。 50代の平均的な人は、帽子、おそろいの靴、プリム財布、手袋を身に着けたサクサクしたスーツや主婦で、信じられない思いで笑い飛ばしたり、60の...長い髪、ベルボトムの着用、自由にポット喫煙、そしておそらく配偶者を交換する。再び60のために戦うべきだと言っているわけではありませんが、マーケティングと広告から生まれた50年代の基準と理想と、食品システムについて現在持っている基準と理想の間には相関があると言っています。 。私たちには役に立たない食事の方法として「販売」されてきました。この広告は人々の栄養ではなく、最大の利益のために洗脳されています。私たちの前に自由があります。私たちが上昇し、つながり、庭を作り、自分の食べ物を育て、愛と力を与えて集まり、それが私たちの世界を変えます。クールなことは、今回は脇の下を剃ることができるということです。
When I think about the food revolution that we are up to causing, my energy comes back. I can set aside my resentment for the President. I shift my focus to the new and amazing relationships that are being created from this movement. Like my new friend Monica and her daughter Alicia, the 6 year old who is petitioning the Girl Scouts to make NON GMO cookies, that I only met because of this movement. I get inspired by my kids who want to write letters to Monsanto's employees telling them what they are doing. My heart fills with joy and awe when I get calls from across the USA and even from other parts of the world, saying "We support you, keep going". Then I want to weep tears of gratitude, fulfillment and wonder at the amazing resilience and generosity of the human spirit.
Moms Across America are OUTRAGED at the callousness of our government to pass the Monsanto Protection Act with no thought for our children and citizens of America. This is a sad time for many Moms who supported Obama. It is unfathomable to us that Michelle, who has spoken up about organic gardening and children's health would also tolerate her husband's choice. Our President, Congress and Senate have given immunity from law to a company from being held accountable for any harm that comes to people or the planet from their toxic chemicals. What happened to integrity in America?
They also gave Monsanto the ability to plant any kind of GMO seeds they want to. And no court, the exact wording is "nothing shall override" them. We know now that Monsanto was part of drafting this new rider and that our government is really not for the people and by the people but is, officially, a Corporatocracy. I did not want to admit this for a long time and I try to stay out of politics because I want Moms of all parties to feel welcome to join our united cause. But this is political too and I need to voice for Moms every where, that we have lost faith in our government this week. We have lost faith in the future if left in the hands of those who control Big Pharmaceutical, Bayer, Astra Seneca and Phizer Pharmaceutical -parent company of Monsanto, who make the pesticides and herbicides AND the drugs to make us feel better, and Big Agriculture (the same companies + DuPont). We have lost faith in a system that we put into place a couple hundred years ago and really see no way out of in the near future.
So what do we do? Hide and cry? No. When a Mom senses her child is at risk, which they are...their health issues like allergies, autism and auto immune diseases have been skyrocketing, we research more and we take action. A new article on bi polar disorders in our children shows a 456% increase since GMOs were introduced. The same symptoms, unrest, discontent, sudden outburts of aggression and inability to focus, have all be shown in pigs who eat GMO feed as well. As Moms with common sense we are OUTRAGED that food is hurting our kids and the one thing we see we can do to take action is put the largest distributor of GMO food on NOTICE that we will not be buying anything from their store until they label GMOs and have GMO free options- WALMART.
私たちは、お金であ最大のツールと、愛である最大の力で行動しなければなりません。この通知を10人と共有し、5と共有し、5と共有し、それらの人が5と共有する場合、Walmartで買い物をしないことを約束する1270人に責任があります。週に$ 200ドルX年に52週、これは
$ 13百万208あなたが個人的にGMO Foodsの最大の販売業者に行かないようにする千ドル。
アメリカのGMOムービーナイト3月 30
あなたがこれを読んでいるなら、おそらくGMOについてすでに知っているでしょうが、おそらく、あなたは、彼らがしたくない、またはしたくないように見える多くの友人や家族も持っているでしょう。楽しい方法で彼らと共有し、GMOムービーナイトを土曜日の夜3月 30, に2週間でアメリカ全土で開催し、GMO無料スナックをご自宅でお楽しみください。
ここにあります。それは他の人次第ではありません。彼らは彼らの食料品店、主流のテレビニュースまたは医者からのGMOについて知りません。これらのチャネルはすべて、化学薬品、除草剤、農薬を製造するバイエル、アストラセンカシンジェンタ、ファイザーファーマシューティカルアップジョン(モンサントの親会社)などの製薬会社の影響を大きく受けています。これらの非常に収益性の高い化学物質は、家畜や私たちが食べる食品に散布され、病気にかかった場合、食料品店、医師、テレビ広告で「私たちを良くする」ために販売する非常に有益な薬も作りますBig Bang TheroyとNightly Newsの間。これらのチャネルの誰も、GMOの健康上のリスクについて友人に話そうとはしません。たとえば、Fox Newsの2人の記者を試した数人が解雇されました。 (アメリカのYou Tubeチャンネル全体で私のママを参照してください)
So it's up to us to share with them. And it's not hard. All it takes is sending out an email, or if you want to get fancy, an evite. If you really want it to be successful, call your friends. Say or write "I am inviting you to share a very special and important evening together. Please come and view a movie with me about food and health. This is the most important thing you can do."
Have ten people to your home and just show Robyn O'Brien's 18 minute Ted Talk " Patriotism on a Plate" if you just want to get their feet wet. Show the ten minute version of Genetic Roulette on YouTube if they want more. Or to go for the whole enchilada, show the full version of Genetic Roulette available at www.geneticroulette.com. When you have just 10 people over and show them this movie, they will get it. They will also be compelled to share with their family and friends. If they only share with 5 people and those 5 only share with 5 and all of those 5 only share with 5 people...you will be personally responsible for informing 1270 people about GMO's in your town!!! Most likely hundreds or thousands more!
アメリカ全土で土曜日3月 30 にGMOムービーナイトがあり、何十万人もの人々がGMOについて知っていると想像しください。
Why 3月 30? It's two weeks away. Just enough time to invite people and have it be soon enough so that the time is now. You know what happens when we procrastinate...it just doesn't happen. It is also Easter weekend and alot of you will be with your family. Bring the movie, let them know "Hey Saturday night let's all get together and watch this movie about health that I have. I love you guys and it's really important that we watch this together." If they don't want to watch a whole movie , show Robyn O'Briens 18 minute version on YouTube. Insist on it in a loving way.
また、私はこれを言うことさえためらっていますが、正直なところ、私の個人的な副メモは私の誕生日です。 GMOについて知りたいのは、何十、何十万人の人たちだけです。多くの人が私にメールを送ってくれて、GMOについての認識を高め、ラベルを付けるために全国的なイベントを企画ていることに感謝しています。まったく必要ありませんが、ありがたいです。事は、私はやむを得ない、私は何があってもこれをやるだろうということです。しかし...私に感謝し、映画の夜をホストすることによってこの運動へのあなたのサポートを表現することができます!あなたはこれを行うことができます!あなたは映画の夜をホストすることであなたの家族を愛することができます!映画の夜を開催することで、友達との絆を深めることができます!本当に楽しいです。
I had a GMO Free Potluck Party and showed Robyn O'Briens video and Genetic Roulette ten minute version to 30 people. Everyone brought some food and met new people...you know that awesome feeling you have when your friend from forever meets your new friend and they hit it off like gang busters? It's just that all night long. People left with a whole new view, shocked but also inspired and empowered. Most importantly, they felt connected with people.
Now, what you might be thinking is that people are going to think you are some weird radical activist. That it's not normal to have people over to watch a movie over about food or "issues". You are right it's not normal. But what is happening with our food is radical. We have a foreign protein in 70% of our food and most people don't know about it. If you can set aside your concern for what people are going to think about you and focus on your commitment to them, like..that they are healthy and that they are informed to make their own choice, if you come from that, than nothing you can say or do is weird. Inviting people over to watch a movie about health and food is one of the most loving things you can do. Most people see food as love. So have a conversation about food and love. The time is now. It doesn't matter what your house looks like or if you have a lot of snacks. They will be so moved, touched and inspired by what you show them that nothing else will matter except the love you share.
3月 30でGMOムービーナイトを開催しますか?