に Our Moms Survey: Your Family's Health
Read these real results from real Moms from our ママ調査. No scientific peer reviewed publishing needed, just some Moms willing to share their reality.
"My son just entered high school and his new teachers cannot even tell that he used to have severe autism symptoms. All I did differently was feed him organic food for the past two years, and I am a single Mom and make 40K, so it's not easy but it's that important. Even after two weeks of going organic my Dad saw his behavior changes and thought I had given him a new drug. I said, "Nope, no drugs, just organic food." Avoiding GMOs is the best thing I have done for my son, his life is totally different now."- Cindy RI.
"My son was diagnosed with asthma. We went organic and he went from being on a nebulizer 3xs a day to zero asthma. I lost 13 pounds, doing NOTHING else different, just eating organic only." Karen L.TX
"My son had a rash around his mouth now and then but since getting off GMOs he doesn’t have that problem any more. My daughters tummy used to puff out after meals and she’d get a belly ache. She doesn’t get those after meals since we went off GMOs. I used to feel like my skin was crawling but I don’t get that anymore since being off GMOs." Laurie O. WA
I had an auto immune diseases for 8 years. I was on different medications for it and actually had surgery for it. It was a living nightmare. I took GMOs almost completely out of my diet 8 months ago and the symptoms are gone! Some of my family think I'm crazy for posting so many food posts about GMOs but I know first hand how devastating the effects are. Doctors said there is no cure for my disease. I found the cure...stop eating GMOs!!!!- Morgan M.
( Before going GMO Free) "I had, depression, myofacial pain syndrome, constipation, chronic pain, atrial fibrillation.weight gain food cravings. My mom Parkinson’s Disease, obesity, depression, lots of surgery. My dad died of colon cancer, he ate white bread all of his life with Coke as his main beverage. My Husband, Barret’s Disease, weight gain after age 50 around the middle with back pain, swelling in feet and ankles. Our son, pimples, adhd type symptoms, that I would not medicate him for. Sleepiness and lack of energy. Real food real health." - Ellen B. Oregon
"My husband was in the hospital 5 times last year Doctors wanted to remove part of his intestine because it was so infected instead doctors pumped him full of antibotics for a week when he got out of hospital I changed his diet and all our family food choices to NON- GMO foods WOW what a diffrence he’s doing great and food never tasted so good! I will march sign petitions anything to reclaim our healthy labeled food choices. God Speed JUST SAY NO TO GMO’S ….MAAM! "-Rhonda B.
Share your reality today: http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/moms_survey
私たちはアメリカが大好きです。私たちはこの国の子供たちと素晴らしい人々を愛し、いつか子供たちの将来の配偶者を愛することを知っています。彼らが健康であることを望んでいます。未来の世代のために、そしてアメリカ人としての自由に対する私たちの権利のために、私たちは今すぐGMO LABELINGを要求します!また、アメリカ人、CDC、およびFDAを保護することになっている機関に、すぐにテストを要求します。今日私たちの請願書に署名し、この請願書とブログをあなたが知っているすべての人と共有してください。
現在の食品業界の混乱にもかかわらず、美しく強力なものが出現しています。健康な未来と私たちの食べ物を選択する自由のために声を上げることによって私たち全員が作り出しているつながりは、アメリカをより強くしています。 Holistic Moms Networkの創設者兼エグゼクティブディレクターであるNancy Massottoに連絡する特権と名誉がありました。 Holistic Moms NetworkはMoms Across Americaと提携して、GMOの認知度を高め、Mothers Across Americaについての言葉を広めています。そうすることで、ホリスティックママのことをよりよく知ることができます。なんて素晴らしい組織であり、力強い女性でしょう!
10年前にHolistic Momsネットワークを始めたとき、あなたの意図は何でしたか?
Nancy Massotto is the Founder and Executive Director of the ホリスティックママズネットワーク and mother to two boys. She founded the Holistic Moms Network to meet other parents who shared her passions for living healthy and living sustainably, and to help raise awareness about natural living options. Before becoming a mom, she completed three graduate degrees, including a Ph.D. in political science, specializing in gender studies and feminist theory and spent several years working for non-profit research institutes, including the Women’s Research and Education Institute (WREI) and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), while residing in the Washington, D.C. area. As a mom and community leader, she is dedicated to empowering women, supporting mothers, and raising her two sons as naturally and sustainably as possible.
Twitter: @HolisticMomsNet, @HMNMama
YouTube: HMNNational
There is an uprising happening in America. It's not visible like in Europe where they are tearing up crops and being dragged away from protests in Hazmat suits.... in America the uprising is in kitchens and coffee shops and on the internet. Moms who once found their lives exhausting are now waking at 6 am automatically and posting everything they can about GMOs. They are spending money from their savings to start a ballot initiative for their state and learning the ins and out of politics that they once abhorred. They are doing radio shows and sharing their rage with thousands. People are MAD. Moms are LIVID. The recent reports, there seem to be a new ones every day now, are so many that if you don't scan Facebook for two hours you are out of the loop...and these reports now show categorically that GMOs are dangerous, not only to our health but to the environment and our economy. This is something I knew in my bones as soon as I saw Robyn O'Brien's TedX Talk "Patriotism on a Plate" and Jeffrey M. Smith's movie Genetic Roulette, but my brain did not have proof of human harm on paper until just these past few weeks. See here for many of those reports.
はい、すべてCAPSで、すべてが叫びます。彼らはMADです。 69,000人が5月 25, と9,000の「March Against Monsanto」を気に入ったのは約1週間でした。人々は怒っています...そして怒っているよりも悪いです...私のような人々は裏切られたと感じます。
たとえば、Walmartは、従業員への給与を部分的に少なくすることで大きな利益を上げており、これらの労働者は、栄養価の低い安価な食品の購入に頼らなければなりません。ウォルマートや他の低賃金の従業員によるこれらの安価な食品の購入による大きな農業の利益。いわゆる食物で病気になったとき、彼らはビッグ・ファーマシューティカルズからの薬物に支払うために残した収入を莫大に支払わなければなりません。 Big Mediaは、Big Agの除草剤と殺虫剤を製造するBig Pharmaceuticalsが支払いを行う医薬品の商業広告を運営していますが、これらはまったく同じものです。彼らは一緒にホワイトハウスと大政府を運営します。この利益の輪を継続するために、すべての法律が賛成で書かれていることを支払う。
Especially as Mom, I love our freedoms, our opportunities, the fact that we are not at war with another country on our homeland and our children are mostly safe...but now with GMOs in every school, church gathering, birthday party and scout outing...I feel like they are being attacked by food and our government knows this and lets it happen. My faith in our country is deeply shaken...and our food is slowly and literally killing us. ( I say this in reference to Dr. Huber's report, see link in first paragraph, that it has been discovered that soy has a new pathogen which causes birth defects and miscarriages in animals AND humans and we now have the lowest recorded birth rate in history. These are our BABIES.)
Unless I fight the status quo, be the one who doesn't have her kids sit down and eat the pizza at the bowling party, be the one who says "No you can't have popcorn" (at the movie theater because it was impromptu and we didn't smuggle in popcorn without GMO canola oil on it) "because it's GMO", loud enough for everyone around me to hear and not care...
私が精力的に、精力的に、積極的に、警戒していない限り、私の子供たちは時間の経過とともにGM食品に傷つけられます。何千人ものお母さんがこれを手に入れ、同じように感じることを知っています。それはエキサイティングですよね? 「F it」と言ってGMOを禁止するニュージーランドやペルーに移動したいだけではありませんか?
Can you just NOT BELIEVE what a twilight zone of a mess our country is in right now? I hate to say this because it seems so un-American. I want to shake myself and wake up. I want to be able to eat at a restaurant and not feel like crap for two days afterwards. I want be able to send my kids to school with 3 dollars and say "Sure, buy lunch today". I want to be able to go to parties and smile authentically at the host and thank her and accept the cake, but that is not going to happen now. Not because I can't, because I could do all of those things, I just choose not to.
We have a choice but many don't. They don't know what they don't know. They are eating GMOs and wondering why the hell they can't loose the weight or why their autistic kid is not responding to therapy. Everybody, teachers, librarians, parent friends, bankers are all trying to give our kids GMO candy or sweets as rewards. They just don't know...and not only do they not know they are literally having the freedom to choose their food taken from them by not being told what is in their food. What is truly American is to have faith in the people. That's what our founding fathers did a couple hundred years ago and that's what this movement of mothers is doing now.
So as Moms, as exhausted and mad as we are, I invite us all to channel that energy, that relentless vigilance and tireless love for our children, to share. Share everyday, and in every way you can imagine as an act of generosity for fellow Moms and as an investment in the future of America. We are the ones. There is no one else that is going to swoop down from the sky and fix this for us. This is our country and our kids and it's up to us. We just need to shift from what's bad and wrong to what's possible...
自分の怒りを煮詰めるのではなく、愛の場所からすべてのママの友人と共有するなら、子供たちに何が可能でしょうか?今、それは私たちがアメリカで必要とする一種のリーダーシップです。あなたがそれぞれ10ママと共有し、映画の夜を過ごし、それぞれが5と共有したとします。5はすべて5と共有し、彼らは5ママと共有しました。 1,270ママがGMOについて知り、家族の食べ物を自由に選択できるようにすることに対して個人的に責任を持つ。その倍の100千人のママ(州ごとにたった2000)で、127百万人以上のママに自由をもたらしました。これは、消費者がGMOを拒否し、食品製造業者の利益を5%失うために必要な転換点をはるかに超えています。これは、食品メーカーに非遺伝子組み換えへの切り替えを促すでしょう。 7月 4 への行進にサインアップし、GMO情報チラシをあなたのホールタウンと一度に共有することで、私たちは全国でその転換点同時に引き起こします!
ほとんど4月 2013であり、惑星は大規模な変化を遂げています。この変容には多くの側面があり、最終的には、私たちと集団レベルの人類が一緒になって、グローバルな変化の基本的な構成要素を実現するようになる必要があります。
夫は先日、「The SIXTIES:Years of Hope、Days of Rage」という古着の本をくれました。私たちはそれらの時代をいろいろな方法で模倣しているように思えます...彼らは女性の反乱を起こした「匿名」のような「いたずら」を持ち、バンダナ・シヴァのようにグロリア・スタインメンを持ちました。彼らには戦争があり(今日は同じ化学会社のモンサントが関与しています)、プロップ37で行ったようなコミュニティグループの会合やOccupy Wall Streetのような抗議がありました。 Facebookの投稿から、変容、意識変化、日々上昇しているエネルギーについて語っていますが、それはヒッピーなものでも変なものでもないということです。それは本当です...私たちはもっともっと大きなものを求めています私たちの誰もがイメージできるものとは異なります。
50から60への社会の大きな変化を考えてください。巨大。 50代の平均的な人は、帽子、おそろいの靴、プリム財布、手袋を身に着けたサクサクしたスーツや主婦で、信じられない思いで笑い飛ばしたり、60の...長い髪、ベルボトムの着用、自由にポット喫煙、そしておそらく配偶者を交換する。再び60のために戦うべきだと言っているわけではありませんが、マーケティングと広告から生まれた50年代の基準と理想と、食品システムについて現在持っている基準と理想の間には相関があると言っています。 。私たちには役に立たない食事の方法として「販売」されてきました。この広告は人々の栄養ではなく、最大の利益のために洗脳されています。私たちの前に自由があります。私たちが上昇し、つながり、庭を作り、自分の食べ物を育て、愛と力を与えて集まり、それが私たちの世界を変えます。クールなことは、今回は脇の下を剃ることができるということです。
When I think about the food revolution that we are up to causing, my energy comes back. I can set aside my resentment for the President. I shift my focus to the new and amazing relationships that are being created from this movement. Like my new friend Monica and her daughter Alicia, the 6 year old who is petitioning the Girl Scouts to make NON GMO cookies, that I only met because of this movement. I get inspired by my kids who want to write letters to Monsanto's employees telling them what they are doing. My heart fills with joy and awe when I get calls from across the USA and even from other parts of the world, saying "We support you, keep going". Then I want to weep tears of gratitude, fulfillment and wonder at the amazing resilience and generosity of the human spirit.
私たちが薄暮地帯にいるように感じたことはありますか?今週、遺伝子組み換え食品の大惨事が私の頭を揺らしている。もしこの行進を計画していなかったら、ヨーロッパで活動している活動家の仲間入りをするかもしれません。私は怒っています。私は怒っているだけでなく、生き生きしています。今週、私たちの食べ物にとんでもない毒性があることを確認するために、誰かが私のMAAM Facebookサイトをハッキングしました。彼らは、私たちがGMOを見つけて共有していることを知っており、母親がビジネスのやり方に対する脅威であることを理解しています。良い。
1. Elizabeth Doughtery's Interview of Dr. Huber
NationBuilderにサインアップして、数十万人の行進者やボランティアをサポートできるサイトを作成できたことを嬉しく思います。私たちがアメリカで作ったテクノロジーとコミュニティはどれほど素晴らしいですか?? !!
知っている人とGMOについて共有することに関心、意欲、寛大さを感謝します。私たちの家族の健康、ラベリングの真実、将来の世代のための正義、そしてすべてのアメリカ人がGMOフリーを食べることを選択する自由のために行進するために7月 4 にあなたの近くのパレードに参加してくれてありがとう。
Zen HoneycuttとMAAMチーム
私たちのほとんどは、今後数か月以内に、より厳しい銃法を要求するでしょう。私たちの多くは、メンタルヘルスケアへのより大きなアクセスを求めています。それは、製薬会社にとっては喜びの源となるでしょう。製薬会社は、すべての子供を麻薬にしたいと思っていますが、それは解決策ではありません。多くの人はsc笑するかもしれませんが、私たちが誰であるか、どのように振る舞うか、ストレス状況への反応に対する解決策は、ほとんどの場合私たちの食べ物です。 「私たちは私たちが食べるものです」は文字通り真実です。
You may want to argue that feeding kids soda, chips and fast food is nothing compared to a kid with a chemical imbalance. Not your kid. A few sodas and chips won't hurt... parents are not that bad guys! Some kids are just born with serious chemical imbalances and that's that.
いくつかのケースでは、それは真実かもしれません。私は脳科学者ではありません。私はしかし、私は1つを見たときに警官の匂いを嗅ぐことができる母です。私たちはもはや、暴力的な行動を遺伝学や化学的不均衡にチョークアップすることはできません。研究では、遺伝子組み換え食品は、DNAに農薬を内包するバクテリアを挿入することにより、1つの遺伝子を独立して変更するだけではないことが示されています。外来タンパク質の強制は、その生物における予測不可能な、予測不可能な、制御不能な突然変異を引き起こします。そして、その情報を取り込むと、DNAに転送されます。 *
また、牛乳中のRBGHウシ成長ホルモンの研究を通じて、遺伝子組み換え食品がホルモンバランスに影響を与えることもわかっています。ホルモンのバランス、アレルギー、炎症はすべて、身体を外来侵入者の防御に作用させ、コルチゾールを生成し、化学的不均衡に影響を与えます。 。それを解明するのに科学的な研究は必要ありません。
"An astute medical detective, Dr. Stitt looked for hypoglycemia, food allergies, adrenal gland fatigue, heavy metal accumulation, and B vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies. She knew these five problems led to distortions of thinking and decision--making. When these were addressed the results were astounding: Even though it is common for over half of arrestees to be drug dependent and for recidivism rates to be as high as 77% - over 80% of her probationers stayed out of the criminal justice system during the last twelve of her 20 years of work in Ohio. The Wall Street Journal featured her success in a front-page story titled "Can Chocolate Turn You Into a Criminal? Some Experts Say So" 6月 2, 1977. Numerous scientific studies have also found high success rates of probationers staying out of crime, including CARA's own program in the Sacramento County Drug Court, wherein (over a 10 year period) 87% of the addicts were successful in staying free of addiction - saving the County $22-million in the process helping thousands of people have happier, successful lives.
Barbara Reed Stitt eventually turned her focus to prevention, reaching out to schools in the hope of changing the future for students and for society that suffered from the consequences of their biochemical imbalances. For 16 years, beginning in 1983, Dr. Stitt and her husband underwrote a 'school healthy eating program'. They owned an all-natural whole grain bakery and provided whole grain bagels and a flax drink high in omega-3 that was given to students in 30 - 40 different classrooms each morning and afternoon in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota. They provided newsletters each month teaching teachers, parents, and students about healthy eating. After 6 - 8 weeks of the healthier foods they required the teachers to hold a 'junk food day' when the students returned to eating as they were doing before starting the program. Repeatedly, the teachers found that after about two hours of eating the typical donuts, sweet rolls, and other 'junk foods,' the teachers lost control of their classrooms. The parents reported the children were more argumentative and had trouble sleeping and behaving. One teacher who was in the program for 12 years followed up with her students who were in college and found that the experience had a lasting influence on their lives and their ability to better learn and concentrate.
In 1999 ( note, this is after GMOs were put into food supply) they were invited to provide the foods for Wisconsin's Appleton Central Alternative High School, which was so out of control they had a full-time police officer on staff! The Stitts replaced soda machines and refined and processed, sugar-artificial-color-corn syrup-laden cafeteria food with water and wholesome fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Within less than two months of being provided with healthier foods, the school had NO discipline problem. The high school students' behavior changed dramatically and was so consistently good the Superintendent extended the wholesome foods to the entire school system of 15,000 students. While the high school drop-out rate was considered fairly low at an average of 450 students per year, after two years this number had dropped to an average of 16 per year! (See the 5-year story on a 14 minute DVD - "Impact of Fresh Whole Foods on Learning and Behavior" - www.naturalpress.info or [email protected]"
だから、Newtown CTの余波で、今日あなたの子供を抱きしめ、彼らを大事にし、あなたが彼らに与えているものをパントリーで見てください。高果糖コーンシロップ、食用色素、防腐剤、トウモロコシおよび大豆成分中のGMO、高度加工食品、揚げ物および砂糖の多い食品はすべて、身体に化学的な不均衡を引き起こし、必要な重要なタンパク質、栄養素、ビタミンおよびミネラルを身体から奪います身体的および精神的にバランスが取れている。をすべきかを政府に伝えるのではなく(しかし、それをお願いします)、私たちは自分の家族に目を向け、彼らに与えているものに責任を持つ必要があります。
食物と行動に関するPTAに話しかけます。バーバラ・スティットを引用。 「ジェネティックルーレット」のジェフリースミスを引用してください。
Offer a solution like http://revfoods.com/our-food/.