


私たちのほとんどは、今後数か月以内に、より厳しい銃法を要求するでしょう。私たちの多くは、メンタルヘルスケアへのより大きなアクセスを求めています。それは、製薬会社にとっては喜びの源となるでしょう。製薬会社は、すべての子供を麻薬にしたいと思っていますが、それは解決策ではありません。多くの人はsc笑するかもしれませんが、私たちが誰であるか、どのように振る舞うか、ストレス状況への反応に対する解決策は、ほとんどの場合私たちの食べ物です。 「私たちは私たちが食べるものです」は文字通り真実です。




You may want to argue that feeding kids soda, chips and fast food is nothing compared to a kid with a chemical imbalance. Not your kid. A few sodas and chips won't hurt... parents are not that bad guys! Some kids are just born with serious chemical imbalances and that's that.

いくつかのケースでは、それは真実かもしれません。私は脳科学者ではありません。私はしかし、私は1つを見たときに警官の匂いを嗅ぐことができる母です。私たちはもはや、暴力的な行動を遺伝学や化学的不均衡にチョークアップすることはできません。研究では、遺伝子組み換え食品は、DNAに農薬を内包するバクテリアを挿入することにより、1つの遺伝子を独立して変更するだけではないことが示されています。外来タンパク質の強制は、その生物における予測不可能な、予測不可能な、制御不能な突然変異を引き起こします。そして、その情報を取り込むと、DNAに転送されます。 *

また、牛乳中のRBGHウシ成長ホルモンの研究を通じて、遺伝子組み換え食品がホルモンバランスに影響を与えることもわかっています。ホルモンのバランス、アレルギー、炎症はすべて、身体を外来侵入者の防御に作用させ、コルチゾールを生成し、化学的不均衡に影響を与えます。 。それを解明するのに科学的な研究は必要ありません。


"An astute medical detective, Dr. Stitt looked for hypoglycemia, food allergies, adrenal gland fatigue, heavy metal accumulation, and B vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies. She knew these five problems led to distortions of thinking and decision--making. When these were addressed the results were astounding: Even though it is common for over half of arrestees to be drug dependent and for recidivism rates to be as high as 77% - over 80% of her probationers stayed out of the criminal justice system during the last twelve of her 20 years of work in Ohio. The Wall Street Journal featured her success in a front-page story titled "Can Chocolate Turn You Into a Criminal? Some Experts Say So" 6月 2, 1977. Numerous scientific studies have also found high success rates of probationers staying out of crime, including CARA's own program in the Sacramento County Drug Court, wherein (over a 10 year period) 87% of the addicts were successful in staying free of addiction - saving the County $22-million in the process helping thousands of people have happier, successful lives.
Barbara Reed Stitt eventually turned her focus to prevention, reaching out to schools in the hope of changing the future for students and for society that suffered from the consequences of their biochemical imbalances. For 16 years, beginning in 1983, Dr. Stitt and her husband underwrote a 'school healthy eating program'. They owned an all-natural whole grain bakery and provided whole grain bagels and a flax drink high in omega-3 that was given to students in 30 - 40 different classrooms each morning and afternoon in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota. They provided newsletters each month teaching teachers, parents, and students about healthy eating. After 6 - 8 weeks of the healthier foods they required the teachers to hold a 'junk food day' when the students returned to eating as they were doing before starting the program. Repeatedly, the teachers found that after about two hours of eating the typical donuts, sweet rolls, and other 'junk foods,' the teachers lost control of their classrooms. The parents reported the children were more argumentative and had trouble sleeping and behaving. One teacher who was in the program for 12 years followed up with her students who were in college and found that the experience had a lasting influence on their lives and their ability to better learn and concentrate.

In 1999 ( note, this is after GMOs were put into food supply) they were invited to provide the foods for Wisconsin's Appleton Central Alternative High School, which was so out of control they had a full-time police officer on staff! The Stitts replaced soda machines and refined and processed, sugar-artificial-color-corn syrup-laden cafeteria food with water and wholesome fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Within less than two months of being provided with healthier foods, the school had NO discipline problem. The high school students' behavior changed dramatically and was so consistently good the Superintendent extended the wholesome foods to the entire school system of 15,000 students. While the high school drop-out rate was considered fairly low at an average of 450 students per year, after two years this number had dropped to an average of 16 per year! (See the 5-year story on a 14 minute DVD - "Impact of Fresh Whole Foods on Learning and Behavior" - www.naturalpress.info or [email protected]"

だから、Newtown CTの余波で、今日あなたの子供を抱きしめ、彼らを大事にし、あなたが彼らに与えているものをパントリーで見てください。高果糖コーンシロップ、食用色素、防腐剤、トウモロコシおよび大豆成分中のGMO、高度加工食品、揚げ物および砂糖の多い食品はすべて、身体に化学的な不均衡を引き起こし、必要な重要なタンパク質、栄養素、ビタミンおよびミネラルを身体から奪います身体的および精神的にバランスが取れている。をすべきかを政府に伝えるのではなく(しかし、それをお願いします)、私たちは自分の家族に目を向け、彼らに与えているものに責任を持つ必要があります。




食物と行動に関するPTAに話しかけます。バーバラ・スティットを引用。 「ジェネティックルーレット」のジェフリースミスを引用してください。


Offer a solution like http://revfoods.com/our-food/.






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