この健康危機の原因となる環境問題から家族を守るために、私たちの家で毎日対策を講じることは国家安全保障の問題です。これが、Moms Across Americaで、健全な家族やコミュニティを作成するために実行できる情報、ソリューション、アクションでネットワークを強化するために日々努力している理由です。私たちの政府、ほとんどの食品メーカー、およびメディアは責任を負いません。強力でながりのある人々が積極的に私たちの食糧供給の中毒を永続させ、促進しているので、私たちは自分の手で問題を処理する必要があります。
から ハートランド健康研究アライアンス 記事:
A recently published paper by the Heartland Health Research Alliance (HHRA) written by a team led by the HHRA Executive Director Chuck Benbrook draws on multiple state and federal data sources in comparing the dietary risks stemming from pesticide residues in organic vs. conventionally grown foods. The new paper is entitled “Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Health by Lowering Dietary Risks” and was published by the European journal Agronomy. Benbrook was joined by co-authors Dr. Susan Kegley and Dr. Brian Baker in conducting the research reported in the paper.
Click here to listen to Food Integrity Now's interview with Dr. Charles Benbrook about his recent peer-reviewed study published In Agronomy entitled Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Heath by Lowering Dietary Risks.
- 有機農家は、被覆作物を植え、緑肥を栽培する可性がほぼ3倍高くなります。
- 従来の農場とは異なり、農薬は、害虫の損失を防ぐために有機農場で使用される唯一のツールではあり得ず、決してそうではありません。
- 害虫の問題を防ぐために生態系の管理に依存することが、近くの従来の方法で管理されているものと比較して、有機農場の唯一の最も重要な際立った特徴であるというケースを作ることができます。
- 残留農薬と生鮮食品中のそれらのリスクを減らすことは、有機への移行からもたらされる重要な社会的利益の1つであり、これは多くの消費者にとって最も懸念される利益です。
- The paper concludes that by converting the 1.2% of US cropland used to grow fruits and vegetables to organic production, the nation’s farmers could cut total pesticides dietary risk by a remarkable 98%.
We have a solution. A 98% reduction of exposure to toxic chemicals would drastically reduce our health issues in America. Studies show that 90% of childhood cancers are from environmental causes such as pesticides. What if a 98% reduction in exposure to toxins in the food that we consume daily resulted in just a 50% reduction in cancer and chronic illness? That would mean a savings of at least $1.5 trillion a year. A worthy investment to make.
But how could just the 1.2% of the vegetable and fruit cropland account for so much pesticide exposure? Consider data from the Pesticide Action Network that shows that an apple can have, on average, 47 different chemicals on it if it is not organic. This toxic treadmill of chemical cocktails is not sustainable, it is degenerative.
We can fund these farmers to convert to organic, even better, regenerative organic. We can prevent and reduce further loss of our loved ones. In 2020 the US government gave out $50 billion (typically $20 billion) in subsidies to farmers, predominantly growing GMO, synthetic chemically farmed, toxic crops. Requiring that those funds are used to convert to organic with regenerative practices in the coming years, even providing additional funds would be a worthy investment to prevent a catastrophe of human life. If we can give 10 trillion in bailouts to businesses and states because of COVID, we can support our farmers with at least 2 trillion to support their efforts to make our country healthier.
The United States health care costs in 2019, pre-COVID, totaled $3.8 trillion. For perspective, a million seconds = 12 days. A billion seconds = 36 years. A trillion seconds = 31,709 years. So 3.8 trillion would be 120,497 years or over 4,819 generations of human lives. We are spending more money on healthcare than is sustainable. We cannot afford to continue to allow toxins in our food supply and subsequently increase the health care costs of our nation. The costs could bankrupt us, diminish our global security and endanger democracy in America.
In the meantime, until our government takes action, if you have the means to invest in organic farming and the future of our great nation, please consider Iroquois Valley Farms REIT.
Moms Across America wishes to acknowledge and thank the Heartland Health Research Alliance team and urge our supporters to support their continued endeavors. You can donate to their research here.
Click here to send a quick letter to your Representatives and Senators to let them know they MUST take action, and CAN - with this stunning solution to reduce our pesticide consumption by 98% by having only the 1.2% of farmland that grows vegetable and fruit convert to organic.
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