


Zen Honeycuttによる記事、アメリカ中のママ8月 29, 2019ミッションヴィエホ、カリフォルニア州- モンサントトライアルから明らかになった新しいメール 7月に法律事務所Baum、Hedlund、Arestei、およびGoldmanによって公開記録に掲載されたモンサントの文化に対する不穏な視点が示されています。によるメール交換の焼Inc語 ダン・ゴールドスタイン、 モンサントの主な医学とアウトリーチ、著名な科学研究員および小児科医、 ブルースシャシー、イリノイ大学の教授、および ウェインオウム から ジョージア大学 言葉を含めて、 「愚かな母親」 そして  “そこにあります。それがあなたの敵です。それらからたわごとを打つと守備にそれらを置くと、この問題は発生しません。」 

The email exchange was focused on the “Open Letter to Monsanto” from our consumer group Moms Across America sent to the chemical company before the Independence Day parades in 2013, when we joined into parades for educational outreach about GMOs. The email exchange shows clear distress over the health accusations from our consumer group...predicting an ominous outcome: We are on our way to being corporate roadkill.” Goldstein was correct. He is no longer employed by Monsanto, and Monsanto has been purchased by Bayer.


As disturbing as the emails are, we are not completely surprised. Moms Across America, myself and my family have experienced character attacks, accusations, misogynisitic name calling, and aggression for years. Undoubtedly these attacks were by the "third party" these emails refer to, as part of Monsanto's Let Nothing Go program. Although we prefer not to expose and dwell on the negativity, and did not publicize the attacks we were experiencing at the time these emails were written, we are glad that the true nature of Monsanto’s employees and advisors is being exposed. The words "beat the sh** out of moms" were not just a laughable threat. Just five months after these emails, it was reported that Sofia Gatica, a mother in Argentina who lost one of her babies to pesticide poisoning while living near a GM/agrochemical farm, was beaten.

Sofia Gatica in Argentina recipient of the Goldman Environmental Foundation Award 

GM Watchが報告しました 2013の11月、「2人の男性が、今日コルドバのアコスタ地区でソフィアガティカを攻撃しました。彼女は職場から数メートル離れています。環境活動家のソフィアガティカが恐ろしい死の脅迫を受けてからわずか72時間、彼女の人生。"彼女は暴行について説明し、「ソフィアはアルゼンチンのマルビナスの新しいモンサント工場の建設に対して封鎖を進めている。封鎖は66日であり、無期限に続く。モンサントはそれに気づいたようだ」混乱。」ソフィアは辛抱強く勝ちました...モンサントの工場は放棄されましたが、世界中の多くの活動家や米国が脅迫され、嫌がらせを受け、ミラ・デ・ミールのように、 神秘的に死んだ.


このメールには、Monsanto / Bayerの評判を超えたいくつかの意味があります。


These emails reveal not only Monsanto’s and the University Professor's complete disregard for mothers, who buy 85% of the food, but a violent and misogynistic attitude that must not be tolerated in corporate America or our Universities. The public has a right to know that professors at the University of Illinois and Georgia have conspired with chemical corporations to protect the reputation of a chemical company rather than research the validity behind consumer health concerns. It has been revealed in the court documents that Bruce Chassy received $57,000 from Monsanto and did not disclose his financial relationship with Monsanto on state or university forms, demonstrating a clear conflict of interest. Documents further show that Chassy and the university directed Monsanto to deposit the payments through the University of Illinois Foundation, a body whose records are shielded from public scrutiny. The foundation also has the ability to take in private money and disburse it to an individual as a “university payment”-- exempt from disclosure. Loopholes like this make it clear that it is time for these universities to reassess their values, be transparent, and employ only trustworthy professors with a real concern for public health.


これらの電子メールはまた、危険な企業精神を示しており、GMO化学会社が慎重に規制されなければならない理由についてのさらなる証拠を提供します。しかし最近、トランプ大統領は、GMO企業が自社の製品をUSDAによって規制すべきかどうかを自己決定できるようにする新しいUSDAポリシーに署名しました。この保留中のUSDAポリシーの変更により、ドイツが所有するBayer / Monsanto、中国が所有するSyngenta / ChemChina、米国が所有するDow / DupontなどのGMOメーカーは、GMOテクノロジーに安全規制が必要かどうかを自分で決定できます。また、これらの企業は、野外テストプロットで製薬学的に設計された植物を栽培することができ、制御不能で不可逆的な花粉のドリフトと汚染のリスクを生み出します。これらの企業は食料供給を独占しています。新しいモンサントの電子メールは、GMOと化学会社の従業員の真の精神を暴露します。これは、公衆衛生を完全に無視します。 



These emails also show a complete disregard for mothers, consumers and children’s health. Ironically, Monsanto claims to “Feed the World” and has a mission stating, "We will deliver high-quality products that are beneficial to our customers and for the environment, through sound and innovative science, thoughtful and effective stewardship, and a commitment to safety and health in everything we do.” 

However, when our mother’s group wrote our Open Letter to Monsanto,  a clear request regarding the products they produce and that our families eat, a request that was backed up with source links, statistics, and science, their response was, let’s “beat the sh*t out of them” (“them” being “dumb mothers”) instead of a more appropriate response, such as: “Gentlemen, let’s look into this. We may have a problem, let’s fix this...let’s look at our products and reconsider their safety.”

In the email with the two University Professors, Goldstein acknowledges the progression of health issues claims over several years by saying, “This suggests a child health focus for the anti-GM campaigns in the future - or perhaps I should say it is confirmative as all three of us have watched the evolution in this direction over the past several years.” They knew that child public health was going to be a reputational and perhaps a product issue problem for years, and did nothing about it. They were not focused on growing food to nourish, support and feed the world, they were focused on growing their profits. Clearly these are not people we should trust to regulate our food.





  1. 母親をbeatるのは良くないだろう。
  2. 彼らは企業のロードキルに向かった。

しかし、このメールは、私が書いたモンサントへの公開書簡は「有機産業によって購入され、支払われた」と主張しています。その告発は完全に間違っています。当時、私はボランティアでした。 3年半の間、私は食料供給についての意識を高めるためのフルタイムの努力のために給料を受け取りませんでした。私たちが最初のパレードの時に受け取ったわずかな資金は、オーガニックを販売しているいくつかの会社からで、すべてはチラシ、バナー、Tシャツ、ボタン、ステッカーに行きました。さらに、当社の主要な資金提供者は現在、有機食品産業からではありません。母親は、食品の安全性について話すことを強いられていると感じるために「買われる」必要はありません。私たちがする必要があるのは、私たちの子供と家族を見ることだけです。


彼らは、お母さんもあまり注目されないだろうと推測しました。彼らはそれを間違えた。母親は食品の85%を購入し、パレードで行進し、他の多くの消費者グループの意識を高め始めて以来、Organic Trade Association(OTA)は次のように報告しています。 82%の世帯がオーガニックを定期的に購入しています.

After years of consumer pressure, General Mills is now instructing suppliers to no longer use glyphosate, Bayer/Monsanto's key product, as a drying agent on crops.


These emails reveal how important it is for the regulators to step in when corporations are not responsible. The EPA and USDA, agencies charged to protect public health and the environment, must actually regulate corporations and for the public to hold our Senators and Representatives to account for ensuring that the regulatory agencies do their jobs. Unfortunately the current administration, like many others , plans only to deregulate GMOs. Without political will, policies will not change and corporations will continue to pollute not only our food, water, and environment, but the integrity of our universities, educational systems, and government as well. As  we pass another comment period (9月 3, 2019) in which over 350,000 people commented in total on the glyphosate license renewal or denial process, which has lasted nearly a decade, one must wonder if our EPA will continue to cherry pick studies provided by companies such as Monsanto that churn out such hateful rhetoric and disregard for public health, or if they will consider the studies by independent scientists who get their papers peer reviewed.


The University of Georgia professor warned against remaining silent. “Rolling over and playing dead is not an option. Silence implies being guilty of everything you are accused of.” - Wayne Parrot

However, Monsanto chose not to respond to the letter Moms Across America sent asking Monsanto to change direction. Monsanto remained silent. It appears that they also remained silent about the gravity of their product problems when being acquired by Bayer, which has suffered severe reputational issues and loss of stock since the acquisition. They remained silent when they hired ghost writers and paid professors to take their side. They remained silent when their own studies revealed the harm their products were causing to the public. They remained silent when they found out that their products were carcinogenic and created infertility and many other health problems. Unfortunately, now, with documents such as these emails becoming public, their intentions are no longer silent - whether they like it or not. 



Zen Honeycuttは3人の男の子の母親であり、GMO、関連する毒素を避け、有機的になることで健康が劇的に改善しました。彼女はの著者です 止められない、最初の消費者の扇動者 アメリカのグリホサート試験プロジェクト、および設立エグゼクティブディレクター アメリカ中のママ。母親が問題を自分の手で扱うアメリカ全土の新しいイニシアチブの詳細をご覧ください。 アメリカの金本位のママ。


  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2019-09-04 19:21:15 -0400

