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息子の人生に対る恐怖と絶え間ない警戒の生活は、単に十分ではありませんでした。この力強い必読の本で、著者のZen Honeycuttは、深い研究、画期的な発見、そして癒しへの道の彼女の個人的な旅にあなたを連れて行きます。彼女はそれからあなた自身、あなたの家族、そして世界のために物事を変える方法を段階的にあなたに示します。


Screen_Shot_2018- 05-18 _at_8。32.17 _AM.png序文 止められない によって書かれた ジル・C・カーナハン、MD、ABFM、ABHM、機能医学の専門家、従来の農家の娘と乳がん、クローン病の生存者。

“As a functional medicine doctor, I’ve seen firsthand the increase in chronic conditions in this country. Allergies, autism, autoimmune disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes are undeniably on the rise. So much of what’s causing this phenomenon is the sheer number of chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis. In fact, I see environmental toxicity as the elephant in the room – the number one burden contributing to chronic disease.  Only through leveraging the accessibility of information can we fight against the onslaught of chemicals that are making us sick – and this is exactly what Zen Honeycutt’s book, 止められない, does."   Dr. Jill Carnahan



What people are saying about 止められない


禅について本当に高貴なのは、自分の家族を健康に保つ以上のことをする必要があるという彼女の認識です。彼女は、より多くの聴衆にメッセージを伝えるために、健康的な食物の擁護者になり、可能な限りあらゆる方法を試す必要がありました。彼女はできる限りのことをして、他の人が関与し、より多くの人々に食物の毒性に関する情報を広める手助けをするように奨励しました。彼女は、「Moms Across America」という組織を設立し、アドボカシーとメッセージングを支援しました。彼女は米国政府とモンサント社と直接対決し、ベルギーのモンサント法廷に参加し、母乳、ワクチン、カリフォルニアワインのグリホサート汚染をテストするための研究を開始しました。



“If you’re a dad like me, maybe you don’t see why eating clean is such a big deal. I was too busy with my career and didn't like people telling me what to eat. Also, it seemed impossible to join social gatherings around food such as the holidays or the kid's sporting and scouting events. I didn't want to rock the boat and liked playing it safe.



Over time, we started seeing the benefits of eating organic. Several years later, my son's allergies are nearly gone. I am now a big supporter of the mom’s movement against toxins of all kinds. It's a settled fact that my wife can see things I can’t. She helps me see that we are watching out not only our kids but for their future spouses, our grandkids, and the world they will inherit. In fact, she wrote a book about all of this and more called UNSTOPPABLE. You should check it out.” -- Todd Honeycutt, Dad Supporter


"Please, buy this book, read it, and pass it on to your friends and family!”  -- Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticide we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations with this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on flawed science and failed promises just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.  In her book ‘UNSTOPPABLE,’ Zen Honeycutt has masterfully parlayed the tragedy experienced from our diverted production of healthy food through the corruption of our agricultural system with genetic engineering to show how to rise above its damaging effects. She connects the dots between the modern changes in what we eat, the ubiquitous chemical contamination of our environment, and our well-being.   She has initiated an UNSTOPPABLE movement that supports this essential process of restoring health and provides the encouragement and support for each individual to become a vital part of this correction.   Her personal reflections and tidbits of encouragement throughout the book show how it can be done at all levels of society from the individual, family, community, nation and world.  As a reader you will want to join in to promote health and well-being at all levels.” – Don M. Huber, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University; COL (Retired) AUS-Medical Intelligence

"Inspiring, poignant, educational, courageous...Unstoppable is a must-read for anyone who is invested in the sustainability of the global food supply, as well as the health of future generations. Zen Honeycutt takes us on a journey of struggle and sickness to health and community empowerment. UNSTOPPABLE captures the undaunted reality that small ripples of change can truly change the tide of the health landscape." -- Tami Canal, founder of March Against Monsanto

"UNSTOPPABLE is a great read with the perfect balance of personal story, science, activism and ‘how to’ change our lives and the lives of those we love. Zen's honesty and transparency can inspire all of us to make a choice for our family's health and well- being while being compassionate with ourselves along the way.  This book reminded me that committed, passionate caring moves mountains and how each of can empower ourselves to be the change we want to see in our personal lives and the world.  It's a great read that most anyone would enjoy.  And I highly recommend it for parents, activists and Moms who, in the insane world we live in these days, may have forgotten how powerful they are.” -- Pamm Larry, Initial Instigator and Chief Rabble Rouser the Good Food Brigade

“As a parent, it’s easy to feel threatened by the toxins that have infiltrated our food and environment. Seemingly inexplicable illnesses are running rampant and hit close to home for all of us. In UNSTOPPABLE, Zen empowers you with knowledge to bravely embrace these challenges and move your loved ones towards greater health.” -- Vani Hari, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Food Babe Way

"UNSTOPPABLE is a labor and intelligence of love for Zen’s children and for the rest of us. She came across a world of disease and strange chemicals, even genetically engineered food. She educated herself by asking questions, talking to experts, challenging the government. Her book sheds light on our toxic environment, revealing the corruption behind the use of pesticides, GMOs and so many other technologies and realities that threaten our lives. Zen offers answers, in-tact, her book is a guide on how you can fight the toxic establishment. UNSTOPPABLE is timely and important. Read it." -- Evaggelos Vallianatos, Ph.D., former EPA analyst and author of Poison Spring

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­"UNSTOPPABLE offers well-documented information about GMOs and glyphosate that is critical for your family's health and the health of the planet. Bravo to Zen Honeycutt for her commitment, passion and love for her family which led her to take the lead in becoming an unstoppable mom and major healthy food activist.” -- Carol Grieve, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Founder of Food Integrity Now

“As owner and chef of an organic restaurant, I meet people every day who are struggling with the consequences of eating genetically modified foods. Their stories parallel Zen's journey as they desperately seek answers. Where Zen's story differs is that after this mom discovered the ugly truth behind her family's suffering, she decided to do something about it, not only for her own family but all across America. Unstoppable is Zen's immensely informative manifesto, movingly sharing her passage from desperate mother to determined activist, boldly calling out some of the worst culprits behind America's growing health crisis, and passionately making a timely and encouraging call to action. For anyone concerned about the health of our families and future generations, it's our manifesto, too.”  -- Saifon Plewtong, “The Healing Chef,” owner of True Seasons Organic Kitchen, founder of JesusHarvest.Life, co-founder of The Free Pantry





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During my career, I’ve had the pleasure of working with authors during both the writing and promoting process. I’ve seen books from idea to publication and been part of the process of would-be authors turning into well-received authors, speakers and experts in their field who ultimately impact more people than they could have imagined.  I love my work." -- Debbie Luican




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