MomsからMonsantoへの公開書簡-Moms Across America




Moms Across America are writing you because we have seen the health of our children improve when we remove genetically modified, or GM foods, from their diets. We know what scientists SAY, but we ask you to consider what Moms are SEEING.


•私たちの子供たちは、他の国の子供たちよりも健康面で劣っていると思います。違いは、食品の80%に遺伝子組み換え生物(GMO)が含まれていることです。 (1)

 •今日、GMOが導入されて以来、3 Amエリカンの子供のうち1は過体重または肥満です。 (2)

 •3 Amのエリカンの子供のうち1には、アレルギー、自閉症/ ADHD、喘息または自己免疫障害があります。 (3)。

 •私たちママは、子供たちを遺伝子組み換え作物から外し、有機食品を与えると、症状が消えるか劇的に改善することを実感しています。 (4)


 Do you or a staff member have a child with Autism? Do you know how difficult life is for that family? Do you see that the future and potential of an entire generation of children is being stolen from them because of the impact to their health from GMOs? Have you seen a child with a rash? Did you know that a rash on the outside of the body means inflammation in the stomach, which can lead to stomach cancer?

 We know your intentions were to feed the world. But countries around the world have rejected GM food.


 We know you want to help the world. We ask you to have the courage to acknowledge that GM practices and Roundup® are hurting our world. We have seen the recent and new scientific studies on the impact of GMOs and Glyphosate (5a) with links to autism, Alzheimers, food allergies, liver cancer, IBS, breast cancer in humans (6) and possibly mental  illness (5b) and we have witnessed the results firsthand in our kids. (7)

We have seen the scientific study showing  birth defects, miscarriages in pigs who ate GMO feed(8). And we personally have experienced far too many miscarriages and rise in struggles with infertility. We love our children, and want them to be healthy and to be able to have their own kids some day. Please stop and consider our plea.


The auto industry issues a recall when their product is suspected of causing harm. We ask you to recall Roundup® and cease GMO seed production until the consumption and long-term use of such products are proven safe.







Moms Across Americaの詳細と多数の研究については、当社のWebサイトをご覧ください。


Further information about Moms Across America and numerous studies can be found on our website

(1), Robyn O’Brien:

and Jeffrey M. Smith, “Genetic Roulette”:




(5a) Samsell and Seneff “Glyphosate and Modern Diseases”

(5b) Jeffrey M. Smith interview with MIT Dr. Stephanie Seneff on You Tube:

(6) Breast cancer – Dr. Thongprakaisang: Glyphosate Induces Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells:

(7) Moms, GMOs and Kids health:

(8) Dr. Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study:


アメリカ中のママ:6月 28, 2013


Moms Across Americaは、GMOの認知度を高めるために、

7月 4, 2013の米国。


 Press Contact Specified:Zen Honeycutt [email protected]




  • ルース
    このページをフォローしました 2016-09-27 14:13:22 -0400
  • ロレイン・マクゴーワン・ヴェネツィアーノ
    コメントした 2013-06-29 19:39:32 -0400
  • シンディ・セベテス
    コメントした 2013-06-28 16:55:03 -0400

