Moms Across Americaブログ


New Study: Mothers Transfer Genes via Gut Microbiome

A new study, by senior study author Ramnik Xavier of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard on the maternal human microbiome, provides support for what we have been saying for a decade; "Pregnant mothers need to eat organic food!"

Evidence of horizontal gene transfer between human maternal microbiome and infant gut microbiome

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Researchers have discovered a new mode of vertical mother-to-infant microbiome transmission, where microbes in the maternal gut shared genes with microbes in the infant gut during the perinatal period starting immediately before birth and extending through the first few weeks after birth. This horizontal gene transfer allowed maternal microbial strains to influence the functional capacity of the infant microbiome, in the absence of persistent transmission of the microbial strains themselves.

Such a large-scale integrative analysis, presented 12月 22 in the journal Cell, provides a series of high-resolution snapshots of gut colonization dynamics that influence infant development both before and after birth.

"This is the first study to describe the transfer of mobile genetic elements between maternal and infant microbiomes," says senior study author Ramnik Xavier of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. "Our study also, for the first time, integrated  and metabolomic profiles from both mothers and infants and discovered links between gut metabolites, bacteria and breastmilk substrates. This investigation represents a  into the co-development of infant gut microbiomes and metabolomes under the influence of known maternal and dietary factors."

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Pilot Speaks Out About On-Flight Vaccine Injury

Moms Across America is committed to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. Every day our network is a part of educational outreach to millions across the nation and around the world to improve the health of our local and national communities. 

The pilot community is directly responsible for the safety of over three million passengers a day in the United States. Their health is particularly important. Our loved ones are coming home for the holidays this week and next week. We expect them to arrive safely.

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Dr. William Davis: Reclaiming Lost Microbes and Youthfulness

Article by Carol Grieve', Food Integrity Now

I spoke with Dr. William Davis today, bestselling author of the Wheat Belly books, Undoctored and Super Gut, about reclaiming lost microbes and youthfulness. What does this mean? Let’s dig in further.

As we learned from my last interview with Dr. Davis on his book Super Gut, there are beneficial bacteria that our grandparents and ancestors had in their microbiomes that most of us do not have! Why is that? It is mostly because of the overuse of antibiotics that kill off pathogenic bacteria and beneficial bacteria, and due to the extensive amount of environmental toxins we encounter every day. The problem is that when certain stains are killed off, they’re gone. Herein lies the problem. These strains were highly essential for having things like deep restful sleep, restoration of youthful muscle and strength, increased collagen and moisture in our skin, increased libido, preservation of bone density, and even creating deeper levels of empathy and love.

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Increasing Concerns About Flying

I was invited to travel recently and fly cross-country for two work events. I used to love to travel, but the idea of being stuck in a metal container with intense Wifi bouncing around for hours, with hundreds of people, many of them potentially sick, has me very selective regarding my agreements. An additional concern was then added from a conversation at a dinner party. The subject of flying came up with the President of the US Freedom Flyers. An American Airlines pilot, 37-year-old Josh Yoder, informed me that the rates of disability in pilots at American Airlines increased 300% during the first six months of 2022.

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キャロル・グリーブによる記事とインタビュー 今の食品の完全性

We live in a time when it has never been more important to have a healthy immune system. Certainly, the last 2-1/2 years have taught us this. There will undoubtedly be more pandemics in the future. Did anyone notice that not one single major public health official took the step to tell us what we most needed to hear that robust good health is our best defense against infectious disease? Today, I spoke with Dr. Chris Chlebowski, author of ウイルスと宿主, his new book which shows us how to take control of our health and decrease susceptibility to infectious viral disease before it strikes.

The Virus and the Host, protect yourself from infectious disease by reducing toxicity, improving immunity, and minimizing chronic illness, Dr. Chlebowski offers practical and understandable information on viruses, protozoa, bacteria, parasites, and fungi and what each of those pathogens is and what they are not. He shares how viruses are different and what we are still learning about them. He also talks about some of the major toxins that wreak havoc on our immune system. He shares how chronic disease interacts and can predispose us to poor outcomes from acute viral infections, like Covid 19.

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あなたはおそらく見たことがあるでしょう 全国学校給食験プログラム その結果、 93.18テストされた 43 の学校給食サンプルの 93.18% がグリホサートに陽性であり、74% が他の有害な農薬に陽性であり、100% が神経毒性重金属、高レベルの動物用医薬品およびホルモンが検出され、低レベルの栄養素が検出されました。要するに、私たちが国の将来の指導者に与えている食糧はひどいものです.

30百万の GMO の食事が毎日子供たちに提供されており、多くの子供たちにとって、毎日学校で食べる朝食と昼食が唯一の食べ物です。彼らは、脳の発達、精神的健康、および身体機能をサポートまたは減少させる栄養について、連邦学校給食プログラムの品質と栄養密度にのみ依存しています.

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ママズ アクロス アメリカ プレミア




The distribution center Zen Noh Agriculture purchases hundreds of millions of pounds, over four billion US dollars worth of GMO and non-GMO grains annually, from American farmers and ships them to China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and South East Asia.

In other words, the Japanese government owns an outsized stake in the American midwest agriculture system. This is why American Presidents and corporations put enormous pressure on the Japanese government to accept our GMO grains sprayed with glyphosate. The Japanese government, in response to the US and Monsanto’s demands, drastically deregulated glyphosate. Japan’s allowable levels of glyphosate residues are as much as 95% higher than China’s. As a result, Monsanto’s and US grain products have had not only devastating health effects on the people living in Japan but on America as well.



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新しい MDS: 母親、医師、科学者 何が子供を病気にしているのでしょうか?

In case you missed it, on 10月 16, 2022, World Food Day, Regeneration International hosted a series of extraordinary interviews. 

One of them, The New MDS: Moms Doctors, and Scientists - What’s Making Our Children Sick?, according to Ronnie Cummings, director of the Organic Consumers Association, was one of the best interviews he has seen.

We hope you will watch and share this critical discussion hosted by Alexis Baden-Mayer that could alter America’s health and future and beyond. Click here to watch on Rokfin.

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最初に見たように Sustainable Pulse:

Indiana University School of Medicine researchers are learning more about the effects of herbicide exposure during pregnancy, finding glyphosate in 99 percent of the pregnant women they observed in the Midwest. In the study, published recently in Environmental Health, higher glyphosate levels were associated with lower birth weight and may also lead to higher neonatal intensive care unit admission risk.

This is the second small-scale study the researchers have conducted with significant findings. The team’s previous study, published in 2018, was the first study to confirm glyphosate in 93 percent of pregnancies which found associations with shortened pregnancies. Other recent studies have also confirmed their findings.

“Pesticide exposure in pregnancy, especially in early pregnancy, can imprint DNA and alter gene expression,” said Paul Winchester, MD, professor of clinical pediatrics and the study’s lead author. “But little is known about how these chemicals can impact fetal development in humans.”

「新生児学者として、肥満や妊娠糖尿病などの問題を抱えた母親だけでなく、低出生体重などの問題を抱えた乳児がますます増えています」とウィンチェスターは言いました. 「これらの除草剤がどのようにこれらの問題を引き起こしているのか、そしてそれらを防ぐために何ができるかを見つけるために、これらの除草剤を長期的に研究し続ける必要があります。」


この研究は、インディアナポリスの Franciscan Health、カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校、アーカンソー医科大学、キングス カレッジ ロンドン医科大学との共同作業でした。

Read the full article here.

2反応 シェア


アメリカでは、毎日 3,000 万個の遺伝子組み換えの学校給食が子供たちに提供されています。

43 の学校給食サンプルのテストは次のことを示しています:

  • 93学校給食の品目の % には、発がん性、内分泌かく乱性、および肝疾患の原因となるグリホサートが含まれていました。
  • サンプルの 74% に、有害な農薬 29 のうち少なくとも 1 つが含まれていました。
  • 4 動物用医薬品とホルモンが、9 の学校給食のサンプルから最大 130.76 ng/g のレベルで検出されました。
  • 100学校給食のサンプルの 100% には、飲料水に含まれる EPA の最大レベルの 6,293 X までのレベルの重金属が含まれていました。
  • サンプルの大部分は、栄養素が非常に低かった.


適切な栄養素がなければ、子供たちの脳は適切に機能せず、体は必要に応じて発達しません.多くの場合、学習や行動に問題のある子供は、1 つまたは 2 つのミネラルまたはビタミンが不足しています。これらの栄養素が食事に加えられると、精神的、身体的、行動的な問題が治まります.暴力的な行動さえもやめます。私たちの子供たちは、適切な栄養価の高い食べ物を食べなければなりません.

Click here to send a letter to your elected officials today.


小麦、エンドウ豆、豆、オートムギ、およびホットドッグやハンバーガーのパン、パン粉のコーティング、パスタ、ピザの皮などの学校給食に含まれるその他の穀物成分は、主に従来の作物に由来し、しばしばスプレーされます.収穫前の乾燥剤としてのグリホサートの使用 - この慣行は、食品中に高レベルのグリホサート残留物をもたらします.何千もの食品サンプルがグリホサートについて検査されています。学校給食でそのようなテストが行われていることは知りません。

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