ファストフードのサンプルトップ10に有害な抗生物質と避妊薬が含まれていることが判明 - アメリカのママたち



10月 9, 2023

Moms Across America requested that the top ten most popular fast food brand meal samples be tested for 104 of the most commonly used veterinary drugs and hormones. Due to large, industry, confined animal feeding operation conditions, which include extremely close quarters, unsanitary spaces, and high incidence of disease, most of America’s nonorganic meat comes from livestock that is heavily treated with antibiotics, growth hormones, and an anti-parasitic which is also a known aviary contraceptive.


Downloadable PDF of report here.

Fast food is consumed by eight-five million Americans each day, and many chains are the primary suppliers of many school lunches. Thirty million school meals are served to our children each day, and for millions of underprivileged children, these toxic meals are their only access to nutrition. Previous testing has shown that America’s school lunches are, indeed, toxic.

To further investigate the status of a major source of food and nutrition for children as well as adults in America, アメリカ中のママ and its supporters commissioned, with support from Children’s Health Defense and the Centner Academy, extensive testing on 21 of the country’s most popular fast food brands. The 21 brands include the top 20, as rated by the QSR50, as well as In-N-Out Burger, which came in as #33 but was included in the testing because of its frequent claims to be a “healthier” version of fast food). In all, forty-two samples of fast food meals gathered from 21 locations nationwide were tested by the Health Research Institute. The brands were tested for veterinary drugs and hormones, glyphosate and pesticides, heavy metals, phthalates, PFAS, minerals, vitamins, and calories. This report is a portion of the testing program showing the veterinary drugs and hormones results in the top ten brands: McDonald's, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, TacoBell, Wendy's, Dunkin' Donuts, Burger King, Subway, Domino's and Chipotle.

Collectively, their annual gross sales were $134,308,000,000, with for example, the 2017 salary for the CEO of McDonald's making $21.8 million ($1.8 million a month). The average fast-food server makes about $25,620 per year ($2,135 per month). 

Healthcare costs from consistently consuming food with toxins that harm human health are incalculable. But the average American health care costs are rising. The United States spends more on health care than any other country. Annual health expenditures stood at over 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021, and personal health care expenditure equaled 10,784 U.S. dollars per resident



  • 検査したファストフードサンプル10個から3種類の動物用医薬品とホルモンが検出された。
  • Chick-fil-A のサンプルの 1 つには、禁止されているニカルバジンと呼ばれる避妊薬および駆虫薬が含まれていました。
  • Six out of ten, or 60%, of the fast food samples contained antibiotic Monesin, which is not approved by the FDA for human use and has been shown to cause severe harm when consumed by humans.
  • Four out of ten, 40% of the samples contained antibiotic Narasin, which has been shown, in animal studies, to cause anorexia, diarrhea, dyspnea, depression, ataxia, recumbency, and death and pathologically by degeneration, necrosis, and repair of heart and skeletal muscles.
  • モネンシンとナラシンは抗生物質イオノフォアです。非常に低レベルでは馬や犬にとって有毒であり、後肢の機能不全を引き起こします。
  • Ionophores cause weight gain in beef and dairy cattle and are therefore widely used but also “cause acute cardiac rhabdomyocyte degeneration and necrosis.”
  • For many years, ionophores have also been used to control coccidiosis in poultry. However, misuse of ionophores can cause toxicity with significant clinical symptoms. Studies show that ionophore toxicity mainly affects myocardial and skeletal muscle cells.
  • チポトレとサブウェイだけが検出可能なレベルの動物用医薬品とホルモンを含んでいなかった。


Monensin - toxicity side effects in animals: anorexia (24 to 36 h post-ingestion), diarrhea, dullness, weakness, ataxia, dyspnea, prostration, and death

Narasin - toxicity side effects in animals: anorexia, diarrhea, dyspnea, depression, ataxia, recumbency, and death and pathologically by degeneration, necrosis, and repair of heart and skeletal muscles.

Nicarbazin - infertility in poultry, geese, and pigeons. It can also cause increased sensitivity to heat stress, growth depression, death, cell degeneration processes in the liver and kidneys; it occasionally causes toxic effects in laying hens, reduced hatchability, and interruption of egg-laying.


While some ionophores, such as quercetin and hydroxychloroquine, both zinc ionophores, can be beneficial, antibiotic ionophores are not. Moms Across America is gravely concerned about our population, especially children, unknowingly eating unprescribed antibiotic ionophores livestock, even at low levels, consistently because of potential damage to the microbiome as well as the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria growth.




From ScienceDirect.com
Lisa M. Miller, Arnon Gal, in Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease (Sixth Edition), 2017

モネンシン、ラサロシド、サリノマイシン、ナラシンなどのイオノフォア (ポリエーテル系抗生物質) は、非常に低濃度では馬や犬に有毒です。これらは、肉牛および乳牛の飼料効率と体重増加を高め、家禽のコクシジウム症を制御するための飼料添加物として使用されます。馬は、イオノフォアを含む反芻動物の飼料 (1) を摂取すると、イオノフォアにアクセスできるようになります。 (2) 馬の飼料にイオノフォアが誤って混入した。 (3) 家禽、牛、馬、犬の飼料を生産する工場で誤って汚染された馬と犬の飼料。イオノフォアは急性心臓横紋筋細胞の変性と壊死を引き起こします。このタイプの傷害については、「傷害への反応: 心筋、心筋壊死」のセクションで詳しく説明します。イオノフォアは、リン脂質二重層膜を通過してカチオンを輸送する親油性キレート剤であり、Na+ や Ca+ などの一価カチオンとの複合体を形成し、細胞膜を通過して、H+ および K+ イオンと交換にイオン輸送システムを介して細胞に侵入します。細胞内 Ca+ およびおそらく Na+ の濃度の増加は、細胞膜の損傷と機能不全を引き起こし、その結果ミトコンドリアの膨張とアデノシン三リン酸の産生の減少を引き起こすと考えられています。さらに、それらは細胞膜の脂質過酸化を引き起こし、細胞膜の完全性の喪失、液体とイオンのシフト、および膠質壊死を引き起こします。

Ionophore toxicity can lead to anorexia, diarrhea, dyspnea, depression, ataxia, recumbency, and death and pathologically by degeneration, necrosis, and repair of heart and skeletal muscles.

A concerning contraceptive (for geese and pigeons) and antiparasitic called Nicarbazin, prohibited after many years of use, was found in the Chick fil-A sandwich samples. Nicarbazin is used to treat coccidiosis, a parasitic disease of the intestinal tract of animals, commonly meat bird chickens, caused by coccidian protozoa. The disease spreads from one animal to another by contact with infected feces or ingesting infected tissue. Nicarbazin cannot be used in egg-laying chicken feed because it prevents the production of eggs. A 2005 study reports the use of Nicarbazin has been prohibited.

V. Hagren, ... T. Lovgren, in Food Safety Control in the Poultry Industry, 2005
Nicarbazin, an equimolar mixture of 4,4'-dinitrocarbanilide (DNC) and 2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine (HDP), belongs to the group of carbanilides. The marker residue for Nicarbazin is DNC since it is not so rapidly metabolized as HDP. Nicarbazin has coccidiocidal and coccidiostatic effects. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee (JECFA) has established an MRL of 200 μg per kg for chicken liver. Nicarbazin has been on the market for decades, but recently, the use of Nicarbazin, as such, was prohibited due to incomplete toxicological data (Anon., 2001b).


In January of 2023 many back yard growers reported that their chickens were not laying eggs and pointed to the animal feed. Moms Across America questions if that feed for egg layers was contaminated with feed for meat birds, or with a toxin/contraceptive, rendering the egg layers infertile.

The Executive Director, Zen Honeycutt states: “The impact of millions of Americans, especially children and young adults, consuming a known animal contraceptive daily is concerning. With infertility problems on the rise, the reproductive health of this generation is front and center for us, in light of these results.

さらに、EPA のニカルバジンラベル制限では、「湖、池、川などの水域から 20 フィート以内に貼付しないでください」と規定されています。この商品には必須です。アメリカ中のママたちの質問 - ニカルバジンを水路から 20 フィート以内の動物の飼料に適用するのは安全でなく、人体は 60% の水分で構成されているとしたら、人間がファストフードで摂取するのはどのように安全ですか?


One thing is certain: long-term exposure to antibiotics and hormones in foods can cause serious health problems like antibiotic resistance, the rise of superbugs, death, heart problems, memory decline, and infertility.

From a January 2023 Vox article by Kenny Torella:

「懸念される方向転換で、新しい規制によると、家畜用抗生物質の売上高は、2017 から 2021 まで 7 パーセント増加しました。 FDAレポート。農場での抗生物質の使用削減を先導してきた養鶏業界は、2021 で 2020 よりも 12% 多くの抗生物質を購入しました。」

It’s a sobering turn of events with life-and-death implications. In 2019, antibiotic-resistant bacteria directly killed over 1.2 million people, including 35,000 Americans, and more than 3 million others died from diseases where antibiotic resistance played a role — far more than the global toll of HIV/AIDS or malaria, leading the World Health Organization to call antibiotic resistance “one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today.”


Moms Across America advocates for non toxic regenerative organic and pasture-raised livestock practices, and the return of the small local farmers. A congressional briefing to discuss food toxicity will take place in Washington DC on 10月 17, 2023 from 9-10:30am in the Hart Senate Office Building, Room SH-902. The briefing is hosted by Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), a member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.


Moms Across America は、Unstoppable Moms の全国連合であり、その使命は、母親やその他の人々に、健康なコミュニティを構築するための行動と解決策を教育し、力を与えることです。

For press inquiries, contact Mara Quigley, Steve Allen Media at [email protected] or 661.255.8283.


Showing 2 reactions

  • Karen Kerames
    commented 2023-12-11 11:22:35 -0500
    I’m wondering if this is the source of the problem with my dog. He is extremely healthy except that he’s been having weakness in his hind legs. I feed him ground beef and ground turkey from Costco. Does that meat have these antibiotics?
  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2023-10-09 00:23:44 -0400

