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韓国国旗新しくて刺激的なものがあります iCoopによる韓国でのイニシアチブ 生活習慣病の予防に役立つ食品にラベルを付ける。このイニシアチブは、腫瘍、DNA変異、アレルギー反応、およびさまざまな健康への有害な影響を引き起こすことが示されているGMOのラベル付けを政府が拒否したことにうんざりしている消費者によって引き起こされました。韓国の消費者擁護派は、十分だと言って、「元気だ」と言って攻撃を続けました。それなら、病気を予防する食品にラベルを付けます。

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イノベーションは一般的にすべての市場で支持されており、ビーガン、気候変動、環境などの問題解決は高く評価されていますが、科学者がこれらの原因の名の下に交差している線があり、それはしばしば行き過ぎです。 「多すぎる、遠すぎる」という領域に踏み込むのは、安全衛生への影響を遮る目隠しをつけて新製品を作るときです。

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SAN FRANCISCO — Today, in a historic victory for farm workers and the environment, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit sided with the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and its represented farmworker and conservation clients by overturning the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) decision that the toxic pesticide glyphosate is safe for humans and imperiled wildlife. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto-Bayer's flagship Roundup weed killer, the most widely used pesticide in the world.


Read the full article here

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On Wednesday, 5月 31, 2022, Tom Vilsack, US Secretary of Agriculture, made a major announcement about the funding of a framework to transform the food supply. Referencing supply chain issues as the impetus for the changes, Vilsack laid out a comprehensive plan which would, if implemented thoroughly, decrease further supply chain issues and increase access to healthy, organic food for millions.

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ArthurFirstenbergsのニュースレター「 地球と宇宙で5Gを止めるための国際的な訴え、 そうすることを強くお勧めします。


Check out the full article here.

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ÖKO-TEST(ドイツのConsumer Reportsに相当)による最近の調査では、テストした50ドイツのビールブランドのうち12で、ビールに微量のグリホサートが含まれていることがわかりました。オーガニックブランドのみが検出可能なレベルを示しませんでした。 

You can read details from the ÖKO-TEST study ここに, but it's in German, so you might need a translation tool like Google Translate. Keep reading here as we analyze the findings. 

Meanwhile, in July of 2020, a second Canadian grain processor restricted the processing of oats sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant (drying agent)  in their facilities due to the impaired quality of the oats. The presence of glyphosate in beer, made with various grains often sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant, would indicate a potential decrease in the quality of the product.

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You can expect that mothers will not just get frustrated however- they take action. Emily Swanson in Texas founded a formula match-up Facebook group called Nationwide Formula Search and moms are helping each other.  Mothers are posting photos of where the formula is available and even buying and sending it to other mothers. How generous and kind! How inspiring! We applaud all the mothers on formula Facebook search groups and encourage you to help out where you can too.


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The people who work in the school system are committed to supporting children to learn and grow up to be responsible, productive members of society. When we parents learn that our children are being exposed to harmful radiation levels at school, which can lead to learning issues, depression, and suicide, it is a human response to be upset, assume the worst, and be angry at the school staff, Principal, or Technology director.


Allan Brennan became Ireland's 7th Certified Wireless Professional and founded Wi-Fi Projects Ltd.  In 2004 the company became Ireland's 1st Certified Wireless Network Provider. He was awarded 'Fellow of the Irish Computer Society' for his contribution and promotion of the Irish Wireless Industry.  During his career in the wireless industry, he was not aware or informed about known non-thermal exposure health risks and microwave hearing. You can watch a video of his experience here.


“As someone who thoroughly believed in the benefits and capabilities of wireless technology, I was completely unaware that intense WiFi exposure could cause adverse health effects in children (headaches, earaches, sore eyes/stomach, nose bleeds, skin rash, brain fog, depression and more) and did not know children had been identified as a 'high-risk group' in 2011.  Schools should use wired networks to protect our children's best interests, not WiFi.

If a school uses WiFi, the least they can do is adhere to the precautionary and As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)  principles - for example - Turn on WiFi when needed and turn it off when finished.”



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This week, The Atlantic posted an 記事 about the four forces propelling the rising rates of depression in teens. As a mother of a teen boy who recently shared that he was feeling depressed and whose grades dropped in his favorite AP and Honors classes from A’s to a D and an F for no apparent reason during peak college consideration time, I was compelled to read the article.


United States is experiencing an extreme teenage mental-health crisis. According to a new CDC study, from 2009 to 2021, the share of American high-school students who say they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 44 percent. This is the highest level of teenage sadness ever recorded.

Take Action Now to Reduce Depression and Suicide in Teens. Click ここに.

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母の日が近づくと、息子、娘、夫はお母さんが何を望んでいるのか疑問に思います。この時期に何百万もの製品を販売している食品メーカー、製品開発者、そして大企業も同じことを不思議に思っています。 Moms Across Americaのディレクターとして、私は過去10年間で何千人もの母親と交流してきました。母の日にママが欲しいもののトップ10リストを考え出しました。あなたは棚でそれらのいくつかを買うことができます。ほとんどできません。しかし、母親のために多くの製品を販売したいメーカーは、注意を払い、自社の製品がこれらの価値を具現化しているかどうかを自問したいと思うかもれません。

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