Messing it up and Doing it Anyway!
I am willing to mess up. I am committed to being effective, but what I have realized is that being a leader means you have to be willing to mess up and just do it anyway. Your commitment to being effective has to supersede the fear of failure.
Someone who is not willing to mess up does not take action.
To be someone who speaks out for a cause like GMO awareness means being a leader. We have all kinds of fears attached to that word, "leader", and for many of us it stops us from taking action. The rewards, however when we do, are far beyond what we can imagine.
Yesterday, the unimaginable happened to me. CNN came to my house ( my HOUSE!!!! you can imagine how my kitchen suddenly looked to me when I found out, I wanted to suddenly renovate) and filmed me cooking a GMO free breakfast ( why, oh why didn't I buy a new set of pots and pans??? Why are all my scrambled eggs sticking????) and eating together as a family (What if I look as nervous as I feel?). YIKES! Most importantly what if I don't say the right thing or forget to say something? What if I mess it up nationally???? ACK! The responsibility to speak for moms seemed immense.
The committee of chatter in my head analyzed everything before the shoot and I called Robyn O'Brien and just say out loud that "I know that I am not going to "get this right" for everyone. They are only going to take a few sound bites and I am never going to be able to say everything I deep breath) I am going to be okay with "messing it up". I am also totally committed delivering my message. "Kids get better off GMOs."
She supported me by saying that "even one sentence that they use, or even just the image of me as a Mom, will inspire other to speak up. They will get that they can do it too."
And that's when I realized that it is more important that I do this, for others, than it is for me to paralyze myself with fear to "protect" myself. I am committed to, and believe I did, deliver our message in a way that people can hear it. It's not as impassioned as I really feel about all this, but I get that that screaming it like I kinda-sorta did at the rally in my speech at March Against Monsanto is a different setting. Delivering a message means being calm, focused, strong and clear.
As a leader for this cause, in whatever capacity we choose, there is a lot that can get in the way of being focused and clear, for you, for me. Mostly it is all in our heads. We think "I couldn't be a speaker, I can't even talk to my neighbor about this ...I don't have what it takes...I am too shy...too angry...too busy...too tired..." or maybe it's "not enough" like, "I am not well-spoken enough, or prepared enough, or experienced enough."
Or maybe you really believe you are " just not that kind of person"...sort of how I used to believe I am "not good at math". Now, I use math, in my example that if you as just 1 person has 10 people over for a GMO movie night and those 10 share with 5 and those 5 all share with 5 who also share with 5, then you will be responsible for 1,270 people finding out about GMOs! This math example is inspiring ten of thousands! How's that for rocking math?? Do you believe things about your self too? Like you are " just not a leader?" or "Just not a speaker?"
I ask you to consider that that is not REAL about you. It's just something you made up about yourself. It's just something you say to protect yourself from the fear of failure and "messing it up."
Now some of you are really going to fight me on this, and say " but I really do have a soft voice" or " I get really nervous talking to people and I feel like I am going to throw up in front of a room, I am just not like that."
My answer, with all the love in the world for you, is SO WHAT???!!!
What is more important, letting your fear of failure and messing up in front of people dictate your actions or your gigantic commitment that people have HEALTH and FREEDOM NOW?
What is more important, you NOT sweating or children having the future they deserve and seeds being accessible to all?
What is more important, you being more comfortable NOT talking to your neighbor or being a stand that EVERYONE knows about GMOs and causing a tipping point of consumer rejection NOW?
It's only going to happen if we say so. Speaking to your neighbor and inviting them to a GMO movie night 6月 15, getting up in front of a room and speaking at a school, or speaking on CNN is all the same. It just means that you take actions that are aligned with what you are committed to. Someone, I think that Dalai Lama said, that when your actions are in alignment with your commitment, is when you experience true joy. We can experience that joy in adverse situations or not.
So whether they air my segment on CNN or not, whether they pick out the best sound bites or not, whether you think I messed up or not, I am going to keep going. I will not stop. I will not give up. My love for my children will never end and my actions will be in alignment with that limitless love.
I hope you see the love that you have is the fuel for the opportunity of leadership you have in your life. My wish is for you to speak out in your local radio and TV stations, to write to editors, to speak at libraries....just share your personal story.
And be willing to mess it up! On of the founders of Google said, when asked why he was so inventive said,
"When I was little, I tried to pour a glass of milk and I spilled a full gallon of milk all over the kitchen floor. When my Mom saw it, she didn't get mad, she said " WOW! that's the biggest milk spill I have ever seen! Have you ever seen one bigger? And I was stunned. I though she would get mad, but instead she smiled asked, " Would you like to play with that milk ?" I smiled and said yes and smooshed it around and it was fun. Then she asked " Would you like to help clean it up?" and we did together and it was fun. And then "Would you like to practice pouring in to a glass outside with water?" and I did and that was fun too. She taught me that it's okay to make a mess, you can even have fun with it. I never forgot that and since then I have not been afraid of messing up, so I invent."
We can be inventive and create the world we want. The Dalai Lama said "Western women will change the world" that's us, America, and the time is now.
And to the rest of the world, we do this in partnership with you. Thank you.
P.S. I will for sure let you all know when it airs, whether I think I messed up or not:)
Click here for the link to sign up and be a host for the Global GMO Movie night!
Have FUN sharing!
Message from the Founders
I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the fantastic, historic, awe inspiring and thrilling turn out of the 436 March Against Monsanto events in 50 countries. What Tami Canal Monroe and her very small team of committed volunteers accomplished is nothing short of phenomenal. We are grateful for them and their support with the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs!
Despite the huge leap in unity this past week, we have had some bad news.
GMO wheat found in an Oregon field, China burning 4 tankers of GMO soy (good thing) but making a deal with Brazil to get the bulk of the world's non GMO soy ( umm...not so good for the rest of us), the EU bowing to pressure and allowing GMO crops to be planted, Moms unable to get their own blood tested due to Monsanto's patents on toxic chemicals...this news can be overwhelming.
The good news is that Moms are used to being overwhelmed and that has never stopped us before and won't stop us now.
The good news is that over 75 Moms Across America groups are joining into 4th of July parades nationally so far, more every hour! The Netherlands and Canada are marching in solidarity! Whooo hooo!
We are thrilled with the partnerships we are honored to be creating with the CA State Grange, Label GMOs, NYR Organic, Dr. Bronner's, Robyn O'Brien and Allergy Kids Foundation, Organic Valley, Nature's Path, Nutivia, Institute for Responsible Technology, Holistic Moms Network, Green America, Moms for Safe Food, and more.
If you would like to support our volunteer organization to give out GMO info at every parade and empower and educate millions, there is still a week or two to be included.
Please contact Zen with connections to people who can support us and future generations.
Thank you!
Zen, Kathleen and the MAAM Team
Attack on Mom and Kid's Freedom
Dear Moms and Friends,
- Mom gets censored and kicked off Facebook for sharing pic of kids holding signs about autism and GMOs.
- Mom shares about proof of link to autism and GMOs on FB and her hard drive gets wiped repeatedly.
- Mom send blood/urine sample to labs to get tested for toxins and is told they cannot even test her own blood for chemicals because Monsanto owns the patent on those chemicals.
GMO Free School Lunch Options
This is the tale of three school districts and the mothers asking for healthier school lunches.
31 million GMO school lunches are served daily to our children in America.
These meals also contain food dyes, pesticides, synthetic chemicals, and high fructose corn syrup which have been linked to diabetes, autism, food allergies, ADHD, and autoimmune diseases.
We are three Moms requesting that Choicelunch (which offers pesticide-free, dye-free, and high fructose free and WILL supply GMO-free lunches to our districts if accepted) be considered as a vendor for our schools and offer a second option.
We have 3 minutes before our school board at an open meeting to present.
Two weeks ago, Kathleen Hallal approached her school board in Irvine; she took the approach of not focusing on GMOs and just requesting that the food be synthetic chemical and pesticide free. Then she met with her school's Food Services Department, shared the full story of health risks and behavioral impact, and left the meeting saying, "Zen, it was like a miracle!” The Food Services nutritionist who was also present has a 14-month-old, and she already knew something about organic food. Both she and the director were open to the idea of having a “clean food” option. They were interested in not just offering a second choice but replacing some of the other foods in the cafeteria as well!
I was THRILLED and inspired and so hopeful! We are going to do this! It just takes one person to make a difference!
禅ハニーカット (that’s me) presented last week to my board. I was nervous, but I quoted stats and chose to mention genetically modified foods once during the three minutes. I am not sure if it is because I mentioned GMOs or not, but my district is taking a different view. Yesterday, I requested a follow-up meeting with my Food Services Director but was told, “I have just been advised that the Board is not interested in pursuing the Choicelunch option at this time. Therefore there is no need to pursue this further and set up a meeting with the company.”
No reason. No meeting to even present the concept. No interest. I felt like my heart was crushed.
I implored the Food Service director to meet with me anyway, as her program assessment would make a difference.
Instead of a response from her, I got a response back from the Board of Ed, saying that they are not interested “due to all the reasons the food service director previously explained to you.”
Which was... that the Board of Ed decided not to...which is not a reason...
I wracked my brain. Then a journalist from the OC Register, who is doing a story on what I proposed, called me and told me that she just spoke to the Food Service Director, and she reasoned that food was too expensive and that they didn’t want to offer healthier meals to some kids but not to others. The last reason made me want to scream inside do NOTHING?? So NO child gets a choice?
I was afraid I might turn into a screaming banshee, so I took a deep breath and responded with as much clarity as possible.
I addressed the cost only first, explaining how the online cost of $4.50 is for individual orders. The district cost would be only 15 cents more or less than our current price of 2.50, and parents are willing to pay a dollar more, resulting in a 1.5 million dollar profit for the school district if only 25% of the students in the district ordered the lunches. That money could potentially go towards improving the organic options in the national lunch program meals for the kids who cannot afford 5.00 more per week, resulting in improved lunches for all.
Their response was, “the cost was the least significant reason for the decision. It is more about the implications it would have on our Federal and State programs. The Board is not willing to jeopardize funding or compliance issues.”
ARRRRGH!!! It’s always money over health! Always! And that is why the status of our children’s health is the way it is!!
Again, breathing, I responded, “Ok, I understand you do not want to jeopardize funding or compliance issues. Of course. This program is successfully working in 250 other schools, however, that have worked out funding and compliance issues. Can I connect you with a food service director and board member from another school where they have sorted that out?”
The response 5 minutes ago was, "No, thank you. The board has made their decision.”
Breathing...breathing...I have not responded yet. What do you think?
What has my chest tighten and throat clench is the thought and fear that somehow, I am messing this opportunity up for thousands of kids in my district...that the way I am being about this, persistent, passionate, and clear that GMOs are one of the reasons for my request to offer a healthier lunch, is somehow screwing it up. Kathleen did better not mentioning GMOs. I have a history with my food services director where I did discuss GMOs with her, so she knows this is a mission of mine. What boils my blood is that GMOs might even be controversial. What has me deeply dismayed is the possibility that the Food Services director disagreeing with my approach for any reason could affect the health of so many. The skepticism, the fear of rocking the boat with the current system, and the resignation that things could be any other way are soul-crushing. It feels like the worst defeat of all because it affects children's futures. But I know I am not defeated.
I want to be clear. I WANT to affect the federal and state programs. I WANT to have less money go towards nutritionally bankrupt, toxic GMO food with additives like high fructose corn syrup, food dyes, and synthetic chemical pesticides that have been linked to autism, diabetes, ADHD, life-threatening food allergies, autoimmune disorders, and more. I am proposing a plan for THAT food to get less of our money and organic food to get more. YES.
I ask all Moms and anyone who wants to rock the boat, disrupt the current system, and put a dent in the 31 million GMO meals served a day to our kids, to stand up and speak at your board meeting. It just takes one to speak, but it will take thousands of us supporting the speakers to have this happen.
Monica Serratos presents at her school board tonight. She is a woman of great generosity, clarity, and leadership, and we know she is going to do great. We pray her school board allows a further inquiry into what is possible for the sake of our children.
Go Monica and her daughter Alicia who is speaking too!
Stay tuned.
Look up for a CA vendor that has promised GMO-free lunches to large school districts by fall.
If you have a school lunch vendor that offers GMO-Free and organic, please tell us, and we will share them with the nation.
If you present to your board, let us know your approach and results. Together we can do anything.
Moms Say STOP Spraying Glyphosate!
I know the last thing any Mom needs is more bad news. Here's the thing. This can also be good news.
Finding out the possible reason for any health issue is always good news. Because then we can do something about it. Then we can stop it.
Any Mom's "Spidey sense" will go off when you see these charts. They clearly show an undeniable correlation between Glyphosate ( found in many herbicides but most commonly in RoundUp ) and increases in many western ailments including Autism, Thyroid cancer, Kidney Failure, Pelvic cancer, Alzheimers and more.
Glyphosate is sprayed on the soil of most non organic foods ( and is absorbed into plant), directly ON GMO foods and (cannot be washed off), on schoolyards, parks, and landscaping.
Report links Glyphosate with leukemia and anemia.
GreenMedInfo article on leukemia, anemai and glyphosate link
Glyphosate is even linked to Cancer in dogs. Anyone bury a dog before his time was really due and have to explain it to a kid? Oy Vey.
According to the ( video segment 5 about 3.35 in )
Glyphosate ( Roundup) was found to be highly toxic to animals at .1ppm, causing organ damage.
The new EPA standards examples: allow berries .2 ppm, sweet potatoes 3.0 ppm, carrots to have 5.0 ppm, and canola oil 40.0 ppm!!! WHAT?? PLEASE comment to the FDA that this is UNACCEPTABLE!! And ONLY eat organic!!!
Please comment on the EPA board about the insanely high levels of Glyphosate allowed on our foods!!submitComment;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0132-0009
And then sign our petition to STOP Spraying Glyphosate on school yards, parks and our food crops.
Moms and Supporters Say "Stop Spraying Glyphosate!"
It's time to take a stand for our children. We clearly see danger and it's time to stop it.
Together we can create a world that is safe for our kids... to roll down a hill at school on the grass, blow a blade of grass like a whistle at the park, and eat berries by the handfuls a friend's birthday party.
Thank you for your partnership!
"We ask you not to ignore the risk of spraying Glyphosate, a chemical in RoundUp and other herbicides, on our school yards, public parks and spaces, gardens and food crops. Err on the side of safety. Please stop spraying Glyphosate today.
Instead: Use natural pesticides, boiling water or vinegar and bio-ag practices to balance the soil and reduce weeds, or recruit a troop of Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts for a regular service project to pull weeds. Together we can create a safer environment for our children and citizens."
Thank you.
Moms Across America
and Supporters
Will you sign this petition? Click here:
The Power of Moms
Dear Moms
” If every Mom knew how awesome they are , every problem in the world would be fixed.” – Kid President
When I watched this video, my heart giggled. My soul glowed and I thought of all the times when I stopped, looked and listened to the glory of childhood…and sometimes even joined in with a booty shake and high five. The awesomeness of being a Mom is not all the things we do, but it how present we are to what we are doing.
In short, it’s who we are BEING. Mostly I don’t take the time to think about or create that, but when I do, when I choose that Today is the Day that I am being Courageous, Creative and a Contribution…whoa, watch out world…things are done that have never been done. My kids get a Mom who is happy to build a volcano with them instead of resentful. I reach out and do activism in the world to make a future for our kids great in ways I never imagined before. And when I see other moms being present with their kids, being gentle, curious and giggly, I know that all our activism is for those moments…the fleeting, magical, moment of love and delight.
So I invite every Mom on Moms Across America, to really get how awesome you are. Not because of all the doing, but because of who you are being. You are being your kids champion. You are being Courageous, Creative and a Contribution. You are the Gateway to Adventure! You are the most awesome person on the planet to at least one person and in their eyes, you can do anything. Look at yourself through their eyes …because theirs is the most beautiful perspective in the world.
As founder of Moms Across America our mission is Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids. Our current commitment is to empower millions to educate themselves about genetically modified organisms or GMOs, label them and offer America GMO free solutions.
We have created the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs on 7月 4. We have partners all across the nation like Robyn O’Brien ( Mom of 4 and TedX Talk speaker “Patriotism on a Plate”),, The CA Guild, GMO Free USA ( Mom Diana Reeves), Green America/GMO inside, March Against Monsanto (Mom Tami Monroe), Institute for Responsible Technology, NYR Organics, Dr. Bronners, Nature’s Path, Nutivia, Holistic Moms and many more.
We hope you will join us in marching in parade on the 4th of July in your hometown or town on vacation near you. This is the one opportunity we have to share our message with thousands locally and millions nationally, who are ready, waiting and interested. So grab a balloon, your kids and trike and join us!
Sign up at
For more info about GMOs go to
Read more:
Moms Speak Out About GMOs and Family Health
に Our Moms Survey: Your Family's Health
Moms are speaking out. The responses are amazing. Americans are seeing positive results from going GMO Free.
Here is a photo of my son's allergic reaction to Carageenan before and after eating GMOs regularly. We found out about GMOs, went GMO free and 4 mnths afterwards he was accidentally exposed to Carageenan again in the toothpaste at the dentist office. His reaction was drastically less inflammed and painful. I only took photos at the time to text to my doctor. These are real photos he wants us to show them to help heal other kids..
Update: my same son recently ate walnuts by accident. Usually he would have been near death in the ER for 6 hours, instead his toungue itched and he felt queasy. He was back in school in two hours. From life threatening to a mild allergy. This is huge!
Read these real results from real Moms from our Moms Survey. No scientific peer reviewed publishing needed, just some Moms willing to share their reality.
"My son just entered high school and his new teachers cannot even tell that he used to have severe autism symptoms. All I did differently was feed him organic food for the past two years, and I am a single Mom and make 40K, so it's not easy but it's that important. Even after two weeks of going organic my Dad saw his behavior changes and thought I had given him a new drug. I said, "Nope, no drugs, just organic food." Avoiding GMOs is the best thing I have done for my son, his life is totally different now."- Cindy RI.
"My son was diagnosed with asthma. We went organic and he went from being on a nebulizer 3xs a day to zero asthma. I lost 13 pounds, doing NOTHING else different, just eating organic only." Karen L.TX
"My son had a rash around his mouth now and then but since getting off GMOs he doesn’t have that problem any more. My daughters tummy used to puff out after meals and she’d get a belly ache. She doesn’t get those after meals since we went off GMOs. I used to feel like my skin was crawling but I don’t get that anymore since being off GMOs." Laurie O. WA
I had an auto immune diseases for 8 years. I was on different medications for it and actually had surgery for it. It was a living nightmare. I took GMOs almost completely out of my diet 8 months ago and the symptoms are gone! Some of my family think I'm crazy for posting so many food posts about GMOs but I know first hand how devastating the effects are. Doctors said there is no cure for my disease. I found the cure...stop eating GMOs!!!!- Morgan M.
Here is a video from Jennifer Lawrenson who recorded this for the Moms Across America Initiative for World Child Health Day 2013.
More testimonials:
Do you or your family members have health issues that you suspect may be connected to GMOs?
( Before going GMO Free) "I had, depression, myofacial pain syndrome, constipation, chronic pain, atrial fibrillation.weight gain food cravings. My mom Parkinson’s Disease, obesity, depression, lots of surgery. My dad died of colon cancer, he ate white bread all of his life with Coke as his main beverage. My Husband, Barret’s Disease, weight gain after age 50 around the middle with back pain, swelling in feet and ankles. Our son, pimples, adhd type symptoms, that I would not medicate him for. Sleepiness and lack of energy. Real food real health." - Ellen B. Oregon
Why are you supporting this movement?
"My husband was in the hospital 5 times last year Doctors wanted to remove part of his intestine because it was so infected instead doctors pumped him full of antibotics for a week when he got out of hospital I changed his diet and all our family food choices to NON- GMO foods WOW what a diffrence he’s doing great and food never tasted so good! I will march sign petitions anything to reclaim our healthy labeled food choices. God Speed JUST SAY NO TO GMO’S ….MAAM! "-Rhonda B.
Here is a video from a Mom of twins.
These are just a few of the hundreds of responses we are getting. We want you to know, if you have health issues and suspect GMOs might be connected, that you are not alone. We get your frustration, upset and confusion as to why this could possibly be allowed. We also have health issues or have loved ones with health issues. We also know many people who don't have health issues, but are preventing them by supporting this movement.
Share your reality today:
The fact is that we don't know how GMOs could affect you. Everyone is different. But we do see, after testimonials like this, that every GMO bite is a gamble we don't want America to take.
We LOVE America. We LOVE our kids and the amazing people in this country and we know we are going to love our kids future spouses someday. We want them to be healthy. For the sake of future generations, and our right to freedom as an American, we demand GMO LABELING NOW! We also demand testing immediately from the agencies that are supposed to protect the American people, the CDC and the FDA. Please sign our petition today and share this petition and blog with everyone you know.
Thank you!
Rise of Allergies in the National News: But What is the REAL News?
In this NBC news story they are talking about food allergies. They say that there has been a dramatic increase since 1997.
What really is the news is what they are not saying.
What they are not saying is that:
1997 is the first year of widespread implementation of Roundup Ready soybeans and cotton, in other words GMO soy and cotton.
Roundup Ready soy, Roundup Ready cotton and BT cotton all sprayed with Roundup,a patented trademark of Monsanto.
The active chemical ingredient in Roundup is Glyphosate, which chelates, or holds and prevents the availability of vital nutrients in the soil, plants and grain wherever it is present. Glyphosate chelates manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron etc...all nutrients we need to be healthy and thrive and fight off disease.
Glyphosate is a registered pesticide and patented as an antibiotic with the USPTO 7771736*. It is also a foreign chemical and the body fights foreign invaders. An anaphylatic allergic reaction (swelling of the throat) is the body responding to a foreign invader and trying to keep it out. Peanut allergy is the most common cause of death from a food allergy.
2007 was the last printed public statement of RoundUp use. 185 million pounds of glyphosate were being sprayed on all kinds of non organic foods at that time.
It has been reported that the use of pesticides on GMO crops increased 26% in 2008 alone.Roundup is used as a burndown herbicide before planting for conventional crops. It is sprayed directly ON and absorbs into GMO RR soy, cotton and corn. It cannot be washed off.
The real news is that the major rotation crop in cotton growing areas is guess what? Peanuts.
Plant a peanut crop after a RR cotton crop and you have glyphosate residue in the soil that the peanut plant (legume crop) will take up. Glyphosate also causes an increase in opportunistic fungi in the soil which causes plant diseases which cause the development of mold and mycotoxins to be in peanut crops.** To combat that, guess what? They spray the peanut crop with a fungicide. Might there be fungicide residue in the peanuts?
Why would there ever be a problem with allergies? I hope you get the sarcasm here.
The real news is:
How many kids have died from peanut allergies? Are you a parent of a child who has a peanut allergy?
Do you fear for their life like I do?
If not, did you know that 78% of the children who die from a food allergy never had a severe allergic attack before?
In a neighboring school district the number of kids who need Epi Pens was 750 last year. This year it is 2000.
That is 2000 kids that could die from food. Die. OUR kids! Is there anything more outrageous or horrible???
Why are we permitting corporation profits to be more important than our children's lives?
The REAL story is the hold that Monsanto has on our media.
We demand NBC and all major media put the health and well being of our nation's children before the call of the almighty dollar from your commercial sponsors. Otherwise the major news will not be what you report but how false the news is that you do report. The lack of accountability that Monsanto lays claim to will drain the integrity of every person and corporation that associates with, or protects them, by not reporting the truth.
We have access to information and we will share it.
We are Moms and we see the truth right before us.
It's called: Our kids GET BETTER when they GET OFF GMOs.
* USPTO patent of Glyphosate: .
** This information is from a 3rd generation farmer. It doesn't matter who..ask any farmer who knows about farming peanuts. They call it " Farmer's common sense". Want to discredit this? Show us the reports of glyphosate levels in peanuts and ALL our foods!
Holistic Moms Network's Nancy Massotto on GMOs
Despite the mess in the food industry we currently have, something beautiful and strong is emerging. The connections we are all creating by speaking up for a healthy future and freedom to choose our food are making America stronger. I had the privilege and honor to connect with Nancy Massotto, Founder and Executive Director of Holistic Moms Network. The Holistic Moms Network has partnered with Moms Across America to increase GMO awareness and spread the word about Moms Across America. In doing so we get to know Holistic Moms better. What an amazing organization and powerful woman!
What was your intention when you started Holistic Moms network 10 years ago?
Nancy Massotto is the Founder and Executive Director of the Holistic Moms Network and mother to two boys. She founded the Holistic Moms Network to meet other parents who shared her passions for living healthy and living sustainably, and to help raise awareness about natural living options. Before becoming a mom, she completed three graduate degrees, including a Ph.D. in political science, specializing in gender studies and feminist theory and spent several years working for non-profit research institutes, including the Women’s Research and Education Institute (WREI) and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), while residing in the Washington, D.C. area. As a mom and community leader, she is dedicated to empowering women, supporting mothers, and raising her two sons as naturally and sustainably as possible.
Twitter: @HolisticMomsNet, @HMNMama
YouTube: HMNNational
How To Be a Speaker about GMO's
Last night, after doing a talk for 18 awesome Moms and Dads I was told I should train others. I thought I would share my response as a blog post for all the Moms who want to know how to share about about GMOs and just don't know where to start. Feel free to copy, paste and formulate your own outline or talk.
First of I want you to know one thing. There is no "right way" that I have or anyone else has. The way to do a talk in front of others is to trust yourself. You have everything it takes and all the love in the world to do a perfect talk in front of your best friends or in front of thousands. Now how can you say that? You might don't even know don't know that I am shy, or soft spoken, or I just can't look people in the eye...I can't be a speaker. Phooey to that, is what I say.
I know you. You are a Mom. You love with ever fiber of your being where you don't even know there are fibers. Your commitment goes to unknowable depths and then some. You are more powerful and more clear and more moving than any fancy advertising or well oiled marketing report ever. When you are present to that love you have for your children, you can do anything. So my "training advice"is that you set aside any chatter in your head that you can't do this or don't know how and take a deep breath. Just think about how adorable your kids are and how you would like them to experience the profound love that you have for them, for their own child one day, that they created and birthed, and then get on with it.
To be a speaker about GMOs: