


The Feed The World project launched 4月 23, 2015, with a World first, unique glyphosate test for the general public. The project with a specific focus on women and children in the U.S. is offering the first-ever validated public LC/MS/MS glyphosate testing for urine, water, and soon breast milk. This could lead to a ban on the sale and use of glyphosate, the world’s number one herbicide.


Henry Rowlands, Director of Feed The World (2) stated Thursday;

“Glyphosate is the backbone of our current agricultural system that supplies us with toxic food, water, and air. We aim to ban glyphosate by allowing the public to inform themselves about what levels of glyphosate are found in their own and their family’s bodies. Feed The World will also give a platform to profitable, agriculture alternatives that allow farmers, businesses, and governments to change direction towards a better non-toxic future for our children.”

Feed The Worldが後援する検証済みのグリホサート試験方法(2)により、一般大衆は、体内および水道水中でどのレベルのグリホサートが検出されるかを確実に知ることができます。

Our previous MAA tests and reports completed in 2014 showed that glyphosate is found in American women’s breast milk, urine, and water, but due to the ELISA testing method used in these tests the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other government regulators were able to ignore the results. Feed The World has commissioned and sponsored a new validated LC/MS/MS testing method which will increase the pressure on the EPA and other regulators to take serious action on glyphosate-based herbicides, and potentially ban glyphosate.

Here is the info from our winter 2014 project: You can still test yourself, the data is just not a part of an MAA project.

If you DO get yourself tested, please post your first name, city, state, and results below in the comment section!

GLYPHOSATE is the active chemical ingredient in Roundup, which is sprayed on the soil of 160 non-organic food crops and on GMO food crops genetically engineered to withstand Roundup. They stopped keeping track in 2009 of the millions of pounds that are being sprayed on our food, parks, schools, and sidewalks. Last year alone the pesticides usage increase by 26%. Glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide in the year, over 5 billion pounds a year are sprayed on soil and crops around the world, 527 million since the introduction of GMOs in the USA alone.



 This chart of correlation is of grave concern to Moms. We encourage all Moms who have children with autism, allergies, autoimmune disorders, asthma or IBS to get tested.


Microbe Inotechの努力に永遠に感謝し、今後も協力していきます。検証済みのテストに対する現在のニーズにより、現在、FeedtheWorldプロジェクトを推進しています。 Microbe Inotechでテストを行った場合は、その時点で最も正確なテストをリーズナブルな価格で一般に公開されているので安心できます。 

既存の注文についてMicrobeに連絡する必要がある場合は、電話または電話でお問い合わせください。 MAAは、グリホサートのテスト注文に関する問い合わせを処理していません。

If you get glyphosate testing done please add an X next to the town or neighboring town on this document.

If Glyphosate does this to bacteria in a lab, what is it doing to the beneficial gut bacteria in our bodies? The bacteria which make up our children's immune systems?









  • サマンサコモ
    これについて投稿した フェイスブック 2015-10-25 16:34:25 -0400
  • Daniela D'Orazio
    コメントした 2015-10-15 16:55:38 -0400
    最後のコメントを打つ。 Moms Across Americaの特別料金を宣伝していますが、これは使用されたラボではないと言われました。このラボを使ったと思いました。
  • Daniela D'Orazio
    コメントした 2015-10-15 16:08:24 -0400

    Hi, why does the Microbe Inotech website state that the detection level of the urine test is 7.5ppb, when I thought it was .5ppb??
  • ピーター・キンダーズリー
    コメントした 2015-10-12 14:11:36 -0400
    I know these scientists and they are very good people as well as scientists:

    Just this month New Rat Study:
    Gene expression analysis in lab confirms:
    Roundup causes liver and kidney damage at very low doses
    A new peer-reviewed study led by Dr. Michael Antoniou at King’s College London
    Glyphosate was half that permitted in drinking water in the European Union,
    14,000 times lower than that permitted in drinking water in the USA and
    20,000 times lower than that permitted in Australia.
  • マーゴット・マクミレン
    コメントした 2015-04-26 11:10:29 -0400
    Janet Cooper’s notes, just received in my e-mail in-box somehow, layers one question on another. One of her questions is, “Do any of you realize that prior to the usage of glyphosate the chemicals used to control weeds were /and in some cases still are/ much more toxic ?” Just wanted to add that those much-more-toxic chemicals are BACK, and being used NOW, and if the past is a teacher will be used much more than even in the past. The deal is that glyphosate-resistant crops (roundup-ready) have resulted in weeds that are resistant, so industry has developed crops able to resist 2,4D and dicamba. These are chemicals with long-proven records of damaging human health. Certainly not the way we’d choose to go if we were thinking about human results of chemical use. At the same time, industry is developing better robot machines to do the farmers’ work. So what’s the future look like? As we all painfully know and can point out with so many examples, we may not be in the spray zone but we all live downstream.
  • ローリー・オルソン
    コメントした 2015-04-24 23:26:35 -0400
  • ランドルフクエスト
    コメントした 2015-03-09 21:11:42 -0400
    See too the article at http://www.beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/?p=2672 describing an inexpensive quick test for organophosphate contamination in ffod and drink.
    Be sure to see the (second) comment (by ‘Plaidsportcoat’) after the article.
  • ドットロザッカー
    コメントした 2015-02-14 10:28:47 -0500
  • マーゴット・マクミレン
    コメントした 2015-02-07 11:17:11 -0500
  • ジェームズ・エバーツ
    コメントした 2015-01-03 03:20:59 -0500
  • マーク・ストルゾフ
    コメントした 2015-01-02 22:14:04 -0500
    Autism rates also correlate directly with organic food sales

  • 禅ハニーカット
    コメントした 2014-11-28 05:01:35 -0500
    私のROはそれを削除しました。はい、。05 ppbのレベルで解読できないようにします。
  • 禅ハニーカット
    コメントした 2014-11-28 05:01:33 -0500
    私のROはそれを削除しました。はい、。05 ppbのレベルで解読できないようにします。
  • Artis clotfelter
    コメントした 2014-11-15 22:27:12 -0500
  • ピーター・キンダーズリー
    コメントした 2014-10-06 10:10:27 -0400
  • キャシー・スミス
    コメントした 2014-09-06 21:11:29 -0400
  • ジェームズ・エバーツ
    コメントした 2014-06-11 05:38:20 -0400
    Sorry Carla, I was not fully awake. ELISA uses antibodies (=antigen specific proteins) for the detection of poisons. For each chemical a specific antibody has to be developed. Something the lab in question is good at.
  • ジェームズ・エバーツ
    コメントした 2014-06-11 03:35:50 -0400
    Carla Roppel, my link is not relevant anymore. I had my doubts about the lab doing the usine tests as not being an analytical chemistry lab. But for using ELISA, which is test using bacteria, they are perfectly qualified. So I withdraw my comment.
  • エイミーアボット
    サインアップ 2014-04-09 12:03:58 -0400
  • これについて投稿した フェイスブック 2014-04-08 15:16:45 -0400
  • エリー・カーチナー
    サインアップ 2014-04-08 15:16:10 -0400
  • 禅ハニーカット
    コメントした 2013-12-29 10:22:12 -0500
    Teresa Thank you for raising this point about the owner having formrly worked at Monsanto, as I am sure others are interested to know about this too. I saw this pointed out on Facebook before the holiday and could not remember where you posed the question to respond, sorry!! Although my source who connected me to the lab (which too quite a bit of time to find a lab willing to do this by the way) wishes to remain anonymous, it is someone many leaders in this movemet know well and love dearly. This person has a great reputation and has known the lab owner for many years and vouched for him personally. This person says it is very difficult if not impossible to find anyone in science or in a lab that has NOT worked for Monsanto, especially in the mid west where this lab is stationed
    The lab owner worked for Monsanto before Roundup was developed so has no ties to that product and has no longer has any loyaties to Monsanto. The person who connected us says simply trusts him.
    Although I would prefer that the lab owner never worked for Monsanto, I simply trust the person who connected us. I also trust that a lab willing to do this is risking quite a bit of scrutiny, as you have seen already, and in my experience, has a committment greater than any fears to the truth. There is a reason the lab owner has his own lab and no longer works for Monsanto.
    Also, they are running a standard test and risk their entire reputation and livliehood if results are ever shown to be skewed.
    I also take the perspective that the lab owner ( who is not running the tests, the technicians are, but he must over see them) , must know what he is doing. Much like you would not ask someone who is not a hacker to find out what hackers are doing… You need someone who knows what they are doing. Having had worked at Monsanto could mean that he knows what he is doing…but I tend to think that since he has a lab for many years with a solid reputation that is even more important.
    If anyone wished to simultaneously run tests at a different lab, I invite you to share the name of a lab that will test for glyphosate. In my experience most will not, but I welcome the support in finding one. For me, spending 180 dollars compared to the several thousand I already spend on my children’s health is worth it to find out. I understand it may seem too unsure to some. All I can say is I trust the person who connected us and that in doing so I believe that answers and solutions may be possible.

    To respond to the person who says findingout that there is glyphosate in my son’s urine would be in any way a good thing, is completely misled. There should be ZERO glyphosate in any human’s system. It destroys the gut bacteria, impairs the liver’s ability to function and breaks down the blood brain barrier allowing toxins in that could be related to Austiam and Alzheimers. Finding out if glyohosate is in our American children’s urine is in fact crucial to the survival of our culture and nation.
    We Moms want answers NOW and our doctors and the lab they recommend would not test urine for glyphosate. The local water tests for glyphosate test only for much higehr levels than has been shoen to be toxic: see email from water dept.

    “For most purposes micrograms per liter (ug/l) is equivalent to parts per billion.
    First finding is Alameda County in the Contra Costa Water District with a finding of 110 ppb back in 1993. Second finding is in Imperial County, sampled in 2005 with a finding of 66 ppb.

    Current lab standards can see glyphosate at a level of 25 ppb or greater. The allowable Maximum Contaminant Level is 700, which is the standard they would have to exceed to be in exceedance of standards."
    FYI from the “Seeds of Doubt” Conference , video 5 at 38:38 min

    Our USA acceptable level of glyphosate is 1000ppb standard ( in CA it is 700 ppb) The equivalent european standard is 100 nano grams = .2 ppb ( that is POINT 2)
    In the animal study done in Europe .1 ppb( POINT 1) showed to be toxic in animals. That means our acceptable glyphosate level is 10,000 x times higher than what has been shown to be is highly toxic in animals.
    Mentioned in this video clip, In 1994 a report showed that 70% of glyphosate moves out of the body and 30% retained in bone marrow. From a Monsanto study the highest percentage of glyohosate comes from wheat products…which most American children eat with every meal. I think a test is important.
  • ジェームズ・エバーツ
    コメントした 2013-12-21 13:34:20 -0500
  • ジェームズ・エバーツ
    コメントした 2013-12-21 13:29:44 -0500
  • ジェームズ・エバーツ
    コメントした 2013-12-21 04:54:13 -0500
    This is really peculiar. An ex-Monsanto employee supporting an anti-Monsanto movement? Is he a renegade or a cheater? Still, he apparently has no experience with residue analysis. The ELISA test is very probably not good for urine (a watery solution, though) either.
  • ジェームズ・エバーツ
    コメントした 2013-12-20 03:37:10 -0500
    I am not sure about Microbe Inotech. This laboratory is a microbiological and biochemistry lab. I cannot find anything on their site about pesticide residue analysis. These analyses are not easy, and should be done according to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), because of the stakes. I cannot find anything about GLP certification/accreditation either. It would be unacceptable if they outsourced it to an unknown, non-certified laboratory as well. This is a huge market, so you have to be careful. I think the other labs told the truth: it cannot be done in a economically and scientifically acceptable way, because of the extremely low and highly variable concentrations in urine. You would need a certain number of samples per person, which makes it very expensive.
  • Shannon Cunningham
    コメントした 2013-12-17 21:26:25 -0500
    USDA certified lab.
    Yes soybeans are one of the Genetically Modified crops.
  • Emily Givler
    コメントした 2013-12-17 20:45:50 -0500
    If what we are seeking is proof, wouldn’t correlative results showing high levels of glyphosate in the presence of leaky gut, MTHFR mutation, or Autism, etc. hold more sway than just illustrating the presence of glyphosate in urine? That seems easily dismissable when dealing with government agencies run by the company that swears it is safe. There are unfortunately on average about 200 chemicals present in the breast milk of American mothers. I just think we need the strongest data possible, and my fear is simply demonstrating presence of a chemical may not be enough.
  • Emily Givler
    コメントした 2013-12-17 20:39:04 -0500
    What are the effects I see Donna Clark? Children with multiple food sensitivities, Autistic children, kids with behavioral issues or ADHD, dysbiosis, leaky gut, malnutrition, MTHFR gene mutations… The list goes on. The medical community is not particularly interested in the root cause of illness of there is a poll they can give you for the symptoms. There are a growing number of supportive voices in the medical community but they are still few and far between.
  • Teddie Miller
    コメントした 2013-12-17 20:20:38 -0500
    Cellular Cleanse your body, I have some great resources. FB Teddie Miller

