1. Where was this food produced?
2. How was this food produced?
7月 7, 2018の土曜日は、カリフォルニアのグリホサートを含むすべての製品が、CA Prop 65発がん性物質リストに記載されているため、発がん性物質として警告ラベルが付けられることになっていた日でした。 モンサントは、リストにある化学物質にラベルを付けるという30年の慣行を訴え、一時的に停止しました。それでも...裁判官は、グリホサートを小道具65発がん物質リストに残すことに同意しました。それで彼はグリホサートが有害であることを認めます...しかし大衆は知る必要はありませんか?
Home DepotやLowes、またはRoundupを販売している小売店に行く場合は、声を上げるか、マネージャーに伝えるか、マネージャーにメモを書いてください。彼らがラウンドアップとグリホサートベースの製品を販売し続けるならば、独立した科学が彼らが癌に貢献していることを示していることを彼らに知らせてください。それらを売るのをやめるように彼らにきちんと頼んでください。
The information provided here has been gathered for over a decade by dedicated moms. Many of the scientists, doctors, farmers, health professionals, and researchers we refer to have been researching their areas of expertise for decades. このサイトの情報と、行動を起こすために私たちが提供するチラシと資料、あなたの家族、コミュニティが今後何年も健康で幸せな生活を送ることができるようになります! 私たちはあなたがここにいることをとても嬉しく思います。
続きを読むBy Mike Gioscia of www.TheGreenDad.com
Mike and his family are featured in the new movie Secret Ingredients.
なじみのある道を進んでいたのですが、知らなかったのです。私の息子が数年前に自閉症スペクトラム(PDD-NOS)で診断されたと、私は妻にこれを述べました: '私たちは人々に話す必要はありません。言う必要はありません 自閉症。彼にブランドを付ける必要はありません。彼が持っていると言うことができます… いくつかの困難.
Yup. I said it. Denial? Is that what it is dad? A feeling of failure? My kid can’t have anything wrong with him! What would that say about me?!
Well, I snapped out of my selfish funk pretty quick, and I implore you, dad, to do the same. We need you out here. Your kid needs you, more than anything else you’ve got going on. Forget the office. The boat. The golf. The trips. Whatever it is that’s pulling you away from dealing. Deal! C’mon dad, we need you!
接触 Debbie Luican, (949) 484-3365
Jill C. Carnahan、MD、ABFM、ABHM、IFMCPによる序文
「親として、私たちの食べ物や環境に浸透した毒素に脅かされていると感じるのは簡単です。 UNSTOPPABLEでは、Zenは、これらの課題を勇敢に受け入れ、愛する人をより健康に向けて動かすための知識をあなたに与えます。」
彼らはあなたに何かを思い出させますか?おそらく有機的なシンボル?ヨーロッパに旅行したことがある場合は、ほとんどすべてのショップでこれらのロゴが下に表示されます。ヨーロッパの「BIO」はOrganicの略です。それでも、GMO業界は、「BIO-EngineeredFood」の略であるBEでGMOにラベルを付けたいと考えています。 GMO業界は有機業界を共同選択しようとしています!
Have you heard about the proposed GMO labeling symbols?
It's bad enough that food companies using GMO ingredients won't have to have the words "Produced with Genetic Engineering"- now GMO companies are influencing the USDA to allow a symbol that co-opts the Bio-Dynamic and Organic industry by using "BE" for Bio-Engineering instead of GE for genetic engineering. Absolutely unacceptable! Read Center for Food Safety's article on Eco Watch ここに。
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Spraying fungicides on tobacco in a greenhouse in Jalapa, Nicaragua. Photo: courtesy Peter Essick. |
By guest blogger Evaggelos Vallianatos, author of several books, including Poison Spring
Pesticides cause a multitude of adverse effects on humans. However, they are especially harmful to children. They may have something to do with the mass-shootings in schools all over America because some of them are neurotoxins. This means they affect and damage the central nervous system and the brain of all animals, including humans.
Have you ever seen workers on the side of the road with a metal sprayer, dousing the landscaping with some unknown liquid? Or a truck with a tank of liquid driving slowly along the sidewalk spraying a jet stream of liquid all over the roadside or sidewalk? Or how about a farmer in a field on a tractor spraying the crops? Ever wonder what they are spraying?
It's not water. And it's not harmless. They are most likely spraying a glyphosate-based herbicide, such as Roundup or Rodeo. You may even have a bottle of these herbicides in your garage to spray in your own backyard. Glyphosate-based herbicides are the most popular, and insidiously harmful, herbicides and desiccants (drying agents) in the world. Over 9.4 million tons of these herbicides are recorded to have been sprayed globally. 80% of GMOs---genetically modified crops---are engineered to withstand glyphosate-based herbicides.
California is the only state that has a Department of Pesticide* Regulation that tracks the use of glyphosate and other pesticides/herbicides. That map was recently shared with me by a supporter for glyphosate-free grape growing. Click here for one of the most disturbing maps you will ever see, especially if you live in California. The California wine regions are recorded to have between 79,000-189,000 pounds of glyphosate sprayed in their communities every year.
*The term pesticide is accepted by the industry to include pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides.