

Author of 止められない

Screen_Shot_2018-08-30_at_5.13.34_PM.png8月 27, 2018で、環境ワーキンググループ(EWG)は「チェリオスを捨てるべきか?」という記事を公開しています。 穀物の45サンプル モンサント社が開発したラウンドアップ除草剤の化学成分であるグリホサートのオート麦製品。 95%の従来の製品は、既知の発癌物質について陽性でした。有機製品の3%のみが陽性でした。見つかったレベルは 30 -1300+ テストしたサンプル中のppbのグリホサート。 EWGがグリホサートについて食品をテストしたことに興奮していますが、彼らが実際に言うのは恐ろしいです。 一言で言えば、いいえ一部の製品には、自社の安全性評価よりも8 x高いレベルが含まれていましたが、 科学的研究 危害を加えるために...彼らは、グリホサートで高度に汚染されていることがわかっている食品を食べるのをやめるように消費者にまだ勧めませんでした。

We asked the EWG and did not receive a sufficient response.** They simply refused to address the scientific studies which have proven that ultra low levels of glyphosate cause harm. This is very concerning and confusing. Fellow supporters have reminded me that the VP of Government Affairs for EWG, also a staff member of Just Label It’s Organic Voices Action Fund, is Scott Faber, the man who threw the entire GMO labeling food movement under the GMO bus during a hearing about the DARK ACT (Denying American’s Right to Know) where he stated, “No one is arguing that farmers should not plant GMOs .”  Not True! Activists in counties across the country were struggling to get GMO free zones! He was also asked if GMOs were as safe as their counterparts and he said, “Yes.” Why would he say this? There is a vast amount of data showing that GMOs and their related pesticides that they are engineered to withstand and are not grown without are extremely unsafe! We want them labeled specifically because studies have shown that they are unsafe!

Screen_Shot_2018-08-30_at_5.46.30_PM.pngEWGがグリホサートで汚染された食品を捨てて、これらの有害な化学物質への暴露を減らすことを推奨しない理由が何であれ、我々はそれらとその主題について話すすべての人に、公衆の健康に対する再考し、より強い姿勢を取るよう促します。  れが彼らの責任であり、 守る 消費者、彼らに感じさせない 快適 食べ物の選択肢があります。


Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist MIT and glyphosate expert stated,  “I applaud EWG for bringing public awareness to the widespread contamination of glyphosate in common foods.  However, I am dismayed that they recommended not to throw out non-organic oat-based foods, once you know they have been found to have high levels of glyphosate in them. My research says that no amount of glyphosate is safe.  Why would you want to risk your family's future health once you know? My husband and I did a massive purge of our cupboard once we became aware of the dangers of glyphosate.”

It is particularly concerning that the EWG would not recommend the immediate discontinuation of exposing children, who are the most frequent consumers of breakfast cereal, to these harmful chemicals. In a 2014 interview with Dr. Mercola, Andre Leu, President of IFOAM Organics International,  International director of Regeneration International and author, “Poisoning Our Children: The Parents’ Guide to the Myths of Safe Pesticides, says:

“Children, when we talk about the unborn, the newborn and grown children up to puberty, they do not have the detoxification enzymes in their livers that we have as adults. Particularly for young children, that means they have no way of detoxifying even the smallest amount of a pesticide or a chemical.”

UK molecular biologist Michael Antoniou commented on the results, “I, too, am surprised to hear the EWG claim that consuming Cheerios at 169ppb is not at least adding significantly to the total source of daily glyphosate ingestion. In our rat study, Roundup at 4ng/kg body weight per day of glyphosate equivalent was toxic in the long term.  If a 20 kg child ate just a single 60-gram portion of Cheerios at 169 ppb (169 micrograms per kg of cereal), they would ingest 10.14 micrograms of glyphosate. Dividing this by 20 gives us 0.507 micrograms (or 507 ng) per kg body weight per day if they ate it every day. Now, 507ng is 126.75 times higher than what our rats ate. Of course, a child will eat other contaminated foods that will add to this daily intake without a doubt.

Screen_Shot_2018-08-30_at_5.45.49_PM.png肝心なのは、チェリオスの子どもたちは、体重1kgあたり1日1回の割合で、ラットよりもはるかに高いレベルのグリホサートを摂取し、肝臓病を発症するということです。 しかし、私たちが常に心に留めておくべき重要な警告は、ラットがグリホサートだけでなくラウンドアップを消費したということです。この段階では、アジュバントの毒性への寄与を排除することはできません。」

What Antoniou is referring to in the latter part of his statement is the fact that the testing by the EWG was only for the chemical glyphosate. Therefore the results of his study and the levels which caused those results, cannot be directly compared to the levels of glyphosate the EWG found in the cereals. One cannot say that 4ng per kg of body weight of glyphosates herbicides in rats caused liver disease, therefore 4 ng per kg of body weight of glyphosate alone will likely cause liver disease in humans.

However, we do know that glyphosate is never used alone. Glyphosate herbicides are made up of dozens of different chemicals that have been found to be up to 1000 x more toxic than glyphosate alone. Antoniou’s study was on the final formulation of glyphosate herbicides, all of the co-formulants combined, which include arsenic and heavy metals, not just glyphosate. Therefore, the impact of the co-formulants, which are likely to be present in oats and wheat sprayed with glyphosate, but not confirmed, could be much worse.

As an organization, Moms Across America cannot sit back and watch the American public be misled to believe that any level of glyphosate in their food is safe, not the 160 ppb as suggested by the EWG, not the 1100 micrograms per day as suggested by the CA EPA. None. There is no safe level of glyphosate. Why do we say this? Because glyphosate has been scientifically proven to bioaccumulate in the body - that means to build up over time.  So 160 ppb today in Cheerios along with glyphosate residues found in orange juice, oatmeal, bread, snacks, eggs, bagels, beer and wine adds up to over 1000 or 2000 ppb of glyphosate residues. Everyday.


Before you begin to feel sorry for the food companies, remember that they have known since 2015 that glyphosate was deemed a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a division of the World Health Organization.  They have had ample time to insist that their suppliers grow glyphosate-free crops. With good reason. Glyphosate herbicides have also been shown to destroy gut bacteria in the parts per billion, cause liver disease, endocrine disruption, cause shortened gestation which can mean miscarriages, and many more serious health issues plaguing America.


*I part per TRILLION- which is the equivalent of 1 drop in 22 olympic-sized swimming pools-  was shown to cause the growth of breast cancer cells, and parts per billion of glyphosate can cause liver and kidney damage, reproductive damage, and more.


**Hi Zen,







Glyphosate has been linked to an elevated risk of cancer by California state scientists and the World Health Organization.






Showing 1 reaction

  • アンマリアペトリニ
    コメントした 2019-09-01 21:59:25 -0400
    My son who is 28 has been eating regular Cheerios since he was 8 months old. It was the ONLY thing he would eat for breakfast and he stopped only last year, and he’d eat twice or three times the suggested serving size. He has Sjogrens and endocrine issues which is extremely rare at the age of 16 which was when he was diagnosed. I believe it was the constant exposure to glyphosate in Cheerios that caused the diseases. I pray to God that he doesn’t develop non Hopkins lymphoma which people with both Sjogrens AND those exposed to glyphosate often aquire.
    I make too little and so does he to eat entirely organic but we did eliminate Cheerios and replaced it with organic cerial . Also we got rid of the dirty dozen.
    Just doing that alone is costing us an average of $500. A month in groceries …..and that’s just for HIM!
    Its not feasible to eat entirely organic if you are poor, or working class. I don’t see how a family of 4 or 5 would possibly be able to go organic. So what are we supposed to do?
    Be poisoned.
    Or eat well but live in a tent in the woods with no car, wifi, TV or toilet?
    Because that’s what it would take in order to eat organic for alot of lower income people.

