What Parents-to-Be Need to Know About the COVID Vaccine
Moms Across America risks social media censorship and the loss of sponsorship funding by sharing this information with you. We may need to cut staff and be limited in our effectiveness in the area of increasing access to organic food, safe environments, schools, and communities due to that loss of funding.
We sincerely hope, however, that our funders and the media will see that the life of all babies is more important than restricting our sharing of information that simply empowers a person to choose the care for their families.
When we learn of the tragic loss of the precious babies in our communities, we cannot sit idly by in fear. We must take action. And we hope you will too.
続きを読むHow Monsanto/Bayer Is Contributing to the COVID Shutdowns and Global Economic Crisis
- A new study released 1月 28, 2021, shows that both Roundup and glyphosate affected the microbiome at all doses tested, causing shifts in bacterial populations and their function.
- Imbalances in gut bacteria or dysbiosis is linked to an ever-growing array of diseases, including cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, behavioral issues like ADHD, Autism, and depression.
- Previous studies have shown that populations with diabetes and obesity, or weakened immune systems, are at higher risk of death from COVID-19.
- Higher rates of death from COVD-19 are the largest factor in whether a state or country will shut down its economy.
As reported by GMWatch - A new study conducted by an international team of scientists based in London, France, Italy, and the Netherlands, led by Dr. Michael Antoniou of King’s College London, was published today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
12月 1, 2020火曜日に、CDCの予防接種実施諮問委員会(ACIP)会議が開催され、COVIDワクチン展開のフェーズ1 aに投票しました。会議はライブストリーミングされ、一般の人が見ることができました。私はこのような重要な決定が下されるプロセスを目撃、その情報をMoms Across Americaの支持者に伝えるために、約4時間プレゼンテーションを見ました。私たちの子供たちの多くはワクチンで被害を受けており、他の人へのさらなる被害を防ぎたいので、私たちのお母さんはワクチンのトピックに強い関心を持っています。私たちは、多くの副作用からの闘いが私たちの年配の親や家族にとってどれほど激しいか、可動性や会話の喪失がどれほど壊滅的であるか、そして子供たちの将来の可能性を奪われることはどれほど悲劇的であるかを直接知っていますそれら。私たちは、この急いで危険なワクチンを最初に受けた人々、特に不可欠な医療従事者と私たちの最愛の、そして最も脆弱な親、祖父母、家族を非常に心配しています。
Doctors, scientists, and heads of departments such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, and many other immunization management groups were present. It was a meeting of the minds of the people who control the immunization schedule of the United States of America, 350 million people. The context was set early, “Every minute a person in the United States is dying from COVID...as we have this meeting at least 180 people will die.” The goal on the agenda was to vote on whether or not health care providers and residents of long-term care facilities should be the first to be offered the COVID vaccine, after it was approved by the CDC and ACIP.