

12月 1, 2020火曜日に、CDCの予防接種実施諮問委員会(ACIP)会議が開催され、COVIDワクチン展開のフェーズ1 aに投票しました。会議はライブストリーミングされ、一般の人が見ることができました。私はこのような重要な決定が下されるプロセスを目撃、その情報をMoms Across Americaの支持者に伝えるために、約4時間プレゼンテーションを見ました。私たちの子供たちの多くはワクチンで被害を受けており、他の人へのさらなる被害を防ぎたいので、私たちのお母さんはワクチンのトピックに強い関心を持っています。私たちは、多くの副作用からの闘いが私たちの年配の親や家族にとってどれほど激しいか、可動性や会話の喪失がどれほど壊滅的であるか、そして子供たちの将来の可能性を奪われることはどれほど悲劇的であるかを直接知っていますそれら。私たちは、この急いで危険なワクチンを最初に受けた人々、特に不可欠な医療従事者と私たちの最愛の、そして最も脆弱な親、祖父母、家族を非常に心配しています。


Doctors, scientists, and heads of departments such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, and many other immunization management groups were present. It was a meeting of the minds of the people who control the immunization schedule of the United States of America, 350 million people. The context was set early, “Every minute a person in the United States is dying from we have this meeting at least 180 people will die.” The goal on the agenda was to vote on whether or not health care providers and residents of long-term care facilities should be the first to be offered the COVID vaccine, after it was approved by the CDC and ACIP. 

Right from the get-go the question was asked by a peer if the CDC had information on the efficacy of the vaccine. The response from Dr. Kathleen Dooling CDC/NIHD was, “We do not have data on the efficacy at this time. That is something we will address in Stage 3.” This is shocking...because this means the vaccine will be administered in Stage 1a without data on efficacy. Why? Because the government agrees with making the people in Stage 1-3 the experimental groups. No one on the panel seemed to be bothered by this information.



Presentations were given on how they proposed the vaccine to be administered, and for the first time, in my experience, acknowledgments were made of widespread “reactogenicity” (expected side effects) and how they should be managed. Keep in mind, the reactogenicity they were alluding to were just fever and flu like symptoms for a day or two, enough to keep them out of work, but no admission of vaccine damage paralysis, transverse myelitis, or possible death as has been reported from the trials.


The reason these side effects are on the watch list is because these are side effects that have been widely reported from other vaccines.The COVID safety trials have been expedited and are based on the results of other vaccines. The full presentation for their protocol has been made unavailable to the general public except by request. 

One CDC member said, “If we have a mass vaccination of EMT workers, for instance, we could have a shortage of EMTs the next day.” It was suggested, therefore, that rather than going into a long-term care facility and vaccinating everyone at once, staff and residents easily in three days as was previously suggested, instead they should stagger the vaccinations of the health case workers to prevent shortage of staff. Nothing was suggested about staggering the vaccination of the residents. It was determined that health care providers should attempt to get the vaccine before their day off work, therefore limiting the impact of any reactogenicity.



ワクチンが「それを手に入れたい人」に利用可能になると聞いてうれしく思いました。CDCは必須という言葉を提案していませんでした。 (これは、民間施設が雇用または居住のためにワクチンを必要とする場合と必要としない場合があることを意味するものではありません。これは不明です。)16歳以上の介護施設の居住者は、同意書に署名する必要があります。 (許可を与える)フォームまたは家族は、フォームに同意し(他の人の決定に同意し)、署名する必要があります。私はすぐに、ワクチンが互いに対立していることについて意見が対立する姉と弟を想像しました。このCOVIDワクチンの問題は、家族を引き裂く可能性があります。両親が安全であることを単に望んでいるにもかかわらず、誤った情報を与えられている多くの人にとって、どれほど悲しいことでしょう。



Dr. Tom Shimabukuro (CDC/NCEZID) gave a presentation on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or as he referred to it as VAERS, the “Post-authorization safety monitoring update” and the “nation’s early warning system for vaccine safety.” This euphemism compelled me to shout at my laptop, “WHAT? This system is not about’s about vaccine DAMAGE, harm!” Along with a few other choice words. People wonder why so many of us in this health freedom movement are so angry about vaccines. We’re angry because the medical industry so often uses euphemisms to mislead the American public, encouraging them to subject their precious children and elderly parents to risky injections so often...that we lose our cool. I am not proud of it, but I would hope the reader would understand. When an “anti-vaxxer,” or as I prefer to call them “health freedom advocate,” is angry, it is because we are fed up with the lack of integrity in our system. We know we can do better, we need them to do better...the safety and future of our country depends on them doing better.

For instance, Dr. Shimabukuro extolled the virtues of VAERS, claiming it would be updated with “signals” (reports of vaccine damage) and new data every 1-2 weeks, and that the delay was really only because of the length of a hospital stay and the check-out procedures. I personally know a mother who has reported severe adverse reactions to vaccines to VAERS and who repeatedly searched the VAERS database to see if their case has been received. Four years later, after repeated filings, there still was no sign of their filing. She is not the only one. The system is far from accurate, and most caregivers, including my own elderly father’s nurse at a long-term care rehab facility, have no idea that VAERS even exists. To expect the nation’s health care providers, who are dealing with staff shortages and possibly multiple cases of vaccine reactions, to suddenly buckle down and spend hours filling out paperwork is unrealistic. Not to mention that most would see the filing of the paperwork as something that might threaten their position - no one wants to report that a patient was injured at their hand or in their facility. My projection, and this is just from a layman who experienced vaccine damage with her own father (and his doctor, nurse, and rehab facility never reported it), is that the VAERS system is vastly underutilized (less than 1% actually report vaccine damage) and will continue to be COVID or no COVID vaccine.

Health Care Workers and Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities Will Get the COVID Vaccine First

最後に、予想される懸念と支持が表明されたパブリックコメントの後、投票が行われました。高齢者介護者を含めることに懸念を表明する者もいたが、懸念を表明しただけで、とにかく「賛成」と投票しているようだった。 13は「はい」に投票しました。タルボット博士は、14メンバーの中で「いいえ」と投票した唯一のメンバーでした。


What was most disturbing was that no discussion of alternate groups to receive the vaccine first was put forward. What would make the most sense to me, and many others weighing in, would be the following order to receive the vaccine:CEO's of Vaccine Manufacturing companies and their staff

  • CDCおよびACIPメンバー
  • HHSスタッフ 
  • FDAスタッフ
  • 大統領
  • 保健部職員
  • 知事
  • 上院議員
  • 代表者


整理番号でコメントすることにより、CDCに直接コメントすることができます-CDC 2020-0121


  • ジョナサン・クーリモア
    コメントした 2020-12-02 23:15:41 -0500
  • スーザンジョーンズ
    コメントした 2020-12-02 22:19:44 -0500
  • Cory ziobro
    コメントした 2020-12-02 21:00:35 -0500
    I have sent an email to the CDC with the list suggested. I thank you for all you do for us MOMS ACROSS AMERICA <3
  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2020-12-02 15:48:04 -0500

