Water Protectors and Police Brutality at Standing Rock
Last night at Standing Rock, North Dakota nearly two hundred people were hurt by Morton County Police at a peaceful action which involved women, elders and young people in peaceful prayer. An attempt by Sioux nation leaders to clear two burned out vehicles which have been blocking a public road outside of Oceti Sakowin Camp suddenly became dangerous when the Morton County Police began shooting tear gas grenades, rubber bullets from close range, using water cannons and fire hoses to drench the water protectors in sub zero weather.
Moms Across America's director Zen Honeycutt, who has been at the camp for 4 days, reported that,"We were are asked to support the prayer on the bridge and did not expect to be a part of a massive onslaught of intentional police brutality by the Morton County Police. As I stood on the south side of the bridge, which was not considered trespassing, holding blankets for the Water Protectors who were getting soaked by tanks shooting water, several tear gas grenades exploded in front of me, burning my eyes, throat and causing me to go into convulsions. The grenades were also intentionally shot into grassy areas setting fire to the hills around me, provoking brave Native men to rush to the fires and extinguish them with their bodies. Objects that looked like large fireworks (or small bombs) exploded in the crowd. Rubber bullets caused elders, women and youth to collapse and scream for medics all around me. I saw women who were shot in the head and elders who were drenched with water in sub zero temperatures. Percussion grenades were going off and they were using the LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) to try and control the crowd. Planes with Stingers circled overhead with their lights off, redirecting our cell phone signals and shutting down our Facebook Live video service.
It was nothing less than an intentional act of violence and warfare by the Morton County Police. It is a tragic time in our history, one that deserves the immediate attention and intervention of our President."
The legal team reported that 167 people were injured by the water cannons, 7 sent to the ER for wounds from the rubber bullets, many of which were head wounds, countless others injured from mace, tear gas, and one elder is still in critical condition from cardiac arrest. The incident was not sparked by a willful act of protest. In fact, the Morton County police had stated that they would clear the cars which block the road for emergency vehicles and the general public two weeks ago. When they did not, the Native American local men attempted to clear them for emergency vehicles. Youth and women prayed with them that their work would be successful. When the spraying with water and rubber bullets began, a call for support went out to the nearby Oceti Sakowin Camp and over 1000 supporters stood in prayer and supported their efforts for over 12 hours, from around 5 pm until well past 5 in the morning.
The coordination, generosity and willingness of the supporters was awe inspiring. Women carried huge logs for a bonfire built on the bank of the Missouri River to keep warm. Men shoved logs across the river like a giant game of shuffleboard to get logs to the fire. Supporters brought tarps to protect the young adults who were being violently sprayed with a firehouse as they formed a human wall with their bodies to protect their fire. Non natives and natives alike brought coats, hand warmers, ponchos, soup and fry bread to sustain the supporters throughout the night. A camp fire was built on the south side of the bridge to warm the people who were soaking wet in the sub zero temperatures to prevent hypothermia. Many of the youth simply changed out of their wet clothes and went back to the front lines.
"What I witnessed were extraordinary acts of dedication and constraint by the water protectors. Over and over again, they were sprayed with freezing water and they continued to pray. They were shot with rubber bullets and yet they did not attack their attackers. They stood for 12 hours in the cold chanting to protect water, and did not retaliate with violence. Elders well into their eighties drummed past midnight to sustain the prayers. These young people, women and elders did this on behalf of 18 million people who stand to lose their primary drinking source if the Dakota Access Pipeline is installed under the Missouri River by permission of the Army Corps of Engineers. We call upon the Army Corps of Engineers to deny the permit for the drilling of this pipeline. We also request anyone who has bank accounts with Bank of America, Chase or Wells Fargo, to close your account and to tell them you are doing so because they have funded DAPL. The Norwegian Bank has pulled out and we expect these three banks to do so as well. It is not a matter of if the pipeline will break, but when, and we can no longer stand for or be a part of supporting the pollution of our planet.”
Moms Across America supporters is raising funds to Support Standing Rock. To find out how you can support go to www.momsacrossamerica.org and ACTION or www.ocetisakowincamp.org.
Zen Honeycutt reporting from Standing Rock
On 11月 15th the National Day of Action to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, Moms Across America was supported by over 60 donors who gave over $4500 for us to go to Standing Rock, help as we can, report on the efforts, and donate supplies. Our supporters gave their resources to be a part of this historic movement of water protectors because it is yet another example of the corporate bullying of our government to put the profits of companies before the health of our people.
Moms Across America has a history of amplifying the voices of the moms. One of our supporters, Zoe Swartz said, “The rights of the chemical companies to make a profit in no way surpass the rights of a mother to protect her child.”
The following is the account of Zen Honeycutt - Founder and Executive Director of Moms Across America.
11月 19, 2016
The early morning light glowed dusky blue as the Standing Rock main camp, Oceti Sakowin rolled into view below us. My family and I released a collective gasp as hundreds of tipis, yurts and tents covered the valley by the Missouri River. Flags from over 300 tribal nations flapped in the wind, colorful images of bears, eagles, and symbols of earthly creatures. It appeared heavenly. Images of Dances with Wolves movie sprang to mind and my eyes filled with tears to see a modern day gathering of many races, honoring the Indigenous people in North Dakota, in reality before us.
However, reality is harsh -- and as I write this in the business center nearby, after a day of action, a young man recounts how he was arrested by local police last week for no reason, beaten, had all his camera equipment stolen, and traumatized by the people who were supposed to be protecting him. With a gash on his head, he was called “scum of the earth” . What is even more disheartening, is that he has lost all faith in his government. There is not much more soul crushing than to see a young person without faith.
Earlier that day, I was full of hope however, the sheer numbers, over 9000 reported, that have come to support the water protectors, is awe inspiring. As we pulled into the dirt road, Native American security stopped and cleared us. The young warrior had been at the camp since July and you could tell he was proud. Driving down the Crazy Horse Lane, with hundreds of flags around us is a moment I will never forget. Epic is a word that comes to mind. We settled in near a new barn being constructed, as the camp was feverishly preparing for winter. The night before was the first night of snow. It was bitterly cold and the wind never stopped. Never.
Before we could even get a lay of the land and unload supplies, my family, Moms Across America assistant Lisa, and her son wrapped ourselves into as many layers as we could and headed to the community meetings. The meeting all begin with prayer, sage and grounding deep breaths. We are all reminded to be mindful of the fact that this is an Indigenous lead ceremonial prayer camp, not a music festival or activist protest gathering. We are here in support of the water protectors. We are here to be useful, generous, and honest. And that is what we intend to be. After the community meeting we went to an orientation in a cold military style rectangular tent with stoves that remained cruelly cold. Then we quickly signed the legal documents in case we went to jail, and finally moved to take action. The “Heart Action” was created by the Youth Council and it was a day to honor women, namely Red Fawn, who was in prison for reportedly grabbing a gun and firing three shots in the air. She faces 20 years.
After a ceremony of moving speakers and homage to Red Fawn, we walked in solidarity, hundreds of non-native women first, then Native women, children and our men behind us. This was a risky move, as many of the direct actions in the past few months have resulted in horrifying police brutality: macing without warning, rubber bullet shots fired, dog bites, beatings and severe injuries. We were banking on the fact that we were unarmed women and children, appealing to their human decency, to not harm us and allow us to pray on the bridge before the barricade which kept us far from the drilling platform for the pipeline. It was a somber walk in silence.
Many of us were dressed in Red to honor Red Fawn and the women wore skirts to signify being in prayer. Our Water Protectors flapped in the brisk wind and our sons silently struggled to hold them up. First we spelled out “Free Red Fawn” by the river bank with our bodies for an aerial view photograph. As we sat on cold mud we were warmed by greeting our neighbors, from Washington. Wisconsin, New York, Mexico and beyond. After the drone got the shot we arranged ourselves for the prayer on the bridge. Non Native women in front, then native women, children and our men. I became anxious however from being separated from my littlest one who was cold, had a cough and was acting droopy, so I gave him a piggy back and kept him with me. I struggled with thoughts of risk- was keeping my child with me an act of protection or endangering? What world did we live in that walking with hundreds of women to a bridge to pray for clean water a risk to my child? We walked slowly to the steady beat of a drum in silence towards the barricade. Two camouflage military trucks blocked the bridge reportedly burned out by the DAPL workers to make it appear as if the Water Protectors were violent. They had not been moved for weeks, blocking the road to Bismark and making it much more difficult to take a detour. Rolls of sharp prison barbed wire blocked either side of the bridge. They were clearly preventing passage of the water protectors, general public and even emergency vehicles through this public road.

Organic Food Holiday Billboards Run Across America
National Health Billboard Campaign Continues by アメリカ中のママ
Los Angeles - Moms Across America has launched the fourth edition of a series for their national billboard campaign to promote organic food.
The messages are currently appearing on 195 digital billboards in 25 cities nationwide. The campaign is expected to achieve 54 million impressions during the months of November and December. Thanks to the reach of Adams + Fairway Outdoor Advertising, Moms Across America is able to reach the general public with a message that could alter the health of America over the holidays.
Moms Across America’s Executive Director states, “Many people have been convinced by conventional and GMO food manufacturers that organic food is simply a marketing tactic, that there is no difference except a higher price, and does not impact health. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is that ALL food used to be organic. Only in the past twenty years has food been changed, genetically modified to withstand repeated spraying of chemicals known to be linked to neurotoxicity, cell damage and death, reproductive changes and even cancer. We see our loved ones get better when they eat organic. What better time than over the holidays, at family gatherings, to bring and serve organic food and start a conversation which can lead to improved health.”
She continued, “Our intention is to reach millions of American consumers and encourage them to buy organic. If only 1% of the people viewing this billboard start spending $100 a week on organic food, we can create a 1.7 billion dollar shift to organic food per year. We only hope there will be enough farmers and grocery stores willing to keep up with the demand.”
Moms Across America has been working for nearly four years to raise awareness about GMOs and related toxins. They have received hundreds of testimonials from their supporters sharing how grateful they are that they learned about GMOs and related pesticides, describing the health improvements in detail.
For example:
“I had an awesome team of doctors at the children’s hospital that could not figure out what was wrong with my daughter who was getting sick after nearly every meal. The Moms posting on Facebook that their children got better when they got off GMOs saved my daughter’s life. That day, I went out and bought organic food and she stopped throwing up.” – Jennifer Lawrenson
Moms Across America recognizes that not every child reacts in this way to GMO food, “It’s sort of like smoking, some have ill health effects, some do not. The difference is that smoking is a choice, eating is not.” Honeycutt points out that all American’s no matter what their income level, location or socio economic background is, should have access to organic food. The situation may soon however, get worse instead of better.
The billboards are up the same week that the EPA has approved herbicides Enlist Duo and Dicamba to be sprayed directly on food and feed crops. These chemicals have been shown to cause crop damage due to drift, leach into the water supply, and have been linked to DNA damage.
Honeycutt points out that it is EPA policy to require long term safety studies of only one declared “active” chemical ingredient of a product, not the final formulation. So unless the manufacturers have gone beyond protocol and have provided long term animal studies, blood analysis, and final formulation testing, the claim that Enlist Duo or new Dicamba products are safe is unfounded.
“The EPA is obviously responding to industry pressure to approve these chemicals to be sprayed on our food crops because Glyphosate based herbicides like Roundup are no longer working, are harmful, and have received enormous public outcry. Apparently they think we won’t notice that they are simply asking farmers to get back on the toxic treadmill of another kind of untested chemical cocktails. We have faith in our farmers that they can farm, as has been done for thousands of years, without toxic chemicals. Our grandparents farmed, cooked, and feed their families food without GMOs and toxic chemicals, we can do that too, “ stated Honeycutt.
The billboards are displayed for 8 weeks in:
- Rochester MN, Atlanta GA, Kenosh WI
- Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte, Lake Norman,Greenesboro, Greeneville, Charleston SC
- Chattanooga TN
- Wichita Falls, Texarkana AR-TX, Sherman, Denison TX
- Chippewa, Monroe, Winona County, LaCrosse, Eau Claire, Kenosha WI
- Peoria, Bloomington, Penkin, Manito, Champaign IL
- Ann Arbor, Lansing, Detroit MI
- Norfolk,VA
- NorthHampton, Lehigh, Camden, Wilmington, Philadelphia PA
About Mom’s Across America
Moms Across America is a 501c3 non profit, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms. Motto: “Empowered Moms Healthy Kids. Website MomsAcrossAmerica.org.
About Adams + Fairway Outdoor Advertising
Adams + Fairway Outdoor Advertising is one of the nation’s largest out of home advertising companies in the United States, with more than 29,000 displays in over 21 states, 34 markets, and 101 DMA’s. Adams + Fairway offers multiple types of displays in its portfolio of assets to meet growing customer demands. These assets include the quickly evolving digital platform that offers over 430 digital billboards throughout all of markets.
Blair Fitzgibbon
Sound Speed PR
202-503-6141 Cell
Stop the TPP!
Take Action to Protect Freedom Everywhere!
If the TPP Passes corporate control will be expanded beyond what we can even imagine. GMO labeling-internationally, internet privacy, medication integrity, jobs and more will be lost.
Now is the time to unite to stop TPP during the 127 days of lame duck.
Here’s an update from Arthur Stamoulis. Please, stopping the TPP is the most important work we can do at the moment. Please, let’s not forget that. Thanks so much. - emilianne
Please Join the National Call-In Days Against the TPP
A broad coalition of online, labor, environmental, consumer and other groups in participating in the National Call-In Days Against the TPP from 11月 15 - 17. Last month, nearly 100 groups joined together to generate tens of thousands of calls into Congress against the TPP. With your help, we're going to top that effort the first week of the Lame Duck session. We need you to please…
- Sign up to participate in the Call-In Days by clicking here, and we’ll make sure you receive template email blasts, tollfree numbers, click-to-call tools and unbranded memes that will make you’re participation easy. Everyone is asked to send at least one email out to their supporters about the TPP on whatever day of their choosing on 11月 15, 16 or 17.
- Sign up to participate in the Thunderclap about the Call-In Days here. Thunderclap is an online tool through which you can authorize your Facebook and Twitter account to automatically post one message about the Call-In Days on 11月 15. If enough people sign up, we’ll reach millions of Americans through social media that day. You can do this on behalf of your group そして as an individual. You just need to be on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr.
Other Ways to Make a Difference
Participate in a National Lobby Day Against the TPP in Washington, DC on Wednesday, 11月 30. If you can personally make it — or your organization can send even just one or two supporters — let’s coordinate! While we can’t fund people’s travel, we may be able to identify home stays and carpooling options, and we’ll definitely keep you in the loop about a planned morning breakfast briefing, an afternoon press event and rally, and a free Rock Against the TPP concert with 1,500 of your new closest friends that evening. Please let us know you’re interested by clicking here.
Can’t make it to DC? No problem! Have you checked in with your U.S. Representative about his or her TPP position recently? This is perhaps the most important thing each of us can do right now. Members of Congress are back home, in-district now through the election, and we need each and every one of them to commit to oppose the TPP. Please either meet with them, call them or attend one of their public events and ask them: “Will you commit to oppose the TPP before the election?” Please share any updates on your outreach and conversations you have with me, so that we can track each members’ position closely.
This whole thing could come down to just a handful of votes, so every conversation matters!
The TPP’s chances of passage this year are too close for comfort, but, by working together, I’m confident we can win. The Call-In Days are one incredibly easy way to make a real contribution.
Many thanks,
Sonoma County Wins Victory
**For Immediate Release**
11月 9, 2016
Contact: Karen Hudson (707) 795-7859
Sonoma County Becomes Sixth California County to Ban GMO Crop Cultivation;
Creates 13,734 square mile GMO- free Growing Zone.
Sonoma County – Today, with 100% of the precincts reporting, Sonoma County’s Measure M Campaign declared victory with 55.9% of the vote.
“After five years educating the residents of Sonoma County and three years working to pass this ban, the voters have spoken, and we are delighted with their support. The majority of voters understand the importance of preserving our local agricultural heritage for future generations.” said Karen Hudson, Campaign Manager “Yes on Measure M
Measure M will prohibit the growing of GMO crops in Sonoma County protecting local farms, pastures, and cover crops from contamination. Because pollen cannot be contained, contamination from GMO crops has resulted in millions of dollars in lost export revenue for farmers throughout the country.
Sonoma County’s agriculture embraces its local family farms, which are organic or non-GMO. Measure M was designed to protect their right to grow using traditional methods.
It was endorsed by hundreds of local farmers, vintners, businesses, community organizations, and thousands of individuals across Sonoma County.
GMOs are not delivering the promise of higher yields. Heavy herbicide spraying is creating herbicide resistant weeds and affecting the microbial balance in the soil. Nutrient deficient soil and resistant weeds are reducing crop yields. As we begin to understand long term impacts, both consumers and farmers are moving away from GMOs. More than 35 countries prohibit growing genetically engineered crops and many have restrictions on imports.
"We are thrilled that the people of Sonoma have seen through the pesticide industry’s corporate public relations spin as expounded by both UC Davis and the Farm Bureau during the campaign. Sonoma County has sent a loud message that the control of our agriculture and plant genetics should remain in the capable hands of our local farmers.”
-Mark Squire, Tara Firma Farm
Measure M’s growing prohibition takes effect immediately upon approval by voters in Sonoma County, with two exceptions to provide a transition period for those currently growing GMO crops.
First, a person or legal entity who is already raising or growing genetically engineered organisms in the County on, or before, the date Measure M was approved by the voters of Sonoma County, shall be permitted to maintain such organisms until the end of their natural growing cycle. At the time of harvest the plants must be removed, and they may no longer grow GMOs.
Second, any person or other legal entity in possession of genetically engineered seed purchased before the date Measure M was approved may cultivate those seeds in the growing cycle immediately following the enactment of this Ordinance. At the conclusion of that time period, any person or other legal entity who has continued propagating, cultivating, raising or growing genetically engineered organisms in the county during this transitional period shall be required to destroy and safely dispose of, or remove completely and permanently from the County, any remaining genetically engineered organisms.
None of the provisions of Measure M shall be construed to permit any person or other legal entity that is not currently in possession of genetically engineered seed or already propagating, cultivating, raising or growing genetically engineered organisms in the County to begin to do so after this Ordinance is approved by the voters of Sonoma County.
Other than Section 7(a) above, none of the provisions of the Ordinance shall be construed to permit any person or other legal entity who is already propagating, cultivating, raising or growing genetically engineered organisms in the County to propagate, cultivate, raise or grow any genetically engineered organisms not already living and established in the County, or otherwise to begin any new activity prohibited by Section (5) of this Ordinance, after it takes effect.
“Citizens for healthy farms and families would like to thank all of our endorsers, those giving donations, volunteers, steering committee members, and voters for giving our farmers, dairies, vintners, wildlife, families, and environment the same protection provided five other CA Counties.” - Karen Hudson.
Full list of endorsers available at www.gmofreesonoma.com
For more information regarding GMOs please visit:
Buffer Zones NOW!
Should toxic pesticides and herbicides be sprayed near schools? These chemicals are PROVEN neurotoxins and we say NO!
Moms Across America works to eliminate exposure to toxins completely, we do not want toxic chemicals sprayed anywhere, at any time. But the bare minimum would be to stop spraying around schools. At the very least we should be able to trust that our children are safe from neurotoxins at school and in the playground!
EWG explains the close proximity to thousands of schools and fields sprayed with toxins in this article: ここをクリック。
The following is a letter that we ask you to copy, personalize and mail before 11月 17.
We appreciate the critical work of PANNA- Pesticide Action Network North America, and for initiating this campaign.
Together we can make a difference!
Vote Today and Everyday with Your Wallet
This is a blog post from an email sent Election day. A reminder of the importance of the power we have no matter who is in office.
続きを読むThe Terrifying Truth About GMO Candy

It's Halloween season. Beware of the scare tactics about health advocates that may sneak up on you. A previous article by a GMO proponent Julie Kelly in The Chicago Tribune used the Jelly Belly Company decision to go organic as a “lifestyle choice” to spread more lies about GMOs.
As a mother of three boys, one which almost died from food and another who nearly lost his future potential due to autism symptoms, I am fed up with the treacherous marketing tactics used by the food and chemical industry and their supporters.
The fact is that GMOs are foreign proteins, made in a lab, and they’re not proven to be safe for humans. Foreign proteins can cause inflammation in the gut, allergic reactions and over time, ulcers which develop into cancer. Look at the gross reality of the American Farmer Howard Vlieger’s pigs stomachs which ate GMO feed and ask yourself which is scarier? The slightly higher price for organic candy or not knowing whether or not the kids you give GMO candy to will have stomachs like these?
The author fails to mention that 100% of major GMO crops are “Pesticide Plants.” Pesticides kill.
The New "Normal" of America
Health in American has been on a rapid decline over the last 2 decades. Unfortunately, many people are resigning themselves to this reality -this being the new "Normal".
This is anything but Normal.
One can go to any of the major health organizations, the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetic Association and you will see that while they mention some of the obvious causes of these chronic diseases, such as inactivity in children and poor diet, they never mention what we believe to be key factors.
Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States
As children growing up in the 60's and 70's, hearing about someone with cancer was a very scarce thing, let alone hearing of a child getting cancer. Now there are entire hospitals dedicated to children with cancer.
The CDC lists cancer as one of the leading causes of death in children 5-14 years old. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!
Kidshealth.org states that 1 in 3 children in the United States is considered overweight or obese.2 The American Heart Association concurs with these numbers.3 They both state the cause as being inactivity in children as well as too much junk/fast food. While these are certainly contributing to the rapid increase of obesity in our population as a whole, we think they are missing the mark in many key areas.
- http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm
- http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/overweight-obesity.html
- http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/HealthyKids/ChildhoodObesity/Overweight-in-Children_UCM_304054_Article.jsp#.WAl0utxq7YE
- http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/asthma.htm
- http://www.aafa.org/page/asthma-facts.aspx
- http://www.asthmamd.org/asthma-statistics/
- http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html
- http://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/facts-statistics-infographic#2
- https://www.foodallergy.org/facts-and-stats
- http://www.ageofautism.com/2011/05/more-than-32-million-american-kids-chronically-sick-its-time-to-demand-answers.html
- https://www.autismspeaks.org/science/science-news/new-government-survey-pegs-autism-prevalence-1-45
- http://www.seattlechildrens.org/medical-conditions/brain-nervous-system-mental-conditions/epilepsy/
The following is a document you can hand out to your Dept of Health, regional EPA, school principals, Board of Ed or doctors. We hope that together, we can shift this health crisis to an opportunity for community empowerment, health and justice.
Click and download the "Childhood Crisis in America"
Thank you for creating healthy healthy communities with us!
Big Hugs,
Anne, Zen and MAA Team
Does Zika Cause Birth Defects?
While traveling last week to the Monsanto Tribunal, I was deeply disturbed to see a large sign at the security checkpoint in an international airport declaring "Zika Causes Birth Defects." The sign warned pregnant women to avoid areas where they could get bitten by mosquitoes. Although I am a huge fan of precaution and appreciate the warning for all, I am more concerned with the influence of chemical companies to create hype and create fear which permits the use of toxic chemicals. The fear around the Zika Virus microcephaly birth defects has been useful to get the US government to approve 1.8 billion dollars in taxpayer funds to go towards Big Pharma vaccines and Big Chem aerial spraying of neurotoxins over our homes, schools, waterways, gardens, playgrounds, and parks. The toxins which have been shown to be in vaccines and aerial sprays are much more concerning to us than the cold-like symptoms of the Zika Virus. Tens of thousands of women in other countries have had the Zika virus while pregnant and did not have babies with birth defects. In fact, research has shown that it is likely the spraying of larvicides (pesticides) that contaminated the water in Argentina, which are more likely to be the cause of the microcephaly birth defects. So, as a person who has been intensely aware of the chemical company shenanigans, I was very glad to post this guest blog by Ian Trottier regarding the evidence around the Zika Virus ない being the cause of brain deformities. Please read, follow the money, question the motives of Big Chem, and share this info.