The Power of Moms
Dear Moms
” If every Mom knew how awesome they are , every problem in the world would be fixed.” – Kid President
When I watched this video, my heart giggled. My soul glowed and I thought of all the times when I stopped, looked and listened to the glory of childhood…and sometimes even joined in with a booty shake and high five. The awesomeness of being a Mom is not all the things we do, but it how present we are to what we are doing.
In short, it’s who we are BEING. Mostly I don’t take the time to think about or create that, but when I do, when I choose that Today is the Day that I am being Courageous, Creative and a Contribution…whoa, watch out world…things are done that have never been done. My kids get a Mom who is happy to build a volcano with them instead of resentful. I reach out and do activism in the world to make a future for our kids great in ways I never imagined before. And when I see other moms being present with their kids, being gentle, curious and giggly, I know that all our activism is for those moments…the fleeting, magical, moment of love and delight.
So I invite every Mom on Moms Across America, to really get how awesome you are. Not because of all the doing, but because of who you are being. You are being your kids champion. You are being Courageous, Creative and a Contribution. You are the Gateway to Adventure! You are the most awesome person on the planet to at least one person and in their eyes, you can do anything. Look at yourself through their eyes …because theirs is the most beautiful perspective in the world.
As founder of Moms Across America our mission is Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids. Our current commitment is to empower millions to educate themselves about genetically modified organisms or GMOs, label them and offer America GMO free solutions.
We have created the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs on 7月 4. We have partners all across the nation like Robyn O’Brien ( Mom of 4 and TedX Talk speaker “Patriotism on a Plate”),, The CA Guild, GMO Free USA ( Mom Diana Reeves), Green America/GMO inside, March Against Monsanto (Mom Tami Monroe), Institute for Responsible Technology, NYR Organics, Dr. Bronners, Nature’s Path, Nutivia, Holistic Moms and many more.
We hope you will join us in marching in parade on the 4th of July in your hometown or town on vacation near you. This is the one opportunity we have to share our message with thousands locally and millions nationally, who are ready, waiting and interested. So grab a balloon, your kids and trike and join us!
Sign up at
For more info about GMOs go to
Read more:
Moms Speak Out About GMOs and Family Health
に Our Moms Survey: Your Family's Health
Moms are speaking out. The responses are amazing. Americans are seeing positive results from going GMO Free.
Here is a photo of my son's allergic reaction to Carageenan before and after eating GMOs regularly. We found out about GMOs, went GMO free and 4 mnths afterwards he was accidentally exposed to Carageenan again in the toothpaste at the dentist office. His reaction was drastically less inflammed and painful. I only took photos at the time to text to my doctor. These are real photos he wants us to show them to help heal other kids..
Update: my same son recently ate walnuts by accident. Usually he would have been near death in the ER for 6 hours, instead his toungue itched and he felt queasy. He was back in school in two hours. From life threatening to a mild allergy. This is huge!
Read these real results from real Moms from our Moms Survey. No scientific peer reviewed publishing needed, just some Moms willing to share their reality.
"My son just entered high school and his new teachers cannot even tell that he used to have severe autism symptoms. All I did differently was feed him organic food for the past two years, and I am a single Mom and make 40K, so it's not easy but it's that important. Even after two weeks of going organic my Dad saw his behavior changes and thought I had given him a new drug. I said, "Nope, no drugs, just organic food." Avoiding GMOs is the best thing I have done for my son, his life is totally different now."- Cindy RI.
"My son was diagnosed with asthma. We went organic and he went from being on a nebulizer 3xs a day to zero asthma. I lost 13 pounds, doing NOTHING��else different, just eating organic only." Karen L.TX
"My son had a rash around his mouth now and then but since getting off GMOs he doesn’t have that problem any more. My daughters tummy used to puff out after meals and she’d get a belly ache. She doesn’t get those after meals since we went off GMOs. I used to feel like my skin was crawling but I don’t get that anymore since being off GMOs." Laurie O. WA
I had an auto immune diseases for 8 years. I was on different medications for it and actually had surgery for it. It was a living nightmare. I took GMOs almost completely out of my diet 8 months ago and the symptoms are gone! Some of my family think I'm crazy for posting so many food posts about GMOs but I know first hand how devastating the effects are. Doctors said there is no cure for my disease. I found the cure...stop eating GMOs!!!!- Morgan M.
Here is a video from Jennifer Lawrenson who recorded this for the Moms Across America Initiative for World Child Health Day 2013.
More testimonials:
Do you or your family members have health issues that you suspect may be connected to GMOs?
( Before going GMO Free) "I had, depression, myofacial pain syndrome, constipation, chronic pain, atrial fibrillation.weight gain food cravings. My mom Parkinson’s Disease, obesity, depression, lots of surgery. My dad died of colon cancer, he ate white bread all of his life with Coke as his main beverage. My Husband, Barret’s Disease, weight gain after age 50 around the middle with back pain, swelling in feet and ankles. Our son, pimples, adhd type symptoms, that I would not medicate him for. Sleepiness and lack of energy. Real food real health." - Ellen B. Oregon
Why are you supporting this movement?
"My husband was in the hospital 5 times last year Doctors wanted to remove part of his intestine because it was so infected instead doctors pumped him full of antibotics for a week when he got out of hospital I changed his diet and all our family food choices to NON- GMO foods WOW what a diffrence he’s doing great and food never tasted so good! I will march sign petitions anything to reclaim our healthy labeled food choices. God Speed JUST SAY NO TO GMO’S ….MAAM! "-Rhonda B.
Here is a video from a Mom of twins.
These are just a few of the hundreds of responses we are getting. We want you to know, if you have health issues and suspect GMOs might be connected, that you are not alone. We get your frustration, upset and confusion as to why this could possibly be allowed. We also have health issues or have loved ones with health issues. We also know many people who don't have health issues, but are preventing them by supporting this movement.
Share your reality today:
The fact is that we don't know how GMOs could affect you. Everyone is different. But we do see, after testimonials like this, that every GMO bite is a gamble we don't want America to take.
We LOVE America. We LOVE our kids and the amazing people in this country and we know we are going to love our kids future spouses someday. We want them to be healthy. For the sake of future generations, and our right to freedom as an American, we demand GMO LABELING NOW! We also demand testing immediately from the agencies that are supposed to protect the American people, the CDC and the FDA. Please sign our petition today and share this petition and blog with everyone you know.
Rise of Allergies in the National News: But What is the REAL News?
In this NBC news story they are talking about food allergies. They say that there has been a dramatic increase since 1997.
What really is the news is what they are ない saying.
What they are not saying is that:
1997 is the first year of widespread implementation of Roundup Ready soybeans and cotton, in other words GMO soy and cotton.
Roundup Ready soy, Roundup Ready cotton and BT cotton all sprayed with Roundup,a patented trademark of Monsanto.
The active chemical ingredient in Roundup is Glyphosate, which chelates, or holds and prevents the availability of vital nutrients in the soil, plants and grain wherever it is present. Glyphosate chelates manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron etc...all nutrients we need to be healthy and thrive and fight off disease.
Glyphosate is a registered pesticide and patented as an antibiotic with the USPTO 7771736*. It is also a foreign chemical and the body fights foreign invaders. An anaphylatic allergic reaction (swelling of the throat) is the body responding to a foreign invader and trying to keep it out. Peanut allergy is the most common cause of death from a food allergy.
2007 was the last printed public statement of RoundUp use. 185 million pounds of glyphosate were being sprayed on all kinds of non organic foods at that time.
It has been reported that the use of pesticides on GMO crops increased 26% in 2008 alone.Roundup is used as a burndown herbicide before planting for conventional crops. It is sprayed directly ON and absorbs into GMO RR soy, cotton and corn. It cannot be washed off.
The real news is that the major rotation crop in cotton growing areas is guess what? Peanuts.
Plant a peanut crop after a RR cotton crop and you have glyphosate residue in the soil that the peanut plant (legume crop) will take up. Glyphosate also causes an increase in opportunistic fungi in the soil which causes plant diseases which cause the development of mold and mycotoxins to be in peanut crops.** To combat that, guess what? They spray the peanut crop with a fungicide. Might there be fungicide residue in the peanuts?
Why would there ever be a problem with allergies? I hope you get the sarcasm here.
The real news is:
How many kids have died from peanut allergies? Are you a parent of a child who has a peanut allergy?
Do you fear for their life like I do?
If not, did you know that 78% of the children who die from a food allergy never had a severe allergic attack before?
In a neighboring school district the number of kids who need Epi Pens was 750 last year. This year it is 2000.
That is 2000 kids that could die from food. Die. OUR kids! Is there anything more outrageous or horrible???
Why are we permitting corporation profits to be more important than our children's lives?
The REAL story is the hold that Monsanto has on our media.
We demand NBC and all major media put the health and well being of our nation's children before the call of the almighty dollar from your commercial sponsors. Otherwise the major news will not be what you report but how false the news is that you do report. The lack of accountability that Monsanto lays claim to will drain the integrity of every person and corporation that associates with, or protects them, by not reporting the truth.
We have access to information and we will share it.
We are Moms and we see the truth right before us.
It's called: Our kids GET BETTER when they GET OFF GMOs.
* USPTO patent of Glyphosate: .
** This information is from a 3rd generation farmer. It doesn't matter who..ask any farmer who knows about farming peanuts. They call it " Farmer's common sense". Want to discredit this? Show us the reports of glyphosate levels in peanuts and ALL our foods!
Holistic Moms Network's Nancy Massotto on GMOs
Despite the mess in the food industry we currently have, something beautiful and strong is emerging. The connections we are all creating by speaking up for a healthy future and freedom to choose our food are making America stronger. I had the privilege and honor to connect with Nancy Massotto, Founder and Executive Director of Holistic Moms Network. The Holistic Moms Network has partnered with Moms Across America to increase GMO awareness and spread the word about Moms Across America. In doing so we get to know Holistic Moms better. What an amazing organization and powerful woman!
What was your intention when you started Holistic Moms network 10 years ago?
Nancy Massotto is the Founder and Executive Director of the ホリスティックママズネットワーク and mother to two boys. She founded the Holistic Moms Network to meet other parents who shared her passions for living healthy and living sustainably, and to help raise awareness about natural living options. Before becoming a mom, she completed three graduate degrees, including a Ph.D. in political science, specializing in gender studies and feminist theory and spent several years working for non-profit research institutes, including the Women’s Research and Education Institute (WREI) and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), while residing in the Washington, D.C. area. As a mom and community leader, she is dedicated to empowering women, supporting mothers, and raising her two sons as naturally and sustainably as possible.
Twitter: @HolisticMomsNet, @HMNMama
YouTube: HMNNational
How To Be a Speaker about GMO's
Last night, after doing a talk for 18 awesome Moms and Dads I was told I should train others. I thought I would share my response as a blog post for all the Moms who want to know how to share about about GMOs and just don't know where to start. Feel free to copy, paste and formulate your own outline or talk.
First of I want you to know one thing. There is no "right way" that I have or anyone else has. The way to do a talk in front of others is to trust yourself. You have everything it takes and all the love in the world to do a perfect talk in front of your best friends or in front of thousands. Now how can you say that? You might don't even know don't know that I am shy, or soft spoken, or I just can't look people in the eye...I can't be a speaker. Phooey to that, is what I say.
I know you. You are a Mom. You love with ever fiber of your being where you don't even know there are fibers. Your commitment goes to unknowable depths and then some. You are more powerful and more clear and more moving than any fancy advertising or well oiled marketing report ever. When you are present to that love you have for your children, you can do anything. So my "training advice"is that you set aside any chatter in your head that you can't do this or don't know how and take a deep breath. Just think about how adorable your kids are and how you would like them to experience the profound love that you have for them, for their own child one day, that they created and birthed, and then get on with it.
To be a speaker about GMOs:
What is Roundup ( Glyphosate) Doing to Our Families? : New Study
"Glyphosate Exposure in a Farmer’s Family"
Journal of Environmental Protection, 2012, 3, 1001-1003 doi:10.4236/jep.2012.39115 Published Online 9月 2012 ( 1001
The following studies explain the health crisis in America. Really truly. This is it...all the searching for the cure is over. These studies show the cause. And as a mother, I am both outraged and relieved to finally know. Now we can do something about it. If there was ever a reason to eat organic and share information, this is it.
Glyphosate may not be a household word, but Roundup* is. You likely spray it on your weeds, or your neighbor does. Your children's school definitely does. Your city sprays it on your sidewalks and parks and the farmers who grow your food have been told it's the best thing since sliced bread to spray on the grounds surrounding almond trees, fruit trees, strawberries and almost every non-organic vegetable grown in America. Roundup is the most widely used pesticide in the world, 185 million pounds (1) are used in the USA alone each year and glyphosate is the active chemical ingredient.
Not only is it sprayed on the soil, the chemical is drawn into it root system and plant, it is also now being sprayed に the GMO plant in ever increasing doses and it is absorbed into every cell of the plant. It's called "Roundup Ready”. The problem is, that means it is in our food, potentially for 14 years plus, it cannot be washed off, そして the food is not labeled.
Some of you may know this already...but what you may not know is that the impact of Glyphosate is equally as potentially harmful as Genetically Modified foods. In a peer reviewed published scientific study titled "Glyphosate Exposure in a Farmer's Family" published in the Journal of Environmental Protection. This has not been widely circulated in the USA however, Moms Across America just found out that glyphosate has been proven to harm humans more than anyone realized.
The family in the study lived 1.5 miles away from their fields that were sprayed with Roundup. The father would spray the fields, come home and wash his hands thoroughly, but not take a shower. Apparently he hugged his children, because the levels of glyphosate found in their urine were far above what has shown to be toxic in animals. The glyphosate level in the father's urine was 9.5 ppm and the children's was 2 ppm. It is scientifically documented that infertility is caused by glyphosate at .5 ppm and endocrine disruption (which causes birth defects) is caused by glyphosate at .2 ppm.
The farmer and his wife had two children with birth defects including imperforated anus, growth hormone deficiency, hypospadias (which is when the urethra of the male penis's opening is not at the end but under, and along the side instead), heart defect and micro penis.
We also have a brand new scientific study which connects glyphosate and numerous diseases which have skyrocketed in our Western culture since the introduction of GMOs to our food supply .
"Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases" states that glyphosate residues have been found primarily in corn, sugar, soy and wheat. Good God, that is practically in everything all of us eat!
"Consequences are most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet, which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. We explain the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease, and we show that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins."
This new 48 page published scientific study is extensive and complicated. I have to say as a mother I would much rather be playing play dough with my kids or even cleaning a crusty toilet than scouring through these scientific reports and trying to decipher sentences like "Elevated amounts of shikimate-derived benzoic acids such as protocatechuate and gallate are also found in plants exposed to glyphosate."
So without further ado, I post these studies for you to make sense of. All I know is that glyphosate = harm to my family. So Stop It People! Stop spraying it on my food, stop spraying it on my school playground and stop spraying it in the city parks. And tell your city council, your representative, your congressmen/women. Share this report with them and demand that we stop using this chemical. If for no other reason than to err on the side of safety. These are our families we are talking about.
You need someone to pull up weeds? They are called Boy Scouts who need community service projects. No harmful side effects from a Boy Scout.
Harm to Farmer’s Family Study page 1
Harm to Farmer’s Family Study page 2
Harm to Farmer’s Family Study page 3
Glyphosate/Modern Diseases Study page 1
Findings of Glyphosate/Modern Diseases Study page 29
Conclusion of Glyphosate/Modern Diseases Study page 30
For the full report ( which is 48 pages long and too big of a file for my site) go to
(1) from the latest 2007 report)
* Roundup is a registered trademark of Monsanto
The Uprising
There is an uprising happening in America. It's not visible like in Europe where they are tearing up crops and being dragged away from protests in Hazmat suits.... in America the uprising is in kitchens and coffee shops and on the internet. Moms who once found their lives exhausting are now waking at 6 am automatically and posting everything they can about GMOs. They are spending money from their savings to start a ballot initiative for their state and learning the ins and out of politics that they once abhorred. They are doing radio shows and sharing their rage with thousands. People are MAD. Moms are LIVID. The recent reports, there seem to be a new ones every day now, are so many that if you don't scan Facebook for two hours you are out of the loop...and these reports now show categorically that GMOs are dangerous, not only to our health but to the environment and our economy. This is something I knew in my bones as soon as I saw Robyn O'Brien's TedX Talk "Patriotism on a Plate" and Jeffrey M. Smith's movie Genetic Roulette, but my brain did not have proof of human harm on paper until just these past few weeks. See here for many of those reports.
These new reports, coupled with the devastating impact of the President signing the "Monsanto Protection Act", have Moms practically spitting fire on the internet. Our Moms Survey, along with testimonials that their kids have gotten better off GMOs, have numerous responses saying:
Yes, all in CAPS, all SHOUTING. They are MAD. That's why 69,000 people liked the "March Against Monsanto" on 5月 25, and 9,000 signed up in about a week. People are angry...and worse than angry...people like me feel betrayed.
Usually we leave politics out of this at MAAM because anyone and everyone eats and Tea Partiers, Democrat and Republicans alike are working together on our team. I have to express for myself and all the Moms that I have talked to, that voted for Obama like I did and know about GMOs, that we want to weep with sadness. I feel betrayed. I feel a heavy weight and shame in being gullible and I am outraged at him about that. How could he? How could Michelle allow it? It's like my world turned inside out and upside down. Suddenly I have taken the blue pill and I can see clearly now that we are in the matrix.
For example: Walmart makes big profits, partially by paying their employees so little, and those workers must resort to buying cheap, nutritionally bankrupt foods. Big Agriculture profits from from the purchase of these cheap foods by Walmart and other poorly paid employees. When they get sick from this so called food, they have to pay huge amounts of whatever income they have left to pay for drugs from Big Pharmaceuticals. Big Media operates off commercial ads for those drugs which are paid for by Big Pharmaceuticals which also makes herbicides and pesticides for Big Ag, they are one and the same. Together they run our Whitehouse and Big Government.....paying for all the laws to be written in their favor to continue this circle of profit.
I am sure another website could put together much better statistics for this situation, exactly how much money they control, how many senators and congress people they have bought out...frankly the graphics that show the overlap of former Monsanto, Phizer and Dow employees that literally run our government, is sickening. Like a bad accident, I can't look at it for more than a few seconds. I don't want to know. It's too deep of a betrayal to everything I love about America.
Especially as Mom, I love our freedoms, our opportunities, the fact that we are not at war with another country on our homeland and our children are mostly safe...but now with GMOs in every school, church gathering, birthday party and scout outing...I feel like they are being attacked by food and our government knows this and lets it happen. My faith in our country is deeply shaken...and our food is slowly and literally killing us. ( I say this in reference to Dr. Huber's report, see link in first paragraph, that it has been discovered that soy has a new pathogen which causes birth defects and miscarriages in animals AND humans and we now have the lowest recorded birth rate in history. These are our BABIES.)
Unless I fight the status quo, be the one who doesn't have her kids sit down and eat the pizza at the bowling party, be the one who says "No you can't have popcorn" (at the movie theater because it was impromptu and we didn't smuggle in popcorn without GMO canola oil on it) "because it's GMO", loud enough for everyone around me to hear and not care...
Unless I am VIGILANT, tirelessly, actively, vigilant, my kids will be harmed by GM food over time. I know thousands of Moms get this and feel the same way. It's EXHAUSTING isn't it? Don't you just want to say "F it" and move to New Zealand or Peru where they ban GMOs?
Can you just NOT BELIEVE what a twilight zone of a mess our country is in right now? I hate to say this because it seems so un-American. I want to shake myself and wake up. I want to be able to eat at a restaurant and not feel like crap for two days afterwards. I want be able to send my kids to school with 3 dollars and say "Sure, buy lunch today". I want to be able to go to parties and smile authentically at the host and thank her and accept the cake, but that is not going to happen now. Not because I can't, because I could do all of those things, I just choose not to.
We have a choice but many don't. They don't know what they don't know. They are eating GMOs and wondering why the hell they can't loose the weight or why their autistic kid is not responding to therapy. Everybody, teachers, librarians, parent friends, bankers are all trying to give our kids GMO candy or sweets as rewards. They just don't know...and not only do they not know they are literally having the freedom to choose their food taken from them by not being told what is in their food. What is truly American is to have faith in the people. That's what our founding fathers did a couple hundred years ago and that's what this movement of mothers is doing now.
So as Moms, as exhausted and mad as we are, I invite us all to channel that energy, that relentless vigilance and tireless love for our children, to share. Share everyday, and in every way you can imagine as an act of generosity for fellow Moms and as an investment in the future of America. We are the ones. There is no one else that is going to swoop down from the sky and fix this for us. This is our country and our kids and it's up to us. We just need to shift from what's bad and wrong to what's possible...
What is possible for our movement as we go from Mad to Inspired? From Betrayed and Depressed to Creative?
What would be possible for our children if, rather than stewing in our own anger, we share with all our Mom friends from a place of love? Right now, that is the kind of leadership we need in America. If each one of you shared with 10 Moms, let's say you had a movie night, and each one of them shared with 5, who all shared with 5 and they shared with 5 Moms, then you would be personally responsible for 1,270 Moms finding out about GMOs and empowering them to have the freedom to choose their family's food. Multiply that times 100 thousand Moms ( that's only 2000 per state) and we have brought freedom to over 127 million Moms. That is way more than the tipping point needed to cause consumer rejection of GMOs and food manufacturer profit loss of 5%. This will spark the food manufacturers to make the switch to NON GMO. By signing up to march on 7月 4 and sharing GMO info flyers with your WHOLE TOWN all at once, we will be causing that tipping point simultaneously around the nation!
My friend Montgomery posted on Facebook last night:
It’s almost 4月 2013 and the planet is going through a mass transformation. There are many aspects to this transformation, and in the end one must come to realize the basic building block for global change starts with us, humanity on a collective level, together.- Collective Evolution
My husband gave me a well worn book the other day, "The SIXTIES: Years of Hope, Days of Rage". It seems to me we are mimicking those times in many ways...they had "Pranksters" just like "Anonymous" they had a women's uprising and Gloria Steinmen like we have Vandana Shiva. They had war (with the involvement of the same chemical company today, Monsanto) and meeting of community groups like we did with Prop 37 and protests like Occupy Wall Street. What I derive from posts on Facebook that speak of transformation, a shift in consciousness, and the energy I see rising everyday, is that it's not hippy-ish or weird, it's real...we are on the cusp of something bigger and more different than any of us can image.
Think of the huge shift in society from the 50's to the 60's. HUGE. The average person in the fifties, with their crisp suit or housewives with hats, matching shoes, prim purses and gloves, would have laughed their butt off in disbelief or told youthat were loony if you told them how people would be in the 60's...long haired, bell bottom wearing, freely pot smoking and maybe even swapping spouses. I am not saying we should fight for the 60's again but I am saying there is a correlation between the standards and ideals in the fifties that came from marketing and advertising and the standards and ideals that we have now about our food system. We've been "sold" a way of eating that doesn't work for us, this advertising is brainwashing for their maximum profit not for the nourishment of the people. There is a freedom before us, if we continue to rise, connect, garden, grow our own food, gather with love and empowerment, that will transform our world. The cool thing is, that this time around, we can still shave our armpits.
When I think about the food revolution that we are up to causing, my energy comes back. I can set aside my resentment for the President. I shift my focus to the new and amazing relationships that are being created from this movement. Like my new friend Monica and her daughter Alicia, the 6 year old who is petitioning the Girl Scouts to make NON GMO cookies, that I only met because of this movement. I get inspired by my kids who want to write letters to Monsanto's employees telling them what they are doing. My heart fills with joy and awe when I get calls from across the USA and even from other parts of the world, saying "We support you, keep going". Then I want to weep tears of gratitude, fulfillment and wonder at the amazing resilience and generosity of the human spirit.
Thank you to ALL of you who keep on keeping on. We are standing for Empowered Moms and Healthy Kids, no matter what.
Please note: I do not know whose graphic this is, it was posted on Facebook and I just love it. If you know whose it is so I can credit them, I would appreciate it. My feeling that they just want it to be seen and I am thrilled to share it.
More Info on 2012 Corn Comparison Report
There has been quite a stir this past week about the 2012 Corn Comparison Report by Profit Pro posted on this site on 3月 15. Keep in mind this is a report, NOT a scientific peer reviewed study and I do not have any other information other than what is in this blog.
See original blog and report here
See follow up comments from a 3rd generation farmer who is not connected to the report but knows of the report.
There have also been many comments that this report is not true. I wish it weren't true. The people who say it is not true, however are people who work in the Genetic Engineering field and want to protect their science. I get that. If you question it, please request that Monsanto runs an independent study or show their own data. We suspect they have this data already, as they pressured the EPA to raise the EPA standard of Glyphosate from 6.2 to 13ppm the year before this report came out. They also had the Monsanto Protection Act rider passed in the nick of time from when this information was posted. We believe they knew harm could come from their GMO corn and had the " Monsanto protection act" passed to pre-empt lawsuits. What do you think?
This video link below will explain a lot to them and to everyone who cares about what is in their food.
This is information that shakes the ground of our foundation of faith in our food system. This will be difficult information to process. All I can say is that you need to know this. And share it.
Here is an interview from Howard Vlieger from Weekly Womens GMO Free News which addresses the corn report.
For more information on the autoimmune condition PANDAS, which Kathleen mentions on the video go to
Protect Our Children! Not Monsanto!
Moms Across America are OUTRAGED at the callousness of our government to pass the Monsanto Protection Act with no thought for our children and citizens of America. This is a sad time for many Moms who supported Obama. It is unfathomable to us that Michelle, who has spoken up about organic gardening and children's health would also tolerate her husband's choice. Our President, Congress and Senate have given immunity from law to a company from being held accountable for any harm that comes to people or the planet from their toxic chemicals. What happened to integrity in America?
They also gave Monsanto the ability to plant any kind of GMO seeds they want to. And no court, the exact wording is "nothing shall override" them. We know now that Monsanto was part of drafting this new rider and that our government is really not for the people and by the people but is, officially, a Corporatocracy. I did not want to admit this for a long time and I try to stay out of politics because I want Moms of all parties to feel welcome to join our united cause. But this is political too and I need to voice for Moms every where, that we have lost faith in our government this week. We have lost faith in the future if left in the hands of those who control Big Pharmaceutical, Bayer, Astra Seneca and Phizer Pharmaceutical -parent company of Monsanto, who make the pesticides and herbicides AND the drugs to make us feel better, and Big Agriculture (the same companies + DuPont). We have lost faith in a system that we put into place a couple hundred years ago and really see no way out of in the near future.
So what do we do? Hide and cry? No. When a Mom senses her child is at risk, which they are...their health issues like allergies, autism and auto immune diseases have been skyrocketing, we research more and we take action. A new article on bi polar disorders in our children shows a 456% increase since GMOs were introduced. The same symptoms, unrest, discontent, sudden outburts of aggression and inability to focus, have all be shown in pigs who eat GMO feed as well. As Moms with common sense we are OUTRAGED that food is hurting our kids and the one thing we see we can do to take action is put the largest distributor of GMO food on NOTICE that we will not be buying anything from their store until they label GMOs and have GMO free options- WALMART.
We must take action with the greatest tool we have which is money and the greatest power we have which is our love. If you share this notice with 10 people and they share it with 5 and they share with 5 and those people share with 5 you will be responsible for 1270 people promising not to shop at Walmart. At $200 dollars a week X 52 weeks a year, that equals
$13 MILLION 208 THOUSAND dollars that you personally will cause NOT to go to the biggest distributor of GMO Foods.
Can you do that?
Here are the comments below from the moms who have signed the notice.
Tools for Talking About GMOs
Ever feel like we are in a twilight zone? The whole GMO food debacle has my head reeling this week. If I didn't have this march to plan, I might be joining the ranks of the activist pulling up fields in Europe. I am mad. I am more than mad, I am livid. To top off the confirmation of outrageous toxicity in our food, someone hacked my MAAM Facebook site this week. They know we are finding out and sharing about GMOs and they see that Moms are a threat to the way they do business. Good.
The past two weeks have been a tidal wave of GMO info, movie showing and people all across America taking action and posting important articles, videos and reports. There is no doubt in my mind that GMOs are nutritionally bankrupt and toxic.The response is inspiring however, even my hometown in CT of 2000 people had a Genetic Roulette showing this week! Despite the anger I feel from the injustice that has been foisted on the American people, I am delighted and encouraged by America's stand for our health, our children and our communities. These articles, videos, interviews and facts help us to speak clearly and confidently about GMOs
If you want to be clear about the health risks of GMOs, take a look at the following articles and videos.
I find the easiest way to introduce your friends and family to this information is to talk to them and show them
1. Elizabeth Doughtery's Interview of Dr. Huber