WHO Passes International Health Regulations and What it Means For Us
A Report on the Geneva WHO Summit and Inspired Global Leadership Summit and Rally 5月 31-6月 1, 2024
A week after the World Health Organization summit, an announcement was made that the IHR amendments had passed, creating global control over health and personal freedoms. The World Health Organization initially failed to agree on amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Pandemic Treaty. How it was passed, with only 1/3 present, and the pending restrictions on personal freedoms is causing an outcry worldwide. During the summit, health and free speech advocates from around the world gathered in Geneva at the Inspired Global Leadership Summit to counter-strategize and protest what many are calling a massive power grab that threatens medical choice, free speech, and individual work and travel freedoms. Moms Across America attended, spoke on the global food supply, and collaborated with international leaders to protect our health and personal freedoms.
Read moreGluten-Free Food Test Results
Moms Across America has tested 46 samples of gluten-free foods, including bread, pasta, crackers, snacks, flour, dessert mixes, and chips for glyphosate/AMPA, 236 pesticides, minerals, and gluten. The results are disturbing and affect at least 20 million people who eat gluten-free food in America.
In the United States, 12% of men and 9% of women report eating gluten-free. Around the world, 660 million people avoid gluten. Most have gluten intolerances, but some have Celiac disease, a serious life-threatening condition, and must avoid gluten entirely. People with Celiac have 2-4 X higher rates of coronary artery disease and small bowel cancer.
Read moreWHO Seeking ‘Way Forward’ on IHR Amendments, but a Vote Would Be Illegal, Critics Say
Reposted from Children's Health Defense
WHO member states on Tuesday agreed “to continue to work during the World Health Assembly … to finalize the package of amendments to the IHR (2005),” but critics argued any vote at this point would violate international law.
Read moreHOA Template to Stop Toxic Spraying in Your Neighborhood
At Moms Across America, we are committed to promoting health and wellness in our communities. One area of concern that often goes overlooked is the use of toxic chemicals in landscaping practices, particularly within Homeowners' Associations (HOAs).
We believe it's time to raise awareness and advocate for nontoxic alternatives that prioritize the well-being of residents, pets, and the environment. We have had a report of ten dogs dying in one HOA recently with a few weeks after the spraying of glufosinate, a weedkiller. Please take action to be aware of what is being sprayed, when and the safe alternatives that can be used.
To further this mission, we've drafted an open letter addressing the misconceptions surrounding herbicide use and the importance of transitioning to safer, nontoxic landscaping practices. Our goal is to empower residents to engage with their HOAs and push for positive change that benefits everyone.
Join us, using the template below, in advocating for nontoxic landscaping and making our communities safer and healthier places to live. You may use this letter and customize it for your own HOA, taking out or adding in information as needed. You can find more information to aide your appeal at https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/toxin_free_town_campaign under Toxin Free Town campaign. Together, we can create positive change and promote a greener, more sustainable future for all.
Read moreNew Study Links Toxic Chemicals & EMF to Autism Causation
A new study by Martin L. Pall of School of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA - MDPI.com links toxic chemicals & EMF to autism causation - This study finds a causative link between 15 specific chemicals, electro-magnetic fields and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).
GM Golden Rice in the Philippines Stopped: The Deception of Development and the Politics of Progress
Reposted from Sustainable Pulse
On 19 4月, the Philippine Supreme Court issued a cease-and-desist order on the commercial propagation of genetically modified (GM) Golden Rice and GM eggplant in the country, Countercurrents recently reported.
Read moreBaby Formula Toxic Metals Results Released
Thanks to your support, Moms Across America has collaborated with GMOScience and The New MDS to test toxic metals in baby formula, and we are extremely dismayed by the results. We had hoped some formulas would be free from toxic and heavy metals, but they were not. We were shocked to see such high levels of toxic metal aluminum present in goat's milk formula and urge the manufacturers and the FDA to immediately take action to resolve this issue.
The following report on the toxic metals by Dr. Michelle Perro, founder of GMOScience.org a 43 veteran pediatrician, clearly explains the problem we have and what we can do.
Moms Across America urges our network, the media, citizens or America and the world to insist that their elected officials take action to protect babies - the future of our countries, and ensure a safe future for us all.
Read moreFDA Responds to Toxic Metal Testing in Baby Formula
Moms Across America is thrilled to report that a new bill has been presented to make baby food and potentially baby formula safer. In addition, the FDA has made encouraging statements about regulating heavy metals in baby formula just one week after we met with them regarding toxins in the food supply. The below CNN article reports that the FDA commissioner is calling for Congress to approve (give them the ability) to regulate heavy metals in baby food. They also requested to add baby formula (exactly what we requested) and all critical foods to children.
In summary:
- Consumer advocacy works - testing baby formula and meeting with the FDA clearly made a difference.
- Your elected official must approve and give the FDA permission to do their jobs.
- Continued consumer pressure on elected officials is imperative.
We enthusiastically applaud Senator Klobuchar and fellow Democrats Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois, and Rep. Tony Cárdenas of California for sponsoring this bill. It takes a tremendous amount of research and time for our elected officials to devote their efforts to a particular bill. The bill will not pass without support however, and your elected officials are the only ones who can make this happen. They need to hear from you! We encourage all of our supporters to contact their elected officials - Senators そして Representatives today and tell them that we want support for this bill. Tell them specially we need it to include baby formula.
We urge our Senators and Representatives from both sides of the aisle to remember that toxins are not partisan. Heavy metals, pesticides, and contaminants damage a baby's development, impair their ability to function, and prevent them from fulfilling their potential regardless of their parent's political party. It is imperative that our politicians come together to support this bill.
We also extend the deepest respect and gratitude to Dr. Michelle Perro of GMOScience.org and author of What's Making Our Children Sick for initiating the baby formula project, our Moms Across America supporters, our director Zen Honeycutt author of 止められない and the laboratory who made the heavy metal testing possible, Kelly Ryerson of GlyphosateFacts.com who attended the meetings, and Siekman and Siekman and Associates who arranged the meetings, and Stephanie Seneff PhD, our scientific advisor, author of Toxic Legacy and partner on The New MDS where we will announce the baby formula testing results. We are delighted that even before we released the results to the public, our elected officials have already taken action. Tune in on Tuesday 5月 21, 2024 at 3pm on ET on Rumble to hear all about the baby formula results!
Read moreStates Step Up To Block Lab Grown ‘Meats’ From Their Food Supply
Last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law to ban cell-cultivated or “lab-grown” meat from the Sunshine State. “Take your fake lab-grown meat elsewhere,” DeSantis said. “We're not doing that in the state of Florida,” reported the Sarasota Herald Tribune. Anyone involved in selling, making, or distributing cultivated meat in Florida could face fines of up to $500 and 60 days in jail – the sentencing equivalent to assault and battery.
May Letter from our Director, Zen Honeycutt
Director’s Letter
5月 2024
Dear Friends,
The trees, bushes, and bunnies are bursting with life on our farm. May brings a flurry of flowers and a saturation of fresh, green, grassy pastures. The new growth invigorates my family, friends, and fellow activists. Life is what we work every day to protect.
This past week we were in Washington DC, meeting with our Senators and Representatives representing mothers and parents everywhere – requesting their partnership in creating healthy communities by providing access to safe, nontoxic nutrient-dense food.
We exposed the truth about the food supply through the testing we have conducted. Last year we tested school lunches and then the top 20 + 1 fast food brands from across the country and found glyphosate in 93%-100% of them, heavy metals in 100%, and veterinary drugs in hormones in 10-60% of the samples. Vitamin and nutrient density was so low that one could not truly call it food. The lab owner stated “The testing revealed that there are actually more toxins than nutrients in American school lunches and fast food.”
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