Letter from our Founding Executive Director
To our supporters:
The impact of our work has never been more clear: Make America Healthy Again is a dominating narrative in the national conversation. A federal bill, the Safe School Meals Act of 2024 Has been introduced as a direct result of your support! My personal goal has been to create a future of health and freedom. The new administration's two biggest priorities? Health and ending censorship - freedom of speech. It does not matter what party is championing these issues. I am just extremely happy for the possibility of real change. In the report, I will review some of the ways your support and your partnership have brought this conversation to a presidential platform--and now a new administration. All you need to do is look at social media and even mainstream news to see examples of how America is finally focused on health. Many Americans are now focusing on removing pesticides, fluoride from the water, artificial food dyes, industrial chemicals, seed oils, and toxins in our food. Decades of work from thousands of people is coming to fruition.
What must be said, from every fiber of my being, is that I am deeply, incredibly grateful to be able to do this work. The past twelve years have been meaningful, tumultuous, thrilling, and wonderful. This past year has been dynamic, traumatic, and inspiring. The past few months, which brought upheaval in personal relationships, the sudden death of my dear brother, the introduction of the Safe School Meals Act of 2024, Hurricane Helene hitting my hometown, and the Presidential elections, have transformed my life. The friends that have supported me, this network that has sent me hundreds of messages of gratitude, donations, and encouragement, have brought me to tears of joy more often than tears of grief.
For that reason, I feel deeply grateful. I think that if there is kindness during chaos, we can get stronger. If we can be more lit up by our gratitude than shut down by our grief, we can move forward powerfully and create the world we want. Gratitude is the highest frequency, the most healing energy, and the answer to all of the noise, negativity, and nonsense in the world.
So, as I thank you for your support in the form of this letter, I also ask for you to be present at this moment to the gratitude you feel for your body, yourself, and your energy. First, Love yourself. Love you exactly the way you are. It all starts from within--and when we love ourselves, we can love others, we can make a difference in the world, and create the world we all want to see- one of health and freedom.
Thank you for being a part of the We, The People who are creating health and freedom. Let’s keep going! We, Moms Across America, and our work will continue to be in the world to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. We will not stop, we will not give up because the love of our children will never end!
If you want to support the continuation of this incredible movement of mothers and others who are community leaders, and global game changers, please donate today. If you want to be a part of our team, send us your resume. If you want to share the beauty and power of our work, please share it far and wide. Thank you.
With Gratitude.
Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director, Moms Across America
Moms Across America is unique in that it initiated the first glyphosate testing in America and expanded to a wide array of contaminants, testing over 40 food samples, a scientifically significant number that impacts almost every American’s life. |
This year we tested Trix Loaded cereal, 46 gluten-free foods, 40 baby formulas, and cookies (results pending release).
We found, according to the toxicology-trained microbiologist lab owner, John Fagan of Health Research Institute Labs (HRI), that “the results from research that HRI did with Zen’s and Moms Across America’s leadership are scientifically highly significant and alarming, especially the heavy metals, the pesticides, and the glyphosate.”
In other words, the FDA has not been working to regulate the food supply and keep our babies and families safe.
Trix LOADED Cereals:
With support from John Roulac of Nutiva, we tested Trix LOADED cereal in March and as expected, found the cereal to be loaded with heavy metals and pesticides. This was particularly frustrating because General Mills had declared a commitment to regenerative agriculture. The news was picked up by hundreds of news outlets and contributed to mainstream awareness about the toxicity of our cereals - which we are now seeing more widely in mainstream news with Vani Hari’s campaign to get food dyes out of Kellogg’s cereal. Just recently, Mullen’s Dairy Bar in Wisconsin announced that they have removed all synthetic food dyes from their ice cream. This is a truly historic win for human health and one that we hope all food manufacturers will follow.
Gluten-Free Foods:
With the support of you, our Moms Across America supporters, and the esteemed Centner Academy, we then tested gluten-free food for glyphosate, 236 additional agrochemicals, and gluten. The results shocked the gluten-free and Celiac community of around the world. 44 out of 46 were positive for glyphosate, which has been linked to causing Celiac’s, 2,4 D (in Agent Orange) was the send most prevalent, and the gluten levels in some products exceeded FDA limits by 10X. Thousands of news outlets and social media groups shared the story. The news, especially that of the glyphosate levels in Banza pasts and gluten levels in Trader Joe’s GF Almost Everything Bagels, could be life-saving, as the levels detected definitely put the health of the consumers at risk. We believe the Banza pasta levels, the highest ever recorded in human foods by the lab we use, are what led to our entire TikTok account of 100K followers being removed. We have a backup Tiktok now, but the impact of our breaking news clearly disrupted the powers that be. It is testing like this, that reveals the truth, that puts food manufacturers on notice that they MUST batch test, verify with their suppliers, and be vigilant about the safety of their ingredients.
Baby Formula:
We collaborated with GMO Science, who initiated the baby formula testing for heavy metals. Together we commissioned the testing of twenty popular brands, with the criteria of corn syrup solid ingredients, which can make up 47% of some formulas, with the hypothesis that there would be high levels of mercury in baby formula. What we found was that heavy and toxic metals were found in 100% of the formulas, mercury at 35%, and 100% present for lead and aluminum, levels of aluminum were astronomically higher. The reason for these high levels has not been determined, more research needs to be done.
With your donations for travel, we were able to bring the baby formula data to the FDA and met with the head of the Human Foods Program. The next week, CNN reported that Jim Jones had requested Congress to include baby formula in the Baby Food Safety Act. This would make sense, as baby formula is the ONLY food that thousands of babies eat for the first six months of life. Consuming baby formula unregulated for heavy metals is inhumane. The impact of our collaborative work is influencing federal policy- all we need now is political will to make it a reality.
Educating our elected officials is essential. Legislators are more afraid of moms than any other grassroots group. This is why we continue to amplify the voices of the mothers. |
The shocking results sent mothers and grandmothers searching for solutions for their babies. Organic baby formula companies such as Bobbie agreed to do their own testing. While we have not yet tested to confirm their findings of nondetectable findings of heavy metals, and still cannot confirm a great solution, Moms Across America continues to have our Future Moms support page and reach out to support mothers. We continue to connect our mothers with sister organizations such as the Children’s Health Defense Tennesse Chapter which initiated a Mom Mentors program that we shared about on a Moms Connect Call. We also recommend our network to the Weston A Price Foundation. At the recent WISE Traditions Conference in Orlando, which had a record number of attendees, I was delighted to hear Natasha Campbell McBride assert that we should bring wet nursing back. I had a realization that the only reason we no longer have designated wet nurses in every neighborhood, the only reason we do not trust other women to feed our babies human milk, the perfect food, is because the big corporations have brainwashed us into believing that their product is better than the perfect food that comes from a woman’s body. The corporations have broken the trust within our communities. This, we cannot abide by. One of the primary goals going forward, of our Moms Across America community is to re-establish the trust women have for each other, for the supportive men in their lives, and for children trusting in themselves. Without trust within our communities, we do not have healthy communities.
Pending Cookie Results:
In December, we will release disturbing news about one of America’s most popular cookies. Stay tuned. Please support us so we can hire a PR company to get the news out to the necessary channels. Thank you!
Policy Initiatives:
Thanks to our board member Kelly Ryerson of GlyphosateFacts.com, donor Belle Hahn, her sister Lily Hahn Shining, and many MAA supporters, Kelly and I were able to go to DC and meet with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) along with Dr. Michelle Perro and other experts online, regarding these atrocious results. We focused on our new test results, the harm of glyphosate, and the endocrine-disrupting effects of the drying agents commonly used on crops in America. We collaborated with farmer Mark Doudlah, Alliance for Natural Health and Organic Consumers Association to present credible science and solutions to the EPA to support them in protecting the American people. Just recently, the EPA announced that they are, indeed, reviewing the endocrine-disrupting effects of all pesticides on human health. This is a huge step in the right direction, and we do not doubt that your support contributed to this progress.
During our trip, the fantastic team at Senator Corey Booker’s office announced at a hearing that they were introducing the Safe School Meals Act of 2024. A gigantic feat of work, heavily researched and collaborated on by dozens of farming groups and health advocates, Booker’s team made our dreams come true with this new bill. The impact of our work is being seen now, at a federal policy leave. For this, we have YOU to thank. Thank you, to our MAA supporters, laboratory partner Health Research Institute, and many others who supported us in reaching this important milestone. The work is not done however, the bill needs a Republican Cosponsor (That’s all we want for Christmas!)
We believe that our 2022 school lunch testing contributed to the fantastic news of Conscious Kitchen receiving federal funding for their local and organic school meal programs. We continue to champion School of Lunch and its programs to teach school nutrition directors how to source and cook local organic foods. We must say the relationships and respect that has collected from the partnerships around school lunches have been some of the most rewarding moments of our lives. Federal policy change is crucial, AND local endeavors to change the food at schools can and must happen now, regardless of the will of the policymakers.
We continue to reach out to potentially influential policymakers. Just a few weeks ago, the Biden administration announced funding for farm-to-school a $15 million grant in new funding for organic milk in schools. This is tremendous! However, we are concerned about Senator Fetterman's new initiative, the ADD SOY Act, because soy is not deemed to be organic. GMO soy presents a health risk to children, and we need to continue educating our legislators on these matters.
We continue to support awareness by sharing the information from the Weston A Price Foundation and many other health advocates that raw milk (from regenerative organically raised cows) is also extremely healthful for most and should be widely available. We are seeking funding to test a variety of milk and reveal the truth to the American public. We predict an increase in access to raw milk, something that every American should be respected enough to have the ability to choose for themselves to drink or not.
Social Media Growth and Educational Outreach:
Just before the release of the Gluten Free test results we acquired a new social media maven who supported our インスタグラム account to double in size, with some posts, for the first time, exceeding a million views. Our engagement has tripled, and our reach to accounts who are not actively following us on IG has skyrocketed. Notable people like Senator Corey Booker, Dr. Casey Means, Dr. Paul Saladin, and many more now follow our page and utilize our information in their work. While it was uncomfortable to let go of our former social media person who worked hard for us for years, the benefit of having a new person, with new approaches, and my willingness to let go of control, reaped massive rewards for consumer awareness. Thousands have told us that our work is, for example, “what changed my eating habits,” “what finally got my husband to listen to me,” “invaluable,” “Imperative,” and “what the FDA should be doing!”
Our social media reach has exploded with a 6-fold increase in content produced, especially on Instagram, at the average rate of one original and critical post per day, across 6 platforms, with the addition of our Social Media Director, Jenner.
Thanks to Jenner, some of our Instagram and TikTok videos have organically reached millions of views and were shared by hundreds of leading social media influencers. A few of the top-performing videos include “Cage free eggs are NOT what you want to buy” with 1.7 million views, “The most contaminated baby formulas at Walmart” with 1.1 million views, and “Highest level of glyphosate ever detected in Banza pasta” with 672K views. So far in 2024, we’ve accumulated over 7.2 million views and gained 80,000 new followers on Instagram alone, more than doubling our following from the beginning of the year for a total of 116,000 followers, all organically without any paid promotion or boosting. We’ve also increased the median Instagram post interaction rate by over 985%. On Facebook, we’ve reached over half a million accounts and views, a 109% increase from the previous year, and gained nearly 8,000 new followers, up 179% from the previous year.
We received placement in dozens of local TV news stations and countless online news outlets. Zen has also been interviewed by several high-level podcasts such as Alex Clark’s ‘Culture Apothecary’ and The Aubrey Marcus Podcast. This has resulted in several successful collaboration videos on Instagram such as “Contraception in Chick-fil-A” with 1.1 million views.
We have been delighted to be able to continue with our partnership on The New MDS; hosted on Rumble. Our director is the M in The New MDS - Moms, Doctors, and Scientists Working Together to Heal Our Children, a LIVE show hosted by Dr. Michelle Perro’s GMO Science, aired every last Tuesday of the month for the past two years. A dynamic discussion between Dr. Michelle Perro, pediatrician of 40 years, Senior Research MIT scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff, and special guests, moderated by Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America.
We are recording our 24th (2 years!) episode this month and a major news station is reporting on our work. We are seeing that mainstream media is finally realizing the power of moms and is coming to us to reach and appeal to mothers. The driving force of this shift in perspective is women and mothers at the news stations. Reporters from ABC7 News in Washington DC, Andrea Nejman and Lisa Fletcher are leading the way. Their testing of 12 school lunches from the DC area, inspired by our 2022 testing, showed 39 pesticides in one meal, 50 pesticides in all meals, and high levels of heavy metals, and glyphosate in 100% of the school lunches.
Our director consistently appears on about a dozen podcasts, news shows, webinars, conferences, or radio shows every month. Her interviews, talks, and articles reach hundreds of thousands every week. Shows like ABC7, Fox5, Fox24, The Highwire, Good Morning CHDTV with Polly Tommey and Stephanie Locriccio, Pediatric Perspectives with Dr. Paul Thomas, Critically Thinking with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, and podcasts like Aubrey Marcus, Real Foodology, SoundFood, Culture Apothecary, EcoJustice Radio, The Robert Scott Bell Show and many more, brought our news to millions of people, growing awareness health and empowerment. These podcast hosts have utilized the information we brought them in a myriad of ways, including to the Washington American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson, to improve the health of Americans and people around the world. At that panel, the information shared by passionate brilliant people contained information that we, and all of you have been supporting, sharing, and saying to your family members for probably ten years. Finally, the truth is being told, and actions are being taken, on a national level. We are so grateful to everyone for their willingness and commitment to the health of humankind and all life on the planet.
Common Ground:
Our work over the past 12 years came to fruition when featured in the impactful new film by Josh and Rebecca Tickell, Common Ground, released in 2023. Since the film was nominated for an Academy Award, millions have been exposed to the truth about the food supply and the critical work of Moms Across America. This beautiful and moving movie will be released live streaming in 2025, look for it and share it widely!
Moms Across America attended and spoke at the the Children’s Health Defense Conference, CHD Tennesse Chapter, CHD Military Chapter, SENPA Organic and Natural Foods Expo, and the WISE Traditions Weston A Price Conference to name a few. At these events, we have a booth, sold out of our director’s book, Unstoppable, and gained new volunteers and collaborators.
Volunteer Growth
Our volunteers are what makes Moms Across America possible. Our reports show that over 1380 people have volunteered. Our volunteers range from grandmas, grandpas, parents, young women, young men, and teenagers. In our first five years, we had over 600 leaders log over 1000 local events on our website.
While local event initiation took a massive hit during COVID, we still have a growing interest in supporting the expansion of our work. This year, hundreds of people across the nation volunteered to share our information and support healthy communities. We could not do the testing without our dedicated and generous volunteers. Many of our volunteers come on to our free Moms Connect Call, held almost every Monday night now for years. They say that this call is their “Weekly shot of empowerment” and “Do not want to miss it.”
Our ママが電話をつなぐ on Monday nights have been a consistent way to connect with our supporters, to share news, empowerment and to learn from them. Anne Temple continued to guide people in growing their own food through the Neighborhood Food Network and our Moms Connect Calls. THANK YOU to our partners in sharing, our team, graphic designer, admin, social media maven, and supporters for making this all happen!
Trauma to Transformation:
This year, millions have experienced traumas, traumas from the death of their loved ones, betrayal of the government through lack of acknowledgment of harm from the COVID-19 MRNA injection, corruption, censorship, and abandonment, and the trauma of extreme weather such as Hurricane Helene, fires and floods. The response from the government, which is paid by our taxpayer dollars, to whom we are supposed to be able to look for support and guidance, has been abysmal. Moms Across America has heard the reality check - our director experienced this first hand- we cannot rely on our government to fix our problems and be with us when we are in a catastrophe. The only people who will be there are our neighbors.
This is why we continue to share the virtues of the Neighborhood Food Network and the invaluable results one gets when they engage with their local neighbors.
The website is chock full of supportive tools, information, and tips for the growing, preserving, and pest/weed prevention of the food garden. We are proud that the Neighborhood Food Network opportunity has been requested to be shared with broad audiences, such as the Next Steps conference, CHD TV, countless podcasts, and more.
Moms Across America is passionate about fulfilling our mission to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. Our director’s personal goal is to accomplish this by empowering community leaders to be global game changers. We are inspired by her drive, the love for our families, and the dedication of our network. Our goals this year are to secure funding to be able to:
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Grow our MAA team to expand our reach nationwide and globally |
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Collaborate with other groups to support the health of our children, especially those with autism, mental health, and chronic illness. |
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Get glyphosate and toxic chemicals discontinued as a drying agent before harvest, banned for use on the food supply as a weedkiller, out of school meals and the entire food supply, and for use in our communities |
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Continue to support the transition to regenerative organic farming as a global solution to improve human, wildlife, marine life, and soil health. |
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Test milk for glyphosate, heavy metals, agrochemicals, veterinary drugs and hormones, vitamin and mineral content |
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Test military food for glyphosate, heavy metals, agrochemicals, vitamin and mineral content |
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Expand and continue to tap our connections to Japanese activists and policymakers to transform the grain supply in America. The Japanese government owns the largest grain distribution center in the world, and it is in Louisiana, USA. Essentially the Midwest grain farmers work for the Japanese government, which distributes grain to China, Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia. With a Japanese partnership to transition their imports and grain distribution to regenerative organic, we could transform the food supply in 2-3 years. |
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Continue to contribute to the rise in awareness of the impact of wireless radiation and campaign to create safer communities. |
TESTIMONIALSSome testimonies and appreciation for our work, which we have YOU to thank for, for supporting us:
Looking Forward
"It always seems impossible until it's done.”
~ Nelson Mandela
At Moms Across America, we are delighted to be able to wake up every day and create forward movement in fulfilling our mission. Regardless of whether our director works for or advises the incoming FDA in any capacity, we strive to continue our work. We ask for your support to be able to continue to do so. There is so much more we want to do - testing military food, children’s hospital food, milk, and more. We need to optimize the transformation in the food supply that is possible, both legislatively and in terms of public awareness, that our investment in these fruitful projects has garnered. We are thrilled to be growing, expanding, and partnering with you.
We are your health partners. We will not stop, and we will not give up, because our love for our children will never end. Thank you all!
With our utmost gratitude,
The Moms Across America Team
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