Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies - Moms Across America

Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies

Article by Michelle Perro, MD, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, and Zen Honeycutt BFA


Consumer groups, GMOScience, Moms Across America, and supporters have commissioned the testing of Girl Scout cookies for toxic metals and glyphosate/AMPA (an herbicide and its byproduct), to promote awareness and positive change for health. The results were extremely concerning.

  • 100% of the samples were positive for glyphosate
  • 100% were positive for toxic metals
  • 22 out of 25 (88%) of samples were positive for all 5 toxic metals
  • 76% were positive for levels of cadmium that exceed EPA limits in water
  • 24 out of 25 (96%) of samples were positive for lead
(The consumer groups involved reached out to the GSUSA for a meeting before releasing these results and did not receive a response.)

asiangirleatingcarameldelite.pngOne hundred percent of the 13 types of 25 cookies tested from 3 states, California, Iowa, and Louisiana, were positive for very elevated levels of glyphosate/AMPA, responsible for multiple health issues including cancer, endocrine disruption, gut issues, miscarriages, sperm damage, autism, neurotoxicity, and reproductive damage.

Glyphosate is commonly used as a drying agent (also known as a desiccant) before harvesting on wheat, oats, barley, legumes, sugar cane, and other crops, and as a weed killer on GMO crops such as corn, soy, canola, and beet sugar, which are common ingredients in the cookies. From 13.57 ppb in Peanut Butter Patties® to 111.07 in Thin Mints®, the average amount is 33.43, 334 times higher than what Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus of Perdue, states is harmful and must be avoided.


One hundred percent of the cookies contained at least 4 out of 5 heavy and toxic metals, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. The Peanut Butter Patties® were the most contaminated, ranging from the lowest level of mercury at .07 ppb of mercury to the highest levels of lead at 42.5 ppb and aluminum, at 27.5 ppm (27,500 ppb). The source of the high levels of aluminum is unclear. However, non-organic peanut crops are one of the most highly sprayed crops with some of the most toxic chemicals. Of the samples tested, 22 out of 25 (88%) were positive for all 5 toxic metals. Thin mints had the highest levels of glyphosate, and the peanut butter patties had the highest levels of toxic metals.

Seventy-six percent of the cookies tested positive for levels of cadmium that exceeded EPA limits in water, and 96% of the cookies contained lead. There is no safe level of lead. Cadmium and lead have been linked to cancer and brain disorders.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales and the Girl Scouts USA Organization

The sale of cookies containing potentially toxic ingredients raises profound ethical and public health concerns. It is imperative for the Girl Scouts organization to confront this issue by addressing critical questions regarding their capacity and willingness to reformulate these products to ensure consumer safety. Moreover, a thoughtful examination is required to determine whether acknowledging and responding to the need for such changes aligns with the organization’s core values and its commitment to promoting the health and well-being of the girls and communities it seeks to empower. Such action would not only safeguard public trust, but also reinforce the organization’s dedication to its foundational mission.

With more than 1.7 million girl members and approximately 700,000 volunteers, the Girl Scouts works to build “courage, confidence, and character” in young girls.1 Therefore, one could also assert that changing the ingredients would indeed be in alignment with their stated values. An analysis of their finances reveals that they have the financial means to attain these goals.

In 2020, the Girl Scouts reported total revenue of $112 million, a slight decline from $122 million in 2019. This revenue was primarily derived from three key sources: Membership dues, which accounted for $50 million; investment income, royalties, and gains totaling $28 million; and the sale of inventory, contributing $17 million. Notably, according to a Fox News article, the sale of Girl Scout cookies represents an $800 million annual enterprise, with scouts collectively selling over 200 million boxes each year.

We ask GSUSA organization to:
1. Inform your suppliers that you will only be sourcing wheat and ingredients that are NOT sprayed with glyphosate and other harmful drying agents starting 2026.
2. Source non-GMO ingredients starting 2026.
3. Require your suppliers to conduct batch testing for pesticides including herbicides such as glyphosate and heavy metals in orders made 2025.
4. Remove seed oils and substitute for coconut oil, organic butter, or organic unscented tallow in 2026.
5. Start a 2025 program to support Girl Scouts to be champions for Regenerative Organic farming practices and be leaders in creating a healthy America!
Send a message on Instagram @GirlScouts to ask this empowering girls' leadership organization to take the lead for healthier cookies and a healthier America!

Read the entire article at GMOScience.org.

Showing 18 reactions

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  • Elizabeth Davis
    commented 2025-03-13 19:44:28 -0400
    I would like to be contacted in regards to this suit! I ate some thin mints two days ago and have been violently ill since then. Was diagnosed with norovirus as a stay at home mom who rarely leaves the house. This came across my social media page from Fox News today and I would really like to get onboard if this becomes a class action. I have doctors notes and the remaining cookies from the box.
  • James Peloso
    commented 2025-03-13 14:55:39 -0400
    Kathy Toopoint. The same 6th Committee who lied then destroyed evidence. They have absolutely ZERO credibility!
  • Kathy Toopoint
    commented 2025-03-13 12:55:19 -0400
    Moms for America, which was created in 2005 as “Homemakers for America” and recently designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-government extremist group, deserves greater scrutiny for its role in 1月 6 and other efforts to undermine democracy. Its funders warrant greater scrutiny too.

    Moms for America’s Ties to 1月 6
    Moms for America and its staffers helped organize the 1月 5 “Stop the Steal” rally the day before the far right attack at the U.S. Capitol. Founder and President Kimberly Fletcher, who spoke at the 1月 5 rally, was subsequently subpoenaed by the House 1月 6 committee. During her deposition, Fletcher pled the Fifth Amendment to nearly every question posed to her, but the committee referenced exhibits demonstrating the high level of involvement Moms for America and its representatives played in organizing the event.
  • Emily Doody
    commented 2025-03-13 07:05:21 -0400
    Right out the gate this study is small, not peer reviewed and questionable at best. Girls Scout cookies have never claimed to be organic or non GMO. Cash crop wheat is forced ripened with glyphospate. This is a common practice and you would be hard pressed to find non organic wheat that does not contain glyphospate. Those trace toxins are a problem yes but they are present in all crops due to contamination in our air and water supply. While your concern over food safty is reasonable and I commend your efforts to bring attention to the broken food system in our country, Girl Scouts is probably not the best choice of organization to try to make an example of. Perhaps going after one of the very large food corporations would be a better use of your time? Tearing down an organization that builds up girls and young women is a pretty bad look. Especially for a women’s organization.
  • Mary Gilbert
    commented 2025-03-12 14:06:08 -0400
    First of all, from what I’ve heard, this study was not peer reviewed or published in any scientific journal. The levels of toxins are being measured against EPA standards for hazardous levels in water, not FDA limits in food (apples to oranges). How big was the sample size? Did they test cookies from more than one bakery? And why are they only testing Girl Scout cookies? Wouldn’t Oreos or other popular cookies have similar if not worse levels? Certainly glyphosate is in everything that is not produced organically and there are considerable levels of heavy metals occurring naturally in all sorts of foods such as rice.. They present no evidence that the bakeries producing Girl Scout cookies are doing anything different than Nabisco or others. So my takeaway is that either this test is flawed, or ALL commercial processed foods contain toxins (highly likely, given modern food production). The only reason I can see for focusing on Girl Scout cookies is political – they are on record for attacking Girl Scouts for allowing transgender girls to join their troops. Moms, if you want to do something valuable, please work to remove glyphosate and other toxins from ALL our food, rather than launching a thinly veiled smear campaign against Girl Scouts because of their welcoming and inclusive positions.
  • Lauren Ayers
    commented 2025-03-05 18:14:05 -0500
    I stopped at a table where a Girl Scout was selling cookies, telling the child how much I had enjoyed scouting, especially camp. Then I asked if she had heard about the Moms Across America lab tests on their cookies. No. So I told her and her mother that most of cookies have either heavy metals or agriculture chemical residues, or both.

    Then I asked how much of the sales price comes back to the troop. They thought it was about $1.10 per package. So I gave them $2 for the troop’s bank account, and went on my way with fond memories lingering of campfires and back packing.
  • Dan C
    commented 2025-02-19 15:14:40 -0500
    Y’all have literally no idea what your’e talking about. It really bums me out that evidence-based claims just don’t exist anymore.
  • Julie Hofmans
    commented 2025-02-19 00:11:45 -0500
    This mother of three is thankful for the report and the research done.
    For the Skeptics & Eeyores I suggest you read the full article (accessable via link in article), if interested.
    To your health!
  • Katie Beccenford
    commented 2025-02-18 01:04:07 -0500
    Wait… this isn’t as helpful as you think it is. There’s two Girl Scout bakers, ABC Bakery and Little Brownie Bakers, both are used in the three states you pulled from. So did which cookies did you test? PB Patties or Tagalongs? Samoas or Caramel deLites? PB Sandwiches or Do-Si-Dos? Lemonades or Lemon-ups? Trefoil or Shortbread? Which Bakery’s Adventureful and Thin Mint? What about Toast-Yays, S’Mores, Gluten Free Toffeetastic’s, and Gluten Free Caramel Chocolate Chip? What about the differences in ABC’s Vegan variations and LBB’s cookies?
  • Mac Gordon
    commented 2025-02-12 13:36:35 -0500
    Thank you for spreading more alarmist nonsense to the unsuspecting. Huber’s work has been roundly dismissed since he never shares his data and has intentionally used other’s data out of context. If it is silly conspiracies you pedal, then fine. The foolish do love to be duped if it vaguely resembles their preconceived notions. If you actually imagine you are giving good health advice, this not it. And why pick on the GSUSA? Are they somehow too liberal, teaching girls and young women to have character, courage, and confidence. Do better. MAA. Dig a little deeper before posting drivel.
  • William Hinegardner
    commented 2025-02-07 12:19:18 -0500
    Nextdoor is actively suppress this information. I’ve posted 3 times, and it’s been removed allegedly because it was misinformation or not a local issue. I can’t think of too many things that could be more of a local issue than cookies with toxic chemicals being sold in my community.
  • Jeff McMillian
    commented 2025-02-03 07:47:21 -0500
    Why are they asking for crypto and 米ドル$.
  • Jeff McMillian
    commented 2025-02-03 07:45:29 -0500
    Is this true? I see Asian characters at the bottom and there missed the name of the university.
  • Peter Apple
    commented 2025-02-02 20:02:29 -0500
    First they take my guns and now they take my damn cookies!
  • Peter Apple
    commented 2025-02-02 20:01:56 -0500
    Stop these liberal conspiracies!! Its all fake!
  • Sue Kline
    commented 2025-01-28 13:13:21 -0500
    How do we stop the sale of girl scout cookies?
  • Sue Kline
    followed this page 2025-01-28 13:12:45 -0500
  • Anne Temple
    published this page in ブログ 2024-12-30 14:26:29 -0500

