Moms Across America blog


Poison is not Partisan - be our partner to protect all children

I often feel exhausted by the continual news of new ways that Big Ag industrial farming practices are contaminating our food system and families. Hummus, tampons, chocolate, and even sperm were recently found to be contaminated with agrochemicals and heavy metals. These poisons are in almost everything!

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Toxic Metals in Chocolate, Many Surprising Sources and What You Can Do

Recently a new study showed a disturbingly high percentage of chocolates were positive for heavy metals.

The research, led by scientists at George Washington University and published Wednesday in the peer-reviewed Frontiers in Nutrition, examined over 70 dark chocolate products from retailers such as Whole Foods Market, Amazon and GNC. The products were tested to see whether the heavy metals lead, cadmium or arsenic were in them. Unfortunately, the study found that organic cocoa products were more likely to have higher levels of cadmium and lead.

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Glyphosate in Hummus and Chickpea products

Moms Across America is grateful to the team at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) for testing glyphosate in hummus and chickpea products. Hummus and pita bread are staples at college dorm room gatherings, backyard barbecues, office parties, and vegan and vegetarian lunches across the country. Millions believe that eating hummus and chickpea products like falafel wraps and chickpea pasta is a healthy way to nourish the body.

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Baby Formula Call to Action


The Baby Food Safety Act of 2024 has a preemption that would eliminate all previous state laws regarding any contaminant in any food AND stop us (and other organizations or states) from testing, disclosing results, and you, the public, knowing what contaminants are in our food.

Preemption of State and local requirements regarding food ingredients and contaminants in food, including infant and toddler food.

No State or political subdivision of a State may establish or continue in effect with respect to contaminants in food, including infant and toddler food, food pouches made with fruit or vegetable puree or juice, and juice, any requirement that is different from, or in addition to, or not identical with any requirement under this section, and relates to contaminant sampling and testing, contaminant limits, disclosure of contaminant test results, contaminant labeling, contaminant warnings, or any other matter related to contaminants in food.

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Moms Across America Baby Formula Petition


Please insist that baby formula be added to the Baby Food Safety Act. It is the ONLY food thousands of babies consume for the first six months of life.

Please also ask our elected officials to remove the pre-emption that nullifies previous food policies and the ability for consumers to learn about any contaminants in all food.

If this is not done now, millions of babies will continue to be damaged by the levels of toxic metals currently found in baby formula.

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How Monsanto Ruined American Holidays

What do Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and the 4th of July all have in common? For millions of American moms, it’s one thing—dread. Our kids can’t eat the food offered during these holidays, and therefore, the holiday is pretty much ruined. We are inundated with treats that we have to deflect, deny, or dump in the trash to avoid meltdowns and arguments during an already stressful time of the year. Now, we know we can make organic versions of everything, but can we take a moment to wonder why we should have to?

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Does Glyphosate Cook Out of Pasta?

banza-pasta_cavatappi-45angle_front-min.pngMoms Across America was shocked to find that Banza chickpea pasta had the highest level of glyphosate ever recorded in human food pasta by the laboratory we used to test gluten-free products. The level was over 2876 ppb. Ultra low levels, just nanograms (4 ppb) per kilogram of body weight were found to contribute to liver disease in rats by Antoinou et al.

Scientists have long told us that glyphosate does not wash, dry, or cook off; it absorbs into the crop and remains in the food, so this amount was extremely concerning. Banza pasta proponents posted on social media that glyphosate "is water soluble and cooks out of the pasta." They did not provide any evidence of this, so we decided to test the same pasta as tested before and see if that was true. We hoped it would be so, and we could inform consumers that chickpeas and other pastas, when appropriately cooked, would be safe.

The laboratory provided the results today, showing a re-testing of the same uncooked pasta, which still has high levels of over 2000ppb, and the level of glyphosate in cooked pasta is greatly reduced when cooked. This is great news! 

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Heavy Metals Found in Tampons

Moms Across America is alarmed but not surprised that heavy metals have been found in tampons. We are deeply concerned for the health and safety of our daughters, sisters, friends, and ourselves.

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Why is Organic Food Essential for the Future of America?

Across the country, millions of families struggle daily with behavioral, physical, and mental health issues with their children and family members. Over 30% of young couples are bereft because they cannot conceive. One out of two men and one out of two women are expected to get cancer. One in three Americans have fatty liver disorders. I could list the deeply disturbing statistics for days...but you don’t have to look any further, really, than your family members. Every family in America is impacted today by cancer, heart disease, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, IBS, Crohn’s disease, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, obesity, or reproductive and mental health issues. We are in a health crisis. What do all these conditions have in common?

They can all be caused and exacerbated by agrochemicals in the conventional food supply.

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The Gluten-Free Dilemma

When I first found out that a friend of mine had gone gluten-free, I thought she had gone nuts. It was in the early 2000’s, and I did not know about GMOs, glyphosate, or the government's failings in food regulation. I thought I could buy anything on the grocery store shelves and that my family would be fine as long as I kept our sugar intake to a low roar. But suddenly, not just one but then two and three friends were gluten intolerant or had Celiac. What a nightmare, I thought. It's literal hell on earth for me. No pizza? Croissants? French bread at restaurants? I scoffed at the preposterous concept and dismissed it completely. They were crazy. It was not for me.

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