数週間前、 速報ニュースでは、離乳食の95%が検査した、Healthy Babies Bright Future(HBBF)による168サンプルには、重金属が含まれていることがわかりました。 4のうち1には、ヒ素、カドミウム、鉛、水銀のすべての4の重金属が含まれていました。ニュースを作らなかったのはなぜだった。そして、赤ちゃんのこの考えられない中毒をどのように止めることができますか。それからマウイの住民のニュース 化学物質への暴露と先天性欠損症でモンサントを訴えた。繰り返しますが、私たちの国の未来である私たちの赤ちゃんは化学会社に傷つけられていますが、私たちの政府はバイエル/モンサントがこれらの悲劇の責任を負うことを拒否しています。
ほとんどが聞いていないニュースです。ベビーフードの重金属はそこにあります 私たちの政府は彼らがそこにいることを許可しています…私たちの政治家と規制当局は、農薬農業システムによって資金を供給されているからです。石油廃棄物で作られたこれらの肥料と農薬は、第二次世界大戦後、化学会社の製造業者が戦争用化学品の新しい市場を必要としていたときに、モンサント、ダウ、デュポン、シンジェンタ、BASF、バイエルによって農家にfoかれました。彼らは代わりに虫や雑草との戦争を宣言し、労働者を雇うよりも化学物質を散布する方が(そして土壌が枯渇した結果としてより多くの肥料を散布する方が費用対効果が高いと農家に確信させた)。彼らは、彼らの健康、消費者、または土壌と水が有毒化学物質にさらされることによるコストについて、農家に警告しませんでした。
Today, US farmers have the highest rate of suicide and depression than any other career in the US. Many scientists and doctors point to the farmer’s agrochemical use, which are proven neurotoxins, as a major contributing factor. Nevertheless, regulators refuse to issue warnings or remove the chemicals from the market.
Regardless of the health implications, for the past 40 years, farmers have been spraying over a billion pounds of toxic chemicals and over 200 million tons of fertilizers globally on our soil per year. Chemical companies even genetically engineered our major commodity crops - soy, corn, sugar, canola and cotton - so that they could tolerate the chemicals and spray the crops directly to eliminate weeds. And sell more chemicals. It worked, for a while. Then weeds and pests began to be resistant to the chemicals, soil quality declined, more weeds that thrive on poor soil conditions appeared, and farmers began to realize that they needed more toxic chemicals and fertilizers and multiple agrochemical formulations in their toolboxes.
So, this is how Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides received the “approval” by the EPA, with studies just on glyphosate, not the final formulation. Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) chose the LEAST toxic chemical to test. Keep in mind, toxic meaning kills more than 50% of the animal test subjects in 96 hours. The chosen chemical is not screened for life-long term harm like cancer, liver disease or reproductive effects. NO safety testing is conducted on the final, full formulation. If they did, they would have to include arsenic and heavy metals. Yes, it was revealed by French scientist Seralini and his team that all the glyphosate-based herbicides they tested, like Roundup, contain high levels of arsenic and heavy metals. Studies have also shown that fertilizers contain heavy metals, even OMRI certified fertilizers allow heavy metals in the parts per million range. Do you see where the heavy metals in baby food come in?
We have a farming system that is dumping billions of pounds of glyphosate-based herbicides on our soil, depleting the soil...then farmers need to add more and more fertilizers containing heavy metals. Even in organic farming, more and more fertilizers are needed because, after 40 years of millions of agrochemical use (chemical that come down in the rain and are found in irrigation water) and the burning of carbon fossil fuels, the acidity of the soil has increased. Higher acidity means higher levels of heavy metals in the soil. The glyphosate-based herbicides are sprayed not only on GMO crops, mind you...but on non-organic farm land soil as a pre-emergent. Pre-emergent means to prevent weeds from growing before the plant the root crops like carrots and sweet potatoes are planted. Then, the root crops uptake glyphosate and heavy metals in the soil, and they show up in baby food. Grain crops like oats, rice, and wheat can also be sprayed with glyphosate-based herbicides as a drying agent or “desiccant.” As more and more desiccants and fertilizers are used, higher levels of the heavy metals show up in whole grains than in the previously perceived “healthier” non-whole grains. In the HBBF report levels of arsenic in organic rice baby food products was up to 90X higher than New Jersey water limits of 5 ppb.
According to a 50-year plant pathologist, Dr. Don Huber, “Organic can’t use most of the commercial fertilizers available so they rely on manure for most of their N, P, K, minerals.” He states that the source of the heavy metals is likely the fertilizers used in organic. “Much higher rates of manure are needed by organic to meet the plant’s demands for N. 80% of the N in a plant is as enzymes that do the work.” When asked if organic farmers can use manure fertilizers from GMO fed animals, which would likely contain glyphosate and heavy metals, he replied, “Yes, organic can use manure from GMO fed animals.” This is why it is so essential for our food to be regulated by impartial people. Practices are being allowed that are not in the best interest of our babies, organic consumers, the organic food industry, and the health and future of our country.
According to a study by Wauna and Okieimen the heavy metals are coming from many sources:
1. Fertilizers. 2. Pesticides. 3. Biosolids and Manures. 4. Wastewater. 5. Metal Mining, Milling Processes, and Industrial Wastes. 6. Airborne sources (such as industry, car emissions) 7. Soil Conditions (such as acidity which increases heavy metal uptake).
次に、先天性欠損症。悲劇的なことに、それは簡単に理解できます。モンサント(現在のバイエル)は、ハワイで何十年もGMOテストプロットを行ってきました。ここでは、先天性欠損が本土より10 X多いことが示されています。ハワイに拠点を置くバイエルの科学者がスプレーし、 地元の人々によると、1日に数十回、を使用して 30さまざまな化学混合物、グリホサートを含み、ドリフト、灌漑用水、雨中の化学物質の蓄積、または近くの妊婦とその胎児の脆弱性に対する安全上の予防措置はありません。これらの化学物質は、内分泌攪乱または生殖作用を引き起こすことが繰り返し証明されています。しかし、化学会社は常に住民の嘆願を無視しています。これらのGMOおよび化学企業にとって重要なのは、最終収益です。 2つの家族がモンサントを訴えています 化学物質への曝露による先天性欠損症の損害.
Besides Bayer removing these toxins from the market, there are two ways to stop the poisoning of our babies and prevent birth defects. One way is through policy change that is championed by elected officials who will not pander to chemical corporations. This means we citizens must elect officials who do not accept funding for their campaigns from Big Ag, Big Pharma, or Big Oil. Yes, all of them, they are all connected. Big Ag uses Big Oil’s petroleum products; sludge from fracking and oil refineries in their pesticides. Big Ag’s sister companies - Big Pharma companies, such as Syngenta’s sister company AstraZeneca makes 400 drugs that treat the same reactions from pesticides that Syngenta produces. Syngenta (now owned by ChemChina) makes the most pesticides in the world. The fact is that Big Pharma profits from Big Ag making people sick. It is a perfect profit circle...for them, not for the future of this country.
So unless you want to grow all your own food, I urge you to vote wisely in the coming elections -for candidates not funded by Big Ag, Big Oil, or Big Pharma- and demand that the current elected officials take actions to protect our current and future generations now.
- グリホサートベースの除草剤およびその他の毒素を、すべての作物で発生前および乾燥剤として直ちに使用することを禁止します。 (多くの国は、この数年前にすでに停止しています。)
- 除草剤としてのグリホサートベースの除草剤の使用を段階的に廃止します。 (ドイツとフランスは、農家に3年を与えました。)
Contact your Senator or Representative here.
Contact the EPA by calling 703-308-8181 today or email Dana Friedman at [email protected]
Sign our petition to ask Bayer to stop selling Roundup and glyphosate based herbicides TODAY!