

11月, 2015で、SHAKA運動はマウイの「既知の」バイオテクテストサイトのいくつかのツアーに連れて行ってくれました。私は、ハワイ州の政治家、医療提供者、母親、そして州、その住民、訪問者を中毒する責任を負う化学会社に立ち向かったコミュニティのリーダーの何人かにインタビューする機会がありました。


深く不穏でありながら感動的な体験が、「健康へのあなたの権利」ビデオインタビューにつながりました。このシリーズでは、「GMOのグラウンドゼロ」で何が起こっているのかを垣間見ることができます。ハワイの住民の率直さとコミットメントは、GMO食品業界の再考を引き起こすことでしょう。 GMO野外試験プロットの集中と化学物質使用の影響は、世界の他の地域に何が起こるかを示しています。食品安全センターによると、ハワイには1,100以上のテストプロットがあります。それに比べて、米国最大の農業州であるカリフォルニアには約170しかありません。これらのテストプロットの影響は、グローバルな問題と見なす必要があります。

Presenting the first of the video series “Your Right to Health” of Dr. Barbara Marsh interviewed by the SHAKA Movement and Moms Across America. Barbara discusses the impact of GMOs and chemical farming in Hawai'i from the prespective of a health care provider. The impact on the residents of Hawai'i is tragic.

In the second video of the series, I interview the courageous Gary Hooser, County Council Member of Kauai.


Why? There are numerous restricted use chemical pesticides and herbicides used heavily on the GMO crops to test chemical “tolerance on plants” with little regard for their drift effect on neighboring hospitals, schools, and homes. Hawaii is experiencing a correlation of serious health issues and yet the chemical companies refuse to rule out any responsibility on their part and test. The behavior of the chemical companies is one which will be repeated in any nation where they are allowed to operate. Monsanto’s reaction, spending over 9 million in one Hawaii county alone to stop the Maui GMO Moratorium was eye opening. The moratorium simply called for the planting of open air GMO test plots to stop until the chemicals were tested and proven safe. Monsanto’s resistance to test, which would have cost far less than 9 million, raised serious suspicions about the safety of many of the chemicals which are sprayed on our food globally.  Although the movement won, a local judge denied the passing of the moratorium and the chemicals continue to be sprayed.

The most widely used herbicide, glyphosate, does not wash off and the residue levels allowed on our food crops are higher than what has been to linked to birth defects, cancer, and serious organ damage.

Over a dozen of Syngenta’s field workers were hospitalized 1月 20, 2016 to exposure to chlorpyrifos, a chemical which the EPA has proposed to ban, and yet Syngenta continues to use.

 Atrazine, heavily sprayed in Maui but banned in Switzerland where it’s made, has been proven to cause male frogs to feminize and mate with each other. The chemical companies complete disregard for our health in their development of GMOs counters the very premise upon which their industry stands on, to “Feed the World.” Food should not poison, it should nourish.

A separate but equally concerning issue is the decades-long use of chemicals on sugar plantations which are then burned, allowing the smoke and chemicals to pollute the air and homes of residents to the point of hospitalization. Although the sugar plantation in Maui has announced its closure, the residents of Hawaii have long been impacted, and the chemical spraying of glyphosate as a drying agent and on GMOs continues on many food crops globally. In Hawai’i, there has been a ten-fold increase of birth defects near GMO and/or chemical farming reported along with asthma, cancer, and other illnesses on the rise. The residents are speaking up and taking action.


The fourth of the series is Trinette Furtado, 5th generation Hawaiian who reminds of the love and respect for the land, air and water which feeds us, or the "Ain'a"

SHAKA&Moms Across Americaは、マウイ島と本土の住民をそれぞれテストする計画で協力して、参加者が尿中のグリホサート(ラウンドアップ)の量を知る「健康への権利」というタイトルのプログラムで協力しています。 。



SHAKA is launching a public health registry for Maui residents which is available at

For more information about SHAKA Movement’s mission and the appeal of the GMO Moratorium:

Right to Health Series Initiative: Zen Honeycutt’s talk in Maui

For more information about Moms Across America and to sign their Birth Defects Petition go to

Videography by Keith Ranney:





  • 詩編作者トーニャ・アレン
    コメントした 2017-08-28 21:55:25 -0400
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    **personal fb page is Psalmist Tonya Blackamore Allen
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    このページをフォローしました 2016-08-31 13:18:17 -0400

