

The EPA has admitted that glyphosate herbicides (also known as Roundup or Ranger Pro by Monsanto/Bayer) harm 93% of endangered species. This is an excellent reason for the EPA to deny the license of glyphosate. However, they claim that only landscaping use (20 million pounds of glyphosate a year) is the only method of use that is causing harm, NOT agriculture use ( 280 million pounds). This is outrageous! We have a huge problem with this- do you?



Do you have a grievance with this known carcinogen, endocrine disruptor, and neurotoxin that causes liver disease and multiple generations of reproductive harm being found in our breastmilk, baby food, tap water, wine, beer, orange juice, and thousands of foods?

Do you have a grievance with this herbicide damaging gut bacteria, weakening our immune systems, leaving us more vulnerable to severe COVID symptoms and prolonged shutdowns?

Do you have a grievance with these herbicides being sprayed to the tune of 280 million pounds on our food supply and 20 million pounds in our communities for landscaping and forestry?

Do you have a grievance with glyphosate herbicides harming 93% of endangered species (including bees) and 97% of their endangered habitats?


私たちの代表者は、EPAがグリホサートのライセンスを再承認しないことを要求する義務があります。パブリックコメントの締め切りは3月 12です。私たちの代表者は一般市民の一部であるだけでなく、一般市民を代表して発言します。 

キャンペーンに署名して、代表者に私たちと一緒に立ち、今すぐ行動を起こし、3月 12 までにその構成員に代わって発言し、EPAにグリホサートのライセンスを拒否させるよう依頼してください。

CLICK HERE to sign our easy campaign that allows you to directly message your Representatives and Senators.


Note: Please also do not forget to comment to the EPA DIRECTLY on their website. This is incredibly important.

Click here to comment directly to the EPA


  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2021-02-23 10:21:11 -0500

