The people who work in the school system are committed to supporting children to learn and grow up to be responsible, productive members of society. When we parents learn that our children are being exposed to harmful radiation levels at school, which can lead to learning issues, depression, and suicide, it is a human response to be upset, assume the worst, and be angry at the school staff, Principal, or Technology director.
Allan Brennan became Ireland's 7th Certified Wireless Professional and founded Wi-Fi Projects Ltd. In 2004 the company became Ireland's 1st Certified Wireless Network Provider. He was awarded 'Fellow of the Irish Computer Society' for his contribution and promotion of the Irish Wireless Industry. During his career in the wireless industry, he was not aware or informed about known non-thermal exposure health risks and microwave hearing. You can watch a video of his experience here.
“As someone who thoroughly believed in the benefits and capabilities of wireless technology, I was completely unaware that intense WiFi exposure could cause adverse health effects in children (headaches, earaches, sore eyes/stomach, nose bleeds, skin rash, brain fog, depression and more) and did not know children had been identified as a 'high-risk group' in 2011. Schools should use wired networks to protect our children's best interests, not WiFi.
If a school uses WiFi, the least they can do is adhere to the precautionary and As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principles - for example - Turn on WiFi when needed and turn it off when finished.”
流れは変わりつつあります。 2つの新しい論文は、現在の世界的なGMO有毒食品供給を無毒の再生方法に変えることの重要性を示しています。 Moms Across Americaは、何十年もの間、他の多くの組織と共同で、フードシステムの変革を長い間求めてきました。非常に多くの多様な専門家が今、変化を求めているのを見るのは希望の表れです。
4 / 5 G学校で?
あなたの学校は春休み中に4/5 Gをインストールしていますか、それともCoVid 19学校は閉鎖されていますか?
Now is a good time to find out. There have been claims that the US Depatment of Education intends to roll out 5G in schools during Spring Break and this CoVid 19 school shutdown period.
"(Our school) will not be upgrading or expanding our internet on site. I have heard that some larger school districts are deploying mobile "hot spots" across neighborhoods. Not sure what that will look like, but thought you should be aware and I'll let you know if I learn more about a plan in our district. In terms of disinfecting, we continue to maintain a contract with a custodial company that I trust completely. They use a variety of green products that are not harmful for children."
It should be noted that within a day of these claims circulating social media, the online news outlet Futurism published an article about the FCC claiming that while working remotely during this CoVid crisis millions of students and workers are disadvantaged because they do not have internet access.
"The result is that many are finding themselves cut off at a time when access to new information about the coronavirus is crucial, CNET reports. The problem is bringing to light critical societal inequalities that could have a serious impact on kids’ access to an education."
T Mobile、AT&T、Sprint、Verizonは「カバーしてくれましたか?」
T Mobileのカバレッジの例:
突然、今、パンデミックの最中に、FCCはより多くの4 / 5 Gの叫びを宣言していますか?私たちは、これが私的利益のための危機の嘆かわしい使用であると思います。
3. Remind them shielded ethernet cords can provide faster, safer technology upgrades that do not expose our children to harmful EMFs.
4. Use the Children's Health Defense letter here to send to your schoold district.
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