Zen Honeycutt著、ママズアクロスアメリカ
The evidence continues to stack up against Roundup weedkiller.��
This time a new study from UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and Chiba University Center for Forensic Mental Health, Chiba, Japan, found that maternal exposure to high levels of glyphosate herbicide produced by Bayer/Monsanto, caused autism symptoms in young male rats.
The effects of glyphosate herbicide clearly impacted the gut microbiota, and showed that enzyme activity, after glyphosate exposure, was higher in certain parts of the organs. “Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) in the brain of offspring after maternal glyphosate herbicide exposure was higher than controls.” Prevention was shown to be possible, however. Treating orally with an sEH inhibitor for the production of those enzymes from pregnancy to weaning prevented the onset of the autism-like behaviors after maternal exposure, showing a significant finding of causation and prevention.
Previous animal studies have also shown a disturbance of the gut bacteria with glyphosate herbicide exposure. The disturbance of the gut microbiota is significant and has been repeatedly connected with behavioral and learning disabilities in animals and humans.
米国では、 6人に1人 子供には学習障害があり、 5人に1人 子供たちは精神疾患を抱えて生活しています。によって予測されます 2025、すべての子供の分 現在のレートで続行すると、自閉症と診断されます。
These alarming trends correlate with the increased use of glyphosate in agriculture. Over 70 percent of the glyphosate that has ever been used (3.5 billion pounds) has been used in the past ten years. A large portion of that use was as a drying agent on wheat, peas, beans, and grains used in animal feed. Glyphosate does not wash, dry, or cook-off and has been found in thousands of foods, animal feed, and beverage samples, air and water.
In today’s society where a mother can be exposed to over 2400 ppb of glyphosate herbicide residue in a day’s consumption of food, and glyphosate can also be found in breastmilk, water, soil, and vaccines, it’s hard to determine how exactly how much of the chemical is being absorbed by the body.
In fact, food testing has shown 1000 ppb of glyphosate in wheat, garbanzo beans and other foods made of grain. Glyphosate levels in eggs have exceeded FDA levels of 1.67 ppb. Glyphosate has also been found in peas, beans, bagels, cereal, oatmeal, wine, beer, and sanitary products.
Vaccines are also a likely source of glyphosate exposure with residue findings between 2.67-3.4 ppb in one MMR vaccine. It is believed that glyphosate is contaminating vaccines through gelatin (an ingredient in vaccines), which is made from the tendons of pigs that have consumed glyphosate sprayed grains. In fact, direct injection of a “low” level of glyphosate into the bloodstream could have the same effect as a “high” level of glyphosate exposure through occupational or environmental exposure -- there simply aren’t enough safety studies to determine one way or the other, therefore, precautionary measures are crucial.
Glyphosate has also been shown to break down the blood brain barrier, allowing toxins, like aluminum, into the brain. Aluminum, an ingredient in many vaccines, has been found at higher levels in the brains of children with 自閉症 and Alzheimer patients.
While flu shots are increasingly promoted to pregnant women, it is abundantly clear, even admitted by the FDA, that the that safety and efficacy studies of vaccines in pregnant women are lacking. In researching this topic, my colleagues and I at Moms Across America requested through the Freedom of Information Act, any studies showing the safety of administering a flu vaccine to pregnant women. The FDA responded that there are no studies available.
今日のパンデミックを考えると、不思議に思う必要があります—新しいCOVID- 19ワクチンで、グリホサートに汚染されていないことを確認するためのテストがありますか?安全性試験なしで妊婦に昇格しますか?
メーカーによっては安全性を確保するだけでは不十分です。バイエル/モンサントは、グリホサートは無害に体を通過すると主張しましたが、 以前の研究 見つけた グリホサートを噴霧した穀物飼料を摂取した動物の組織、骨髄、腱で検出されたリホサート残留物。この新しい研究は、この流行している除草剤の無害性に対する懐疑的な見方を強め、危険な化学物質の使用を禁止するための政府の即時行動を求めています。 製造業者、農民、庭師、造園家はその使用を中止します。
Until then, avoiding vaccination before or while pregnant, eating organic and gardening organically will support lower levels of exposure. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha and apple cider vinegar have shown to contain a bacterium called acetobacter, which has, in soil, shown to break apart glyphosate into non-toxic components. Consumption of these items on a daily basis could help.
Ultimately, one thing is clear, the sale, use, and contamination by glyphosate herbicides should no longer be tolerated. It is unacceptable for the United States to allow the continued use of a chemical herbicide that is a major contributing factor of the rise of autism - projected to be one out of two children in 15 years. The future of our country is at stake and glyphosate is something we can no longer afford to ignore.
To ask Bayer to retire Roundup and glyphosate herbicides immediately, click here.
Also, listen to UNSTOPPABLE, episode 52 which addresses this issue.