Poison is not Partisan - be our partner to protect all children - Moms Across America

Poison is not Partisan - be our partner to protect all children

I often feel exhausted by the continual news of new ways that Big Ag industrial farming practices are contaminating our food system and families. Hummus, tampons, chocolate, and even sperm were recently found to be contaminated with agrochemicals and heavy metals. These poisons are in almost everything!

Poison is not partisan.

This is not an issue that should be seen as political, but it often is.

Is your favorite Presidential candidate funded by Big Ag or Big Pharma? Find out before you vote.If they are, they will not be working for you, they will be working for these greedy, unethical chemical companies that will go to all extents to continue selling their products. These companies sell our farmers the cancer-causing chemicals, and then they sell them the cancer drugs to treat them! They are pushing policies into bills that prevent local pesticide restrictions, farmers from suing chemical companies, and states from letting you know what is in your food. They buy our elected officials!

I am often outraged by the chemical companies' corruption in our political system. They have repeatedly made donations to our politicians and then weeks later, those politicians were the beneficiaries of policies that supported them to sell more products. Any political candidate that is receiving funding from these corporations is compromised. It’s up to you to find out who their donors are, what their stance is on pushing vaccines through approvals, allowing toxic chemicals that have been proven to harm our children, and continually pandering to corporations to support their profits. Such candidates, no matter how charismatic or seemingly safe, are harmful to the future of our children and grandchildren. Be very selective with your vote!

What future do you want? What does it look like?

Regardless of who is in the White House, we see that you can be empowered in YOUR house to create a healthy family.

We see a future where our children can eat the food at their friend’s homes at birthday parties and playdates and not die from an allergic reaction. We envision a future where baby food is free from heavy metals and pesticides, healthy, safe and nutritious. We envision a future where our soils and foods are nutrient-dense, our families are healthy and our environment is teeming with biodiverse life.

Will you be a part of creating this future?

We invite you to partner with us!

  1. Join us on our ママが電話をつなぐ Monday nights at 7 pm ET.
  2. 寄付する to support our food testing, trip to DC in September, and our team.
  3. Share our posts on インスタグラム, フェイスブック, X, Rumble, TikTok and Telegram.
  4. Sign our petitions to Banza and the EPA and send a letter to your officials about baby formula.
  5. Share my book UNSTOPPABLE with your library, family members, and doctors.

While we may get exhausted and angry at times - we are human, we are informed, and we are alive - we also know how to take action for a better future.

We see so many positive changes when we take action. We see policy change that protects human health (yes, it does happen!). We see smiles on people’s faces, even when the world is challenging. We see love and hugs between parents and children when they feel good after eating organic food. We see healthy children living up to their fullest potential, happy with friendships, and productive at school when they are not burdened by toxins from food, medical products and EMFs.

We hope you see this future too, and will BE THE ONE to make this happen (not wait for someone else). Together, we can do this!

Thank you!

With Gratitude,

Zen Honeycutt
Founding Executive Director
Moms Across America


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