


On Tuesday attorneys from Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman, who are representing hundreds of plaintiffs accusing Monsanto of causing their Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, made Monsanto's secrets available to the public. Documents produced during the discovery of the lawsuit, including emails, manipulated studies, and texts are proving to be a treasure trove of evidence not only for their case but for hundreds of thousands who have long named Monsanto the most hated corporation in the world.

Law Firm

以下の最もひどい引用の1つは、モンサントの株主総会で1回、グリホサートに関するCA EPAヒアリングで1回、2回会ったドナ・ファーマーによるものです。どちらの場合も、彼女はグリホサートの安全性に対する最大限の自信をしっかりと述べました。彼女は、最終製剤を示す「グリホサート除草剤」または「ラウンドアップ」という言葉を使用しなかったことに注意したいでしょう。  







Quote 2

Tragically, Donna Farmer took it into her own hands to strike out the word "suggested" from a study that stated that the results suggested that glyphosate causes miscarriages. This is a betrayal of womanhood, a crime against humanity.

As a mother who has lost a baby, and as a woman who has far too many friends who have lost theirs, I am furious. How dare she decide for the scientific community, farmers, food manufacturers, landscapers, retailers, and consumers who purchase Monsanto's glyphosate products that we don't need to know that information? If a chemical or product even has the slightest suggestion of harming the life or development of a fetus, it is the mother's right to know and her right to be able to choose to avoid it.

Donna Farmer does not think so however, she thinks you don't need to know that Roundup could cause you to have a miscarriage.

We hope you disagree and will tell the EPA that based on this new evidence, to immediately revoke the license of glyphosate.

Please contact Neil Andersen, Chief Branch Manager of the Pesticide Review Board, who is in charge of the team deciding whether or not to renew or revoke the license of glyphosate. Email: [email protected] or call 703-308-8187

Take a few minutes today to speak up, stand up for human life and all life on the planet, and be a part of Ending this Chemical Era. Heal the World with Regenerative Agriculture and Organic Food!


  • パメリア・キャシー
    コメントした 2017-08-04 11:24:59 -0400
    自由のために立ち上がってくれてありがとう、zen honeycutt!子どもたちに健康的な食品をきれいに食べさせ、大きなモンサタンや他の人々が世界を病気にすることで利益を得ることを防ぐのを助けます。あなたへの多くの愛禅パメラ。助けて!、私の名前はパメラ、私は健康とソーシャルケアで働いていました/元看護師、私は育てるミッションに 認識 毒性暴露について #グリホサート 2,4 -D {Roundup} BSHスコットランド、残り英国 符号 この*ペティション*自分と子供たちの*健康* https://www.change.org/p/stop-spraying-our-childrens-food-playparks-with-cancergenic-chemicals-glyphosate

    僕の ウェブサイト ために パブリック 認識
  • ダニエル・グレッグ
    コメントした 2017-08-04 01:45:28 -0400

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