学校でGMO不可能な食品にノーと言ってください! -アメリカ中のお母さん



5月 06, 2021、インポッシブルフーズ 発表 インポッシブルバーガー製品のチャイルドニュートリションラベル(CNラベル)を確保し、秋2021にK- 12市場に広く参入するためのハードルをクリアしたこと。 Moms AcrossAmericaのディレクターZenHoneycuttは述べています。 「私たちは、このGMOブランドの製品が学校給食で子供たちに提供されることに反対します。 健康への懸念。また、インポッシブルフードの偽のGMO肉が気候変動の削減に役立つという誤解を招くマーケティングの主張にも反対します。私たちの子供たちは、学校でブランド製品を宣伝するよりも価値があります。 彼らの健康に危険 特に、より安全で肉以外の、より地球に優しい代替品がある場合は、地球にとって悪いことです。」

Moms Across America understand that Impossible Foods is claiming that their products reduce climate change compared to the beef from cattle raised in Confined Animal Feeding Operations. However, compared to black bean burger ingredients grown on regenerative organic farms, this claim is inaccurate. Compared to regenerative organic practice, GMO mono-crop farming, from which the Impossible Foods fake meat are derived, these fake meat products increase climate change. The GMO farming practices and agrochemicals decrease microbes in the soil (organic matter), increase chemical fertilizer inputs such as nitrogen, and pollute the water. These practices reduce carbon sequestration and increase nitrous oxide release, which is 300X more harmful than carbon.

The following is the letter in our campaign that will go directly to PTA leaders, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the School Nutrition Association. We also suggest separately emailing it to school staff and Food Directors.


Impossible Foods has recently been approved to sell their fake GMO meat products to schools. I am concerned that our school might soon be providing this branded, GMO Impossible fake meat for the following reasons:

  1. There are many reports of people getting sick after eating this lab-produced product
    Children are especially vulnerable, as their livers and immune systems are still developing. Do we need to risk making our children sick?

  2. As reported by Friends of the Earth, the Impossible Foods fake meat contains 46 proteins never before approved for human consumption. The FDA simply classified it as GRAS- Generally Recognized As Safe- which means the manufacturer could determine its safety without FDA-reviewed studies.

  3. It is made of genetically modified soy which has been shown to be substantially different from non-GMO soy, having lower nutrient content and higher pesticide residues.

    Test results of glyphosate and its residue, AMPA, which is even more toxic, in soy samples.

  4. GMO soy is engineered to withstand toxic chemicals, which decrease microbes, organic matter, and nutrients in the soil.

  5. Decreased soil quality and organic matter reduces carbon sequestration, increases greenhouse gases and climate change.

  6. GMO-related agrochemicals pollute the air and water, increasing toxic algae blooms. Toxic algae can cause fish die-off and are suspected of decreasing whale populations, which can lead to a decrease of carbon sequestration in the ocean water.

  7. Compared to regenerative organic farming, Impossible Food products that use GMO mono-crop ingredients, grown with high use of agrochemicals that require higher chemical fertilizer inputs, and tilling, do not decrease climate change as the manufacturer states; instead, they increase it! Our school staff and children deserve the truth, not fancy marketing and fabrications.

According to the highly respected Rodale Institute and their study, “Regenerative Organic Agriculture and Climate Change: A Down-to-Earth Solution to Global Warming, “Rodale’s recommendations focus on soil health, biodiversity, and avoiding farming methods that contribute to a net release of carbon, including the overuse and misuse of pesticides, artificial fertilizers, and unnecessary tilling. The regenerative techniques include crop rotation, cover crops, mulching and green manure, composting, and no-till practices.”

遺伝子組み換え食品から子供たちの健康を守るために、私たちの学区が何をしているのか教えてください。 GMOは、子供たちの将来に影響を与える気候変動に寄与することに注意してください。










  • アン寺院
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2021-05-12 14:28:30 -0400

