EPA Petition: Glyphosate - Moms Across America

EPA Petition: Glyphosate

Total Count: 3,387

Please sign and share this important petition to the EPA by 9月 14:

To the EPA Pesticide Division:

Moms Across America and our supporters: retail brands, pediatricians, scientists, physicians, health coaches, teachers, farmers, lawyers, and consumers, are requesting that you review the 67 studies that were not included in your review of glyphosate as a carcinogen that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed and revise your decision regarding the license of glyphosate. We request you also review the new studies connecting glyphosate to many reproductive and endocrine-disrupting issues. Hundreds of independent studies have shown that glyphosate is harmful in many ways, not only as a carcinogen. Glyphosate also has endocrine disrupting properties at very low levels and can cause neurological, nervous system, reproductive, sperm, liver, kidney, and organ damage as well as miscarriages.

There is no safe level of glyphosate in our food or livestock feed supply, and you are the only agency that has the authority to change the current reality: harmful levels of glyphosate contaminate school lunches, fast food, baby food, and gluten-free food. In the past, glyphosate has been detected in thousands of food samples and other substances, including oats, chickpeas, beans, wheat, soy, corn, orange juice, wine, beer, eggs, bread, snacks, cereals, honey, and even breastmilk, hospital gauze, feminine sanitary products, childhood vaccines, and sperm.

America has a physical, mental, and reproductive health crisis, and glyphosate is a significant contributing factor to all of these severely critical issues. Your agency must take action now to protect the health and future of our country.

We are asking you to:

  1. Review all of the studies the IARC reviewed and all new independent studies available today on glyphosate and all health effects.
  2. Revoke the license of glyphosate.
  3. Until the license is revoked, immediately disallow glyphosate from being used as a drying agent or pre-harvest weed killer on all agricultural crops. The EU has recently banned pre-harvest spray with glyphosate to minimize dietary exposure. We are asking you to do the same.

Thank you for taking action to protect the American public's health, not the corporations' profits.

We hope you appreciate that when you reflect on your legacy one day, it will be one of courage, commitment, and integrity.

Thank you.

Who's signing

Dan Walters
Lisa Leonard
Natalie Bone
Andrea Billings
Louis Arredondo
Rachel Williams
Katie Dosmann
Sarah Conley
Kecia Keller
Jordan Wilbanks
Weston Rowe
Adriana Gonzalez
Lexi Hines
ali yancey
Andra Sandy
Amy Kaminski
Courtney DiBullo
Kaitlin Cooley
Paige Dendall
Naomi Halpern
Salvador Tostado
Ashley Soto
Marissa Hines
Melani Marx
Sophia Pitts
Melanie Merriken
Tiffany Sansom
Adrienne Ameel
Jillian Goodwin
3,387 signatures

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Showing 2323 reactions

  • Dan Walters
    signed 2024-08-18 10:03:08 -0400
  • carolyn
    signed 2024-08-18 09:56:53 -0400
  • Lisa Leonard
    signed 2024-08-18 09:50:06 -0400
  • Natalie Bone
    signed 2024-08-18 09:41:05 -0400
  • Andrea Billings
    signed 2024-08-18 09:39:04 -0400
  • Louis Arredondo
    signed 2024-08-18 09:38:52 -0400
    It’s time for these regulatory agencies to fulfill their duty to the American people and to severe ties with corporate interest.
  • Rachel Williams
    signed 2024-08-18 09:37:04 -0400
  • Katie Dosmann
    signed 2024-08-18 09:34:36 -0400
  • Sarah Conley
    signed 2024-08-18 09:32:32 -0400
  • Kecia Keller
    signed 2024-08-18 09:28:43 -0400
    When I go to Europe I can eat bread and pasta without terrible effects but not here! I’m not gluten intolerant, I’m glyphosate intolerant. Stop poisoning Americans!
  • Jordan Wilbanks
    signed 2024-08-18 09:25:58 -0400
  • Weston Rowe
    signed 2024-08-18 09:18:59 -0400
  • Adriana Gonzalez
    signed 2024-08-18 09:07:42 -0400
  • Lexi Hines
    signed 2024-08-18 08:58:35 -0400
  • ali yancey
    signed 2024-08-18 08:55:55 -0400
  • Andra Sandy
    signed 2024-08-18 08:54:51 -0400
  • Amy Kaminski
    signed 2024-08-18 08:53:59 -0400
  • Courtney DiBullo
    signed 2024-08-18 08:50:29 -0400
  • Kaitlin Cooley
    signed 2024-08-18 08:46:38 -0400
  • Paige Dendall
    signed 2024-08-18 08:45:21 -0400
  • Naomi Halpern
    signed 2024-08-18 08:44:50 -0400
  • Salvador Tostado
    signed 2024-08-18 08:40:37 -0400
  • Ashley Soto
    signed 2024-08-18 08:36:44 -0400
    Stop killing us.
  • Marissa Hines
    signed 2024-08-18 08:35:13 -0400
  • Melani Marx
    signed 2024-08-18 08:31:50 -0400
  • Sophia Pitts
    signed 2024-08-18 08:29:25 -0400
  • Melanie Merriken
    signed 2024-08-18 08:20:59 -0400
    We need your help EPA! Do the right thing!! Get rid of this damaging chemical!
  • Tiffany Sansom
    signed 2024-08-18 08:19:17 -0400
  • Adrienne Ameel
    signed 2024-08-18 08:17:05 -0400
  • Jillian Goodwin
    signed 2024-08-18 08:15:09 -0400

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