

12月 11, 2018

Screen_Shot_2018- 07-30 _at_6。32.21 _PM.png中国政府は、彼らが食品輸入におけるグリホサート残留の下限。穀物は特にグリホサートのレベルが高く、その影響が私たちの最も脆弱な人々に損害を与えることが示されています。

アメリカ中のママ announces that the baby food samples tested were positive for residues of glyphosate when the baby foods contained grains such as rice, wheat, or oats. Baby foods that contained only fruits and vegetables did not. Eight different conventional baby foods from two top brands, Gerber and Comfort for Baby, were tested by Health Research Institute labs in Iowa, with the “gold standard” HPLC MS/MS methodology. The levels found in the foods with grain as part of the ingredients averaged 14.3 parts per billion, which is 143 times higher than the amount that is allowed in EU drinking water. At-home testing on Gerber Oatmeal and Apple Toddler Cereal revealed that glyphosate levels between 50-200 ppb. Oats are commonly sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent so most conventional oat products are expected to have similar levels of glyphosate.

Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, manufactured by Monsanto/Bayer. Recent John v Monsanto jury trial found Monsanto guilty on all accounts, including for “malice and oppression”- meaning that the company knew their products could cause cancer and suppressed the information.

Glyphosate, found in Roundup, is a patented antibiotic. It is unacceptable for any amount to be in baby food. A baby’s microbiome is developing in the first few years of life, setting the foundation of the immune system for life to come. Glyphosate can bioaccumulate and has also been shown to be neurotoxic and to increase the development of cancer. It is crucial that parents protect their babies and reduce exposure to glyphosate and all toxic chemicals as much as possible. Moms Across America hopes baby food manufacturers will take note of these findings and be fastidious in their sourcing of grains that have not been sprayed with glyphosate for any reason.

Alternatively, organic baby food and a biodynamic brand tested by other organizations did not have quantifiable or detected levels for glyphosate.

Screen_Shot_2018-12-11_at_6。41.22_AM.pngキース・ロウの ホワイトリーフ条項 製品をテストし、結果をアメリカ中のママと共有するイニシアチブをとったバイオダイナミックなベビーフード会社は、次のように述べています。 安全で、グリホサートで、化学物質を含まない、栄養価の高いベビーフードを提供することをお約束します。私たちの離乳食はND(未検出)として提供されました。これは、すべての製品の背後にあるバイオダイナミック農法の直接的な結果である検出限界を下回っていたことを意味します。バイオダイナミック農法は、有機農業と再生農業のゴールドスタンダードです。私たちの農場は、すべての合成化学物質を天然の堆肥とハーブスプレーに置き換えています。私たちは、すべての食品メーカーと消費者が協力して、EPAがグリホサートを禁止し、生物多様性の回復、土壌の再生、子供たちが受け継ぐ地球の癒しを支援することを強く求めます。」

Biodynamic is a good choice to not only avoid glyphosate but for better nutrition as well. As explained in a report published in 4月 2011 in Scientific American. Compared to conventional produce, biodynamic fruits and vegetables contain 13 percent more potassium, 7 percent more phosphorus, 20 percent more sodium, 7 percent more calcium, and 34 percent more iron, according to a study published in 1999 in "Biodynamics."

In the past, food manufacturers have claimed, that glyphosate levels in food were lower than the EPA allowable levels and therefore not a concern. Recent science has shown, however, that levels below the EPA allowable levels, caused serious harm in independent animal studies. One study by Antoniou et al. showed that glyphosate-based herbicides caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats at ultra-low levels, comparatively far below levels allowed in our food. Another study by Miles et al. released in January of 2018 showed that when pregnant rats consumed low levels of glyphosate not only did they have infertility issues, but the second generation of their young did as well. Glyphosate herbicide formulations have been shown by Seralini et al. to be endocrine disruptors, causing sex hormone changes even at minuscule amounts, in the parts per billion. Concerned parents are wondering if these chemicals are affecting animals this way, what are they doing to our children?

Screen_Shot_2018-12-11_at_6。41.32_AM.png30か国以上 禁止しました または グリホサートの使用を制限。 8月 2018で、 ブラジルはグリホサートを禁止。同じ月、 オーストラリア大麦工場 は、グリホサートを散布した穀物と非グリホサートを散布した穀物を分離することを発表し、実際に明確な選好の変化を示しました。数週間前に、カナダの小麦生産者協会は、 「Keep it Clean!」キャンペーン、 小麦生産者にグリホサートの乾燥剤としての散布の実施を中止するよう奨励し、グリホサートが食品製造業者によって拒否される可能性があることに留意する。 イタリアの輸入業者 スタ、ピザ、パンに除草剤を入れたくないというイタリアの消費者からの抗議に応えて、グリホサートを噴霧した穀物の入荷待ちを削減しました。

Curator Charlene Wight of the Oat Newsletter stated, “Glyphosate herbicides are not labeled for use as a drying agent before harvest.” This does not mean, however, that a farmer might not bend the rules by saying that he is simply spraying for weed control before harvest. The statement she shared also points out that a mill in Canada no longer accepts glyphosate-sprayed oats due to a degradation of the quality of the grains.

With this new information, the finding of glyphosate in baby food, Moms Across America hopes that oat, rice, wheat, and all grain growers will acknowledge that consumers around the world do not want glyphosate contaminated food, and do not want glyphosate herbicides or any toxins used for any reason on any food crops. Especially not crops that are fed to their babies, who, due to their underdeveloped livers and kidneys, simply do not have the ability to detox the way fully developed adults do.

In a 2014 interview with Dr. Mercola, Andre Leu of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) stated:


Consumers say it’s time to make farming and food manufacturing choices that will benefit future generations rather than the farmer’s convenience and chemical company profits. Without healthy babies, we do not have a healthy future for our country. With federal health care costs soaring to $1.5 trillion, higher than military costs, and a government that is failing to take action, it is the responsibility of our farmers and food manufacturers to take steps now to reduce and end toxic exposures in our food supply, to our American population, and especially to our babies and children.

アメリカ中のママ is a 501c3 non-profit whose motto is Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.

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