Victory! Federal Court Strikes Down Lax GMO Rules, Halts GE Crop Introductions Without USDA Oversight
私たちの友達から Center for Food Safety:
Court Ruling Holds 2020 Regulations Exempting Most GE Crops from Oversight Contradicted the Agency's Own Prior Conclusions and Are Unsupported by Science.
SAN FRANCISCO—In a precedential victory for food and environmental safety, a federal district court ruled today that genetically engineered (GE) organisms must be regulated. The Court's ruling overturns the 2020 rule overhaul by the first Trump administration that had eliminated most government oversight over GE crops, trees, and grasses.
"This is a critical victory on behalf of farmers, the planet, and scientific integrity," said George Kimbrell, legal director for the lead plaintiff Center for Food Safety, and counsel in the case. "USDA tried to hand over its job to Monsanto and the pesticide industry and the Court held that capitulation contrary to both law and science."
続きを読むSeeing the Fruits of Our Labor
Letter from our Founding Executive Director
To our supporters:
The impact of our work has never been more clear: Make America Healthy Again is a dominating narrative in the national conversation. A federal bill, the Safe School Meals Act of 2024 Has been introduced as a direct result of your support! My personal goal has been to create a future of health and freedom. The new administration's two biggest priorities? Health and ending censorship - freedom of speech. It does not matter what party is championing these issues. I am just extremely happy for the possibility of real change. In the report, I will review some of the ways your support and your partnership have brought this conversation to a presidential platform--and now a new administration. All you need to do is look at social media and even mainstream news to see examples of how America is finally focused on health. Many Americans are now focusing on removing pesticides, fluoride from the water, artificial food dyes, industrial chemicals, seed oils, and toxins in our food. Decades of work from thousands of people is coming to fruition.
続きを読むWhat if Thanksgiving Was the Start of the New Year?
From our friends at the 100 Year Lifestyle
What if Thanksgiving was the start of the new year? Imagine this: Instead of the new year kicking off on 1月 1, we shift the calendar, and the new year begins with Thanksgiving. The holiday season would take on an entirely new vibe. It would transform the way we approach the end of the year, our resolutions, and the celebrations that follow. What would this shift mean for our mindset, traditions, and priorities? Let’s take a look.
Fast Food and Violence in America
Do ingredients and contaminants in fast food contribute to violence?
Most people know that fast food is not a harbinger of health. While tantalizingly easy, fast, cheap, and tasty, fast food comes with considerable risks. Award-winning researchers such as Barbara Reed Stitt, author of Food and Behavior a Natural Connection, showed nearly three decades ago, that the low nutrient density of fast food was connected to a low level of Vitamin B and acts of violence in prisoners, serial killers, parolees, and high school dropouts. The science is clear, simply the lack of nutrition in fast food contributes to violence.
Kicking Corruption to The Curb
There is currently a huge disparity between opinions on the result of the election. No matter how you voted, we invite you to look forward to the future. Moms Across America has been focused on creating healthy communities for 12 years. For those of you who are disappointed with our enthusiasm about the path before us, consider that ignoring a Presidential campaign’s commitment to Make America Healthy Again would be a violation of our integrity, no matter what political party was speaking the words. Poison is not partisan, Cancer is not choosy. No matter what political party you are in we hope you can, as many of us have, set aside your angst, distrust, and fear about Trump and see the opportunity before us.
The opportunity is immense. When confirmed, we will finally have a head of Health and Human Services, the most important role in the new administration besides the President, committed to creating a healthy country and a new future. This week, Robert F. Kennedy’s appointment has put us over the beautiful supermoon! If Kennedy can do what he has promised to do - and we know him, as our advisor for years, to be a man of his word - then many of us will no longer need to go to doctors because we won’t be sick, whether we can afford organic or not. We won’t be eating poisoned foods and be forced to get harmful injections or take contaminated medications, and the stronghold of Big Pharma and Big Ag on our lives will disappear. We will, when not exposed to toxins, feel better, sleep better, perform better at school, work, and dare I say, even in bed (endocrine-disrupting chemicals contribute to ED, gentlemen), and we will be able to live up to our fullest potentials in our long lives.
続きを読むNew Roundup weedkiller 45 times more toxic to human health
From Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth analysis shows cancer-linked glyphosate remains and is joined by new, more dangerous chemicals on 50th anniversary of Roundup.
WASHINGTON — On the fiftieth anniversary of the controversial weedkiller’s release, a Friends of the Earth analysis – New Roundup, New Risks – finds that residential Roundup products are more toxic to consumers and the environment than ever before. Not only has manufacturer Bayer [OTCMKTS: BAYRY] failed to remove glyphosate from all Roundup products, as promised, but new formulations of Roundup are 45 times more toxic to human health, on average, following long-term, chronic exposure. They also pose greater risks to the environment.
続きを読む‘Shocking’: Heavy Metals, Nearly 50 Pesticides Detected in School Lunches
Reprinted from Children's Health Defense:
Testing commissioned by Spotlight on America and conducted by the Health Research Institute (HRI), an accredited independent lab in Iowa, detected 38 different pesticides in just one elementary school lunch.
続きを読むSchool lunch tests reveal dozens of pesticides on single items, heavy metals, other toxins
by Lisa Fletcher, Andrea Nejman, and Nathan Aaron - ABC News On Your Side
WASHINGTON (7News) — Kids rely on school meals every day, but almost nothing is known about what's really in school lunches, including invisible ingredients that could harm developing bodies and brains. In a months-long investigation, we tested school lunches and found concerning results, just like the ones that are currently gaining the attention of Congress.
In America’s schools, 30 million lunches are served every day. There are standards in place for things like calories, sodium, and added sugar. The USDA asserts that lunches consumed from schools are the most nutritious.
GM Soybean Oil Damages Liver and Kidneys from gmwatch
New rat feeding study is further proof that GM soy isn’t substantially equivalent to non-GM soy. Report: Claire Robinson
A diet containing GM soybean oil damaged the liver and kidney of rats in a new 90-day feeding study conducted by Iranian scientists. The study provides further proof that GM soy is not substantially equivalent to non-GM soy, meaning that regulatory authorisations given on the assumption of equivalence are invalid.
The study, by Horyie Taheri of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and colleagues, was conducted on 18 male rats in three different groups (6 rats per group). One group was fed a diet containing 10% GM soybean oil for 90 days, while the other two groups served as control groups, receiving either non-GM soybean oil or a standard lab diet, respectively.
続きを読むGLP-1 Agonists (Like Ozempic)- How They Work and How To Lose Weight Without Them
By Carol Grieve', 今の食品の完全性
Food Integrity Now invites you to read this very informative article by Mary Chantler about how to lose weight without taking drugs, like Ozempic. Thank you Mary for this great information!
If you live in the US, chances are you have heard about Ozempic, Wegovy or other current weight-loss medications that are known as “anoretics” or appetite suppressants. Many celebrities are taking them currently and they are the secret behind Oprah Winfrey’s new slimmer physique. They are expensive, but surprisingly easy to get a prescription for.
We will go over the risks of these drugs and why they can occur, the ways in which you can stimulate these satiety hormones in your body naturally, and what you can do to avoid some of the risks if you are already taking these drugs.