Kennedy for Head of HHS Being in the DC Hearings - A Mom’s Perspective - Moms Across America

Kennedy for Head of HHS Being in the DC Hearings - A Mom��s Perspective

I am sitting directly behind Cheryl Hines, Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s wife, and family. The moms, namely Vani Hari, her daughter, myself, Laura Bono, Megyn Kelly, and his sister Dr. Casey Means, had reserved seating for the camera shot. I feel deeply honored to represent all of our moms. The packed audience breaks out into applause when he enters the room. I am at the edge of my seat as Bobby begins to speak. He is clear, confident, humble, and gracious. In typical Bobby style, the first thing he does is acknowledge everyone. When he acknowledges “the MAHA Moms, many of which are sitting behind me today,” he says, I nearly cry. In those few words, I hear a symphony of acknowledgment.

I hear Bobby acknowledge every mom who has struggled, cried, pleaded to countless clueless doctors for help, screamed, hid in bed in exhaustion, shouted on the streets, called their elected officials, were shunned by their peers for their views, and the moms who begged their mother or husband to listen. I hear him acknowledging the thousands of hours thousands of moms have volunteered to raise awareness about our health crisis in America. I hear the acknowledgment of the mothers who have had to bury their babies and see their child’s future robbed from them, the children who cannot walk or talk because of the chemicals in food, our environment, and vaccines. I hear them thinking, maybe, just maybe, my loss will be someone’s gain. Maybe a complete stranger’s baby will not be harmed in the way my baby was. Maybe their child will be healthy enough to live up to their fullest potential. Maybe my child and their child will be a part of what Makes American Great Again

Our Moms Across America moms and parents from hundreds of organizations and grassroots groups have worked for decades for this moment. Hundreds of supporters fill the hallways outside the hearing, most knowingly traveling for many hours from dozens of states away, knowing they would probably not get in the hearing room. Instead, they pack the live streaming viewing room or wait in the hallway for a glimpse of him, with the hopes of just being able to yell, “We LOVE YOU BOBBY!” as he walks in and out of the hearing for a few seconds. All we want to do is show him our love.

Why? Because he has shown us his love for decades. His tireless commitment to health, our children, free speech, and justice is the most remarkable testimony to the teachings of his mother, Ethel Kennedy, of any Kennedy who has ever lived. You know what I mean if you have read his book, American Values. His mother was tough, fierce, and an undauntable stand for public service. She drilled her children daily with the importance of serving the public, making a difference, and standing up for the underprivileged. She was fastidious about learning the Bible, poetry, geography, political perspectives, and philosophy. Her children had to volunteer every summer. Bobby was raised to serve, to risk his life for justice, and that he does.

In the hearing, the energy is palpable. Supporters with podcasts, nonprofits, radio shows, and substack blogs, as well as doctors, dissenters, and parents, packed the room. Every seat at the press tables is filled. The mainstream media reporters who have been name-calling and vilifying Bobby sit right behind me. Protectively, Casey barks at his sister, “Do not talk to them!”- eyeing a particularly biased but smiling reporter. Casey had no problem with that; she shared with me that the media has really not been her “thing” she prefers to write and research. I am fully aware of the rumors surrounding Calley and Casey Means and their quick rise to fame. From my perspective, the brother-sister duo is 1000% authentic and dedicated. The reason why, I believe, they have risen in stature so quickly is because they are smart, direct, fearless, and impeccable with their words. They are trustworthy and know how to interact with the media.

Call me naive, I don’t care. Every person who dedicates themselves in the manner that the Means duo have deserves the media time.

Being live in the media is not easy. Over the past month or so dozens of mainstream media outlets have reached out to me, Vani, Casey, Calley, and the MAHA movement folks. Many of them are outlets that call Bobby an Anti-Vaxxer, psychopath, etc. They have not been truthful in their portrayal of Bobby. They have been like vultures waiting for a bone to pick from those of us who are willing to be interviewed, looking for a misstep. It is nerve-wracking. Especially for me, I believe, because I don’t see what I say as just for me, I represent a nonprofit with millions of mom supporters who want someone, anyone, to speak out and tell the truth.

Bobby has listened to the moms and advocates. And he is speaking on behalf of us and his own moral authority in the hearing. I thank God that he is a brilliant lawyer with a photographic memory. He quickly jumps in when he is misinterpreted and corrects the Senators. He adeptly clarifies when they say he was incorrect on the second day - he says, “No, Senator, I was not incorrect, you just added more information.” Brilliant. He will not allow himself to be bullied by Elizabeth Warren when she screams to get him to stop suing pharmaceutical companies for 4 years after holding the HHS position. (What about her near million-dollar donation from Big Pharma while she is in office?) He will not allow Bernie to rustle his feathers when he hollers at him about the Children’s Health Defense “dangerous” store products that say “No Vax, No Problem.” In an iconic moment that will make meme history, Bernie shouted, “Do you support these Onesies?”

The rest of us are rustled, however. In between laughter and murmurs, we are seething, disgusted, and determined to make sure that the antics of the Democratic Senators, who are clearly behaving as Big Pharma Puppets, will be widely known. I check my phone, and within minutes, X is filled with supporters who have clipped and frozen very unflattering images of Elizabeth and Bernie screaming. Bernie in the onesie is something I just did not need to see!

What America does need to see is the corruption at play. Multiple Senators, Wyden, Bennet, Cassidy, Hassan, Warnock, Baldwin, Murphy, Hawley, Kohster, Markey, Ashbooks, Collins, Sanders, Warren and others, all rolled out the Big Pharma playbook and asked questions or made 4- 5 minute statements (instead of letting him talk) to shut down integrity and safety for the American people. In a cheer-worthy moment on day two (Thank you, Jill McLaughlin, for giving me your seat so I could be in the hearing!), Bobby actually addresses that “The corruption that is not just in the industry, it is right here in Congress too. Every person on this panel is taking money from Pharmaceutical companies, including you, Bernie,” Kennedy points out. When Bernie sputters and tries to mention all the workers who donated to him, Bobby persists and repeats that in 2020, Bernie was the single largest recipient of Pharmaceutical dollars, 1.5 million. Bernie finally says, “Ok, fine, 1.5 million out of 200 million.” Agreeing that he received huge donations from the very corporations he has been claiming to be holding to account, for decades.

It is a sad sight to see for this former Bernie supporter. Years ago, he was the only spot of light in a sea of corruption. Today, however, he appears to have been swooped into the fold of Big Pharma, and I am deeply disturbed by the extent of the brainwashing that he has experienced. To completely ignore the thousands of vaccine-damaged and deaths by vaccine is a shocking decision, considering he has long been an outspoken advocate for the downtrodden. Vaccines are NOT safe and Effective FOR ALL, they do harm some. When there is a risk, there must be transparency and choice. Our food is nutrient deficient, toxic, and is making us sick, killing millions. Manufacturers simply need to be responsible for the safety of their products. Sell whatever you want, just make it safe. These issues are irrefutable, and Bernie and Kennedy should logically agree. Still, alas, Pharma lobbyists have gotten to Bernie (as well as most of the Democrats), and he has positioned himself against Kennedy.

This week, the Finance Committee had a tight vote, 14-13, in favor of Kennedy for Secretary of HHS. The process continues next week when the vote goes to the floor for a full vote. We, the moms and our valued supporters from all walks of life, continue to contact our senators. The floor vote will be next week, and we will be watching.

We urge all of our networks to send this new study by Mawson and Jacob, the one mentioned by Bobby in the hearing, to their Senators. It shows a 170-440% higher chance of neurodevelopment delays in 47,000 nine-year-old children on Medicaid, after 1 - 11 well visits with vaccination.

Find your Senators contact information here.

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  • Monica Baxter
    commented 2025-02-06 05:11:44 -0500
    Thank you, Zen and all, fighting for real health and heath care. It indeed has been beyond disappointing to see Bernie, Warren, CANTWELL, and others vote against him. Their time will hopefully come (good bye).
  • Amber Ledgerwood
    commented 2025-02-05 22:20:35 -0500
    Support Bobby Kennedy
  • 禅ハニーカット
    published this page in ブログ 2025-02-05 19:58:23 -0500

