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Oxford Connecticut Retires Roundup Goes Organic


Oxford Connecticut Retires Roundup and Goes Organic
Northeast Horticultural Services Chosen to Manage Organic Vegetation Control

Monsanto TrialSTRATFORD, CT, 8月 11, 2018 – Oxford, CT residents can breathe a sigh of relief. Glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup, Rodeo and Ranger Pro will no longer be sprayed in their park and on their sidewalks. These carcinogenic herbicides are currently the hot topic in legal circles- the Johnson v Monsanto trial verdict was just announced yesterday and glyphosate herbicide manufacturer Monsanto was found guilty and fined 289.2 million dollars for failing to label their product as a carcinogen and for malice- intentionally covering up that they knew their product was carcinogenic. The plaintiff, Dwayne “Lee” Johnson a school pesticide applicator, used Roundup and Rodeo, had a few accidents, and despite wearing protective gear, he was exposed to the chemicals. He now has Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and tumors on 80% of his body. Lee has a wife and two children and is not expected, by his doctors, to live longer than two years.

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The Beginning of The END of the Chemical Era


Screen_Shot_2018-08-10_at_5.12.19_PM.pngDewayne "Lee" Johnson, a school pesticide applicator with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, WINS his lawsuit against Monsanto! The jury (God Bless them) awarded Johnson 289.2 million dollars! 4000 other plaintiffs are waiting to sue Monsanto and 10,0000 are expected by the end of the year. Surely this decision has Bayer, who now owns Monsanto, reconsidering whether or not to continue to sell glyphosate-based products.

This is a huge win for humanity! Corporations around the world now get that they must take responsibility for the impact of their products! 

Watch the verdict here: 

US Court demands that the EPA must ban chlorpyrifos in 60 days! Chlorpyrifos, a chemical sprayed on food crops, is a known neurotoxin, especially to children, and was supposed to be banned last year. But the ban was revoked by the current administration. Coincidentally, the ban dismissal was enacted after Trump held a meeting with the CEO of Dow, the manufacturers of the chemical, who gave a 1.2 million dollar donation to his campaign. At Moms Across America, we believe that no matter who we vote for, what our political inclinations are, that every public figure has a responsibility to protect our children. This behavior is reprehensible, and we are glad that the courts have the power to reverse that decision and reinstate the ban. We simply cannot allow big business to harm our little kids.

Transcripts of the closing arguments here.

Johnson's lawyer's slides here.


Also, in the news is Monsanto on trial and Robert F. Kennedy Jr - one of the lawyers suing Monsanto for the link to Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Watch his stellar interview here.

We are so glad he addressed all the health issues we moms have been talking about for years now - and that the media is covering this issue!!!!

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Monsanto Trial Closing Statements

Screen_Shot_2018- 08-08 _at_2。52.53 _PM.pngYesterday was a fascinating, infuriating, inspiring, and extremely complicated day. The closing statements of the Johnson v Monsanto trial were the lawyers final chance to persuade the jury to either hold Monsanto accountable for not labeling their product as a carcinogen ( leading to John's non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) or believe the chemical company when they say their products are safe. Watch the NBC news coverage which includes  Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America!

In the packed San Franciso courtroom, Johnson's lawyer, Brent Wisner did an excellent job of showing that:

  1. Monsanto's Roundup and RangerPro can promote cancer and cause tumor growth.

  2. Monsanto knew this well before Johnson called them to ask if exposure could be connected to his lesions...and yet the doctor responsible failed to return his call.

  3. Monsanto failed to warn consumers with label or safety precautions.

To see the video recap of my interview on Facebook LIVE with Kelly Ryerson of who has attended every day of the trial, click here.

To see some of the choice soundbites from the trial, follow Zen on Twitter:

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New Studies EPA Must Consider in Glyphosate Review

The EPA still has yet to deliver their decision on whether to renew glyphosate for another 15 years or revoke its license. They have been "reviewing" glyphosate for over 10 years.

We continue to remind the EPA of their responsibility to include real science and to protect people and animals, not the profits of the corporations. Here is a recent letter to the EPA. Feel free to use the links to tell your local officials that they need to discontinue the use of glyphosate herbicides.

Dear EPA Pesticide Review Board,

In light of recent studies, we are looking forward to your review of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) resulting in the refusal of the license of glyphosate.

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Zen Honeycutt著、ママズアクロスアメリカ

Korea_panel.jpg7月 19, 2018韓国のソウルで初めて、韓国人はGMOラベリングシステムを知る消費者の権利に関する三国間韓米日本シンポジウムを主催しました。草の根の指導者、教授、食品生産者、関係する市民、国会議員を含む200人以上が集まり、GMOとGMOラベリングの健康リスクについて話し合った。韓国には懸念すべき正当理由があります。韓国は人間が消費するGMOの世界最大の輸入国であり、市民の健康状態は急上昇しています。

South Korea has the highest recorded rates of pervasive developmental delays in the world. South Korea’s rates of autism are also extremely high, the last reported rates were 2 X higher than US autism rates in 2012. The rates of both autism and pervasive development delays correlate with the high amounts of agrochemicals used per unit in the relatively small countries of Japan and South Korea. The ingestion of chemicals due to agrochemical farming has not been of concern for the past two decades, but speakers at the conference discussed studies released over the past 5 years that show serious harm from GMOs and the most widely used glyphosate herbicides in the world. 80% of GMOs are engineered to withstand Monsanto’s flagship Roundup product (glyphosate herbicide), which is now used generically in over 750 brands around the world and has been linked to cancer, liver disease, そして many health risks.destruction of gut bacteria, which glyphosate has been shown to cause, has been linked to autism-like symptoms in rats. Reproductive changes due to the hormonal impact of glyphosate can also lead to developmental delays. New studies showing glyphosate herbicides' impact on the second generation of female rats, impacting fertility, point to great concern regarding the possible link to Korea's low birth rate as well.


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Millennials who’ve watched Cowspiracy, or are health conscious and motivated to explore a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, are targeted to save the planet by eating this "low-impact” food. Designed to convert meat eaters to a “plant based” i burger, it can now be ordered as a meat alternative at restaurants in many cities around the US. But, what is The Impossible Burger made of?

Nowhere do they claim that Impossible Burger ingredients are USDA Certified Organic. One look at the Impossible Burger package ingredients list tells any well-educated eater why: wheat, potato proteins, coconut oil, “other nutrients”, natural flavors and 2% or less of the following: leghemoglobin (soy), yeast extract, salt, soy protein isolate, konjac gum, xanthan gum, thiamin (vitamin B1), zinc, niacin, vitamin B6, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and vitamin B12. Many ingredients such as soy, potatoes, and several others, are genetically engineered (GMO) in a lab. GMO food products in the US today require no package label to identify them.

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After getting up at 4 a.m. to drive to SF, with Kat Furey and Rouhi Akbari thru thick traffic, it was hard for me to sit from 9:30 to 4. We had 2 5-minute breaks and 1½ hours for a wonderful GF SF lunch at Sweet Maple. I am so glad that I was able to go to this "Trial of the Century."


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Screen_Shot_2018- 07-09 _at_7。21.07 _AM.png7月 7, 2018の土曜日は、カリフォルニアのグリホサートを含むすべての製品が、CA Prop 65発がん性物質リストに記載されているため、発がん性物質として警告ラベルが付けられることになっていた日でした。 モンサントは、リストにある化学物質にラベルを付けるという30年の慣行を訴え、一時的に停止しました。それでも...裁判官は、グリホサートを小道具65発がん物質リストに残すことに同意しました。それで彼はグリホサートが有害であることを認めます...しかし大衆は知る必要はありませんか?


グリホサートはCAEPA Prop 65発がん性物質リストに記載されていますが、7月 7, 2018の時点では発がん性物質として適切にラベル付けされていないため、棚から削除するように依頼しています。ガンで死にかけている2人の少年の父親であり、グリホサートを発ガン性物質として適切にラベル付けしていないとしてモンサントを訴えたドウェイン・ジョンソンについて、遠慮なく彼らに話してください。 10,000人以上の人々も年末までにモンサントを訴えると予想されています。 
ホームデポ 800-466-3337プレス7、5(カスタマーケア)Eメール [email protected]
ロウズ1-704-758-1000プレス3メール [email protected]

Home DepotやLowes、またはRoundupを販売している小売店に行く場合は、声を上げるか、マネージャーに伝えるか、マネージャーにメモを書いてください。彼らがラウンドアップとグリホサートベースの製品を販売し続けるならば、独立した科学が彼らが癌に貢献していることを示していることを彼らに知らせてください。それらを売るのをやめるように彼らにきちんと頼んでください。


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パレード写真The information provided here has been gathered for over a decade by dedicated moms. Many of the scientists, doctors, farmers, health professionals, and researchers we refer to have been researching their areas of expertise for decades. このサイトの情報と、行動を起こすために私たちが提供するチラシと資料、あなたの家族、コミュニティが今後何年も健康で幸せな生活を送ることができるようになります! 私たちはあなたがここにいることをとても嬉しく思います。




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Screen_Shot_2018- 06-20 _at_8。15.38 _PM.png
「農民がそれをドライダウンとして使用している場合、農民は彼らの慣行を変えるべきです」とダールは言いました。 「それはそれが使用されるために登録されているものではありません。すべての製品にさらに精査がありますが、グリホサートは活動家コミュニティから特に注目を集めているようです。」


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