私たちは、関係者全員、私たちの家族、そして地球に利益をもたらす新しいコラボレーション本当に興奮しています! Moms Across Americaは、オーガニックを食べることの無数の利点について語るとき、食事の観点からライフスタイルを変えるだけでなく、家計の観点からも話していることを知っています。あなたの家族が食べ物に何を費やしているかに関係なく、オーガニックへの変更は最終的な収益を増やすことができることを認識しています。 Frontier CoopがMAA購入クラブを作成する機会を提供してくれたことを嬉しく思います。MAA購入クラブでは、何百ものトップオーガニックブランドを卸売価格でお届けできます。それは小売価格の平均40%以上オフです!そして-完全な開示-Frontier Coop Moms Across Americaのメンバーとして、年間でFrontier Coopから「後援」を受け取ることができます。これは、購入クラブの年間購入の10%に相当します。 それは双方にとって有利な状況です!私たちは幸せになることができませんでした。
But wait...there is actually a lot more to be excited about. In fact, there are many, many reasons why we are excited to partner with Frontier Coop. We want to tell you about just some of them.
Frontier Coop is committed to the health and welfare of the environment and all the people involved with producing and consuming our botanical products.
- They meet personally with growers whenever possible and help them improve their livelihood through true partnerships built upon mutual respect for quality botanicals and sound social and environmental practices.
- Their Well Earth sustainable sourcing program is built on the expertise they've gained from over three decades of experience buying botanicals. The direct relationships of Well Earth help farmers and allow Frontier Coop to develop effective and meaningful social giving projects for our grower communities. Here are some examples of those partnerships:
Thousands of lives have been bettered by Frontier Coop’s Well Earth social giving to grower communities that helps provide fresh water, medical and dental care, educational opportunities, and improved infrastructure. A recent project in one of their sourcing communities was helping build a dental clinic in Guatemala.
- In the spring of 1992, employee volunteers planted 21 acres of tallgrass prairie at the Frontier Coop Norway, Iowa, headquarters on land that was previously corn and bean fields. The prairie, which contains dozens of species of grasses and forbs, later became part of the United Plant Savers Botanical Sanctuary Network, a group of environments dedicated to restoring and preserving natural habitats and native plants.
Frontier Co-op began as a two-person operation in 1976 in a river cabin in Eastern Iowa. Since that time they have grown as an organization, given back to the international community substantially, and among other accomplishments introduced the first Fair Trade Certified ™ spices to the U.S. market in 2009. Honestly, the list of their good works goes on and on.
To experience the quality of their products make the world a better place by supporting them and Moms Across America, and save money for your family join or create an MAA + Frontier Co-op buying club! How do you sign-up? Find 5 or more interested people in your club chapter (these can be friends, church groups, neighbors or even family members) and designate the primary account holder to manage billing and orders. Contact Moms Across America at [メール保護] to let us know you are ready to sign-up. Order, receive, divvy up among members and enjoy the savings!