


Screen_Shot_2018-10-17_at_8.08.25_AM.png正義へのコミットメントの前例のない表示では、ジョンソンvモンサント裁判に参加した12 eight審員のうち8人、合計10人が休みを取り、家族を離れ、サンフランシスコに現れました。先週、裁判所はボラノス判事に彼らの判決を立たせたいと知らせる。多くの人が呼んでいる「世紀の試練」は、 $ 289.2ミリオン賞 モンサントからドウェイン「リー」ジョンソン、モンサントのグリホサート除草剤製品ラウンドアップとレンジャープロを使用しながら、非ホジキンリンパ腫の最終症例に契約したドウェイン「リー」ジョンソンへのju審員による。



Howard commented to me on his impression of the impact of corporations that he gained by being a part of the Monsanto Trial. I went into the trial not knowing a lot about Monsanto and it was the evidence at the trial that convinced me this corporation cannot be trusted,” he said. “This was a wake-up call. Being on the jury changed my life. I was interested in the environment before, but this was like, ‘Oh ok... it’s time to get back to work.’ I was angry. I have had a reminder to myself to divest from fossil fuels for years, and after the Monsanto trial- I finally did it. I divested.”

He stated, “I learned at this trial, you cannot trust these corporations. They are putting the almighty dollar before human lives. When you see the evidence in the documents with your own eyes, and you see the people lying to you, when they are sworn in to tell the truth... then you have to do something. That is why I am speaking up now.”

ハワードは、彼とju審員は、彼らの信ibility性に基づいて証人の証言の一部またはすべてを無視できると裁判官から指示されたことを指摘した。彼らがモンサントの証人、彼らがどれほど不快であるか、そして他のボディーランゲージを見たとき、ju審員は非常に慎重に、多くは単に信用できないと判断した。 「彼らが言語体操を行い、がんを引き起こす製品の問題を避けるためにできる限りのことを行っていたとき、私たちは彼らを信頼できるとは思わなかった。」



Screen_Shot_2018-10-17_at_7.51.14_AM.pngからの抜粋 ロバート・ハワードの手紙は読む:

“All parties agree that we were an exceptional jury. We were, in fact, praised by Monsanto, and you, your Honor, for our attention, intelligent questions, etc. Yet our integrity, intelligence, and common sense has been cleverly and openly attacked by inference. The idiopathy issue, the science, the non-economic damages issue, what is and what is not evidence, the higher bar for punitive damages, credibility of witnesses: I got it. I believe my fellow jurors got it. With all due respect, your Honor, I don’t see how this can go both ways. Monsanto can’t ask for a jury, state that we intelligently, and with diligence considered only the testimony and evidence, and methodically weighed that evidence— and then turn around and infer that we must have ignored your instructions and did not comprehend the evidence! It just doesn’t add up. The possibility that, after our studious attention to the presentation of evidence, our adherence to your instructions, and several days of careful deliberations, our unanimous verdict could be summarily overturned demeans our system of justice and shakes my confidence in that system. I urge you to reconsider your tentative ruling and to not completely overturn the punitive damages and I also urge you to leave the liability intact.”


このju審員と話した後、私はこのju審員が彼らの仕事をしたと確信しています。裁判官が両側と裁判官によって彼らの勤勉さを繰り返し称賛された後、裁判官が彼らの満場一致の決定を覆すことになったなら、なぜ我々には司法制度があるのですか?証拠は明確であり、公正に評価されました。 Bolanos判事は、ju審員の決定の整合性とher審員の行動に対する彼女自身の評価に敬意を表して懇願します。

Sign OCA's petition to the Judge. Click here.

KPIXニュース報道 of the jurors speaking out.

Glyphosate Girl's coverage fo the entire Monsanto Trial

Moms Across Americaは501 c3の非営利団体であり、そのモットーは「Empowered Moms、Healthy Kids」です。

Showing 1 reaction

  • ボンボリノ
    コメントした 2018-10-18 10:13:55 -0400

