Moms Across America blog


ABC 7 Silenced

Last night we sent you an email, posted and tweeted to watch ABC 7 live at 6pm PT as they aired the second segment of their report on glyphosate contamination of wine. (See the first segment here and share it before they take it down) 

 The second segment was going to allow us to "meet a woman who shows farmers how to get rid of the chemicals and embrace the weeds. It does work apparently." We were thrilled.
A solution!

Unfortunately, the segment did not air. 
To say we are disappointed is a major understatement.
I heard from ABC during the segment that the report had been pulled. As usual, we have reason to believe that Monsanto exerted pressure on the network. ABC World News which was scheduled to air the report nationwide today, Saturday, was cancelled. ABC 7 has also removed the piece from their website. Millions of people who are interested in this story, will not have access to important information if things continue as they are.

Censorship of our news destroys the integrity of our country.
In a time of a health crisis, which includes mental illness and violence, our media networks are not sharing the solutions.
In a time of vast disparity between the wealthiest controlling corporations and the struggling mainstream America, corporations are controlling the information given to the public.

We cannot let this go unnoticed. This is not freedom. This is not justice. This is not in the best interest of the public, of the reporters, of the network or our country.

We GREATLY appreciate that ABC 7 News reported on the topic of glyphosate contamination and aired the piece in the first place. 
We are thrilled that so many people were able to learn about this important issue and we will always be grateful!

However we must speak up and let the network know that we want them air the second segment which gives the public solutions.
If they hear from thousands of us they may very likely air the piece!

Please join us in sending a respectful but firm email, letter or Facebook message to the KGO/ABC7  network to "Please air the report on growing grapes without chemicals, do not allow Monsanto to censor our news.":
Click here:

And send a quick note to ABC World News that glyphosate contamination is a national issue and we ask them to air the report:

Further contact information for ABC7:

News Director
900 Front Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

Main Line: (415) 954-7777

Email ABC7 Newsroom 
Contact the ABC7 News team 

Make sure you're following us on Instagram for photos and videos from the most moving stories of the 

Headlines, videos, opinions and more -- get a behind the scenes look into your favorite news 

ABC7 News uses Twitter to bring people the latest breaking news and the day's most interesting stories.@abc7newsBayArea 

Thank you for taking just a few minutes to speak up for health and freedom!

With Love and Gratitude for your support,
Zen Honeycutt and MAA Team
Here is the letter I sent to ABC7. You can use it but writing your own is great too.

Dear ABC7 News Team,

We are extremely grateful that you investigated and ran such a great piece on glyphosate contamination in wine and other consumer products. You did a truthful and fair report and many will benefit from your work. We may never know the generations that will be positively affected if the wine valley switches to glyphosate free vineyards.

I was extremely disappointed to see that you did not air the second segment on 4月 29 at 6pm PT as you said you would. This segment would offer a viable solution to thousands, who grow plants, to grow without the use of chemicals. In our time of a great health crisis, it is essential that the public learn as much as possible about avoiding toxic chemicals and reducing toxic burden to improve health.
We all suspect that Monsanto has contacted ABC7 and we assume, threatened your network.

I urge you to find a way to air the report anyway.
I urge you to consider all the women in the Napa and Sonoma Valley that could be spared breast cancer if the vine growers there stop using glyphosate. I urge you to consider all the babies that could be saved and born into a life of possibility, and all the people who might not get mental illness, if the vinegrowers and farmers in CA and nationwide use organic alternatives instead. I urge you to put the health of our state and nation before the wealth of a single corporation.

Please know the American public needs truth, courage and action now more than ever.
Please show the second segment of the glyphosate report and give America solutions.

If you have the courage to do this, you will show the world that media will not be ruled by fear and chemical companies. You will set an example for news outlets around the world. You will, instead of being a part of "this is just the world we live in" will instead  be creating the world we want to and are proud all live in.

We are very grateful for all you do.
Thank you,
Zen Honeycutt, Founder and Director of Moms Across America


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Movies About GMOs

GMO 101
The movies and videos everyone should watch to understand what is going on with our food supply and Genetically Engineered Crops in the USA and other countries.

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National Health Billboard Campaign


National Health Billboard Campaign Targeting Senate Ag and HELP Committee Home States

Launched by アメリカ中のママ

4月 22, 2016- On Earth Day, running through Mother’s Day, Moms Across America launched a national billboard campaign to promote the benefits of organic.

AOA_Moms Across America_organic_digital bulletin_w4_mockup.jpg


The billboards are now appearing in 191 locations in 35 cities/13 states nationwide from Earth Day through Mother’s Day 2016.*

Thanks to many supporters and the reach of Adams and Fairway Outdoor Advertising, Moms Across America is able to reach millions a day with a message that could alter the health of America. 

Moms Across America director Zen Honeycutt stated, “1 out of 2 children in America have a chronic illness.“Our families get better when they eat organic” is a health solution not only for consumers, but for our earth. Studies show organic improves the health of farmers, the quality of the soil, water, plants and reduces climate change as well.”

She continued, “Our intention is to reach millions of American consumers and our policy makers.  We targeted the capitals of the home states of the Senate Ag and HELP Committed members, who make the decisions about whether to subsidize organic or label GMOs. We want them to support health, safety and honest labeling.”

Since the inception of Moms Across America 3 years ago, Honeycutt and her organization have received hundreds of testimonials from their supporters sharing how grateful they are that they learned about GMOs and related pesticides, describing the health improvements in detail.

For example:

“I had an awesome team of doctors at the children’s hospital that could not figure out what was wrong with my daughter who was  getting sick after nearly every meal.  The Moms posting on Facebook that their children got better when they got off GMOs saved my daughter’s life.  That day, I went out and bought organic food and she stopped throwing up.” – Jennifer Lawrenson

Moms Across America recognizes that not every child reacts in this way to GMO food, “It’s sort of like smoking, some have ill health effects, some do not. The difference is that smoking is a choice, eating is not.” Honeycutt points out that all American’s no matter what their income level, location or socio economic background is, should have access to organic food. Access is a problem, we need more organic farmers. Also, many people are not aware however that organic food has many health benefits, for instance, studies show organic food contains far less pesticides, is not genetically engineered (meaning foreign proteins) and has a higher nutritional content. Eating organic reduces toxic burden on the body, which unquestionably benefits health.

The billboards were timed to post the week of the National Organic Standards Board meeting being held in Washington DC 4月 24-27th, and through Earth Day to Mother’s Day.  Honeycutt spoke in the preliminary NOSB webinar this week, addressing the widespread contamination of organic by chemicals like glyphosate in Roundup and asked the NOSB to take action to protect organic farmer’s profit. She requested that the NOSB regulate, file lawsuits and work in conjunction with other organic standards group to hold the parties contaminating organic responsible.

The non profit organization’s main focus is educating the public about GMOs, related toxic chemicals and solutions.

“Our country is in a health crisis and we need to share solutions.We understand that many may question whether it is organic food which leads to health improvements or if there are other factors involved. I understand the skepticism. No one wants to pay more money for something without good reason, including myself. My response is to try it yourself. As much as you can afford, buy organic, in bulk and as local as much as possible for 2 weeks and cook at home. Note how you feel, many report tremendous health improvements.”

*The billboards are posted for 30 days at:

191 locations in 35 cities in 13 states reaching millions each day

  • Rochester MN
  • Atlanta GA
  • Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte, Lake Norman,Grenesboro, Greeneville, Charleston SC
  • Chattanooga TN
  • Wichita Falls, Texarkana AR-TX, Sherman, Denison TX
  • Chippewa, Monroe, Winona County, LaCrosse, Eau Claire, Kenosha WI
  • Peoria, Bloomington, Penkin, Manito, Champaign IL
  • Ann Arbor, Lansing, Detroit MI
  • Norfolk,VA
  • North Hampton, Lehigh, Camden, Wilmington, Philadelphia PA


Blair Fitzgibbon, Publicist

Zen Honeycutt, Exec.Director Moms Across America

Erica Line, Adams and Fairway Billboards

[email protected]




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How Do Glyphosate Based Herbicides Contaminate Crops?

For an overview on glyphosate contaminating wine crops watch this 6 minute piece on RT USA with Zen Honeycutt and news anchor Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture 3月 31, 2016.

To learn more about how Roundup has become ubiquitous in our farming and eco system, and why the claims of safety are false, we are honored to have Ib Pedersen, Danish pig farmer's assessment written for Moms Across America below:

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Widespread Glyphosate Contamination in Wine

100% of Wine Tested Showed Positive Results


Los Angeles - Today, Moms Across America released  new results revealing that ten major California wines contained the chemical glyphosate, the declared “active” ingredient in Roundup weedkiller and 700 other glyphosate-based herbicides. Glyphosate, deemed a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization in 2015, was found in all three categories of wine. This includes conventional (chemically grown), organic and biodynamic wine. The methodology used for the testing was the same as the beer tests in Germany, where all 14 beers tested positive for glyphosate. The highest conventional wine test result for glyphosate was 28 times higher than the glyphosate levels found in the organic and biodynamic wines.

View the report here:

Because Roundup/glyphosate is not permitted on organic or biodynamic vineyards, the results are unexpected and can only be explained by the drift of chemical sprays from neighboring vineyards. This could mean legal ramifications for the contamination and devaluation of another company’s product.

Zen Honeycutt, Director of Moms Across America, states “We have recently learned that the detection of glyphosate is an indicator of the presence of many other co-formulants in glyphosate-based herbicides which, combined, are 1000 times more toxic than glyphosate alone. French scientist Gilles-Éric Seralini and his team have also discovered that these co-formulants are also endocrine hormone disruptors, which can lead to breast cancer, miscarriages, birth defects and many other health issues.  There should be zero glyphosate and related chemicals in our wine, food or personal products.”

Consumers may wonder how Roundup/glyphosate is getting into their wine.  Roundup/glyphosate is sprayed every year in conventional vineyards. A 1-2 ft strip is sprayed on either side of the grape vines which are planted in rows, to kill weeds when the vines are dormant in late winter or early spring. According to plant pathologist, Don Huber from Purdue University, the vine stems are inevitably sprayed in this process and the Roundup is likely absorbed through the roots and bark of the vines from where it is translocated into the leaves and grapes.

All the wines tested were from the Napa Valley, Sonoma and Mendocino County areas. According to the CA Dept of Health, breast cancer rates in the Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties is 10 to 20 percent higher than the national average.  700 lawsuits are currently pending against Monsanto for the connection between non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Roundup.

Currently the FDA does not require end product testing or labeling for pesticides.  Therefore the public is unable to know the type or amount of any pesticides that are present in the wines.

Moms Across America and other groups call for the protection of organic and biodynamic brands, farm workers and consumers by requesting that all food producers STOP spraying toxic chemicals on their crops.


Blair Fitzgibbon  202-503-6141                    

禅ハニーカット [email protected]

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CA City Sets Organic Precedent over Toxic Chemicals



Irvine city council voted unanimously on Tuesday to use organic pesticides and herbicides on all public areas! 
Thank you to Ayn Craciun, Kim Konte, Bob Johnson, Laurie Thompson and Kathleen Hallal -  the Non Toxic Irvine team!
We are so excited for Irvine and for thousands of cities across the country who chose to follow suit!
Read the full article in The Hill- this publication is the most widely read in DC, reaching 24 k politicians.

About half of the toxic herbicides and pesticides sprayed in the US are used in landscaping an public areas.

According to the CA Dept of Pesticide Regulation, 2014 records showed that 250,000 pounds are used in Orange County each year (home to Irvine), 75,000 pounds of which are glyphosate. Decade long studies show that pesticide/herbicide exposure lowers IQ in children. Other new studies show glyphosate causes cancer cell growth, reproductive and other organ damage.

Citizens CAN make a difference in reducing toxic exposure!

You can go to your city council members. This is another approach to make a difference that some people may feel is more doable for them - they may feel more connected to their city officials than Senators. Just a different angle. 

We urge a few citizens of every city to approach their city council and ask to "use organic alternatives instead of toxic chemicals".

We do not suggest asking for a ban at first...only because it is much more confrontational and city council will be more resistant. 

They need to see that they can still manage pests/ weeds without those chemicals. Asking to use a different method is not unreasonable and not illegal.

There are many great alternatives on 

Some states now have rules around not being able to restrict pesticide use without State Secretary of Agriculture approval....well this is not restricting but using alternative methods instead, which is perfectly fine. 

What we have seen that works from the Irvine win:

  • Get a small team and educate others...bring in a speaker or just a coffee gathering to talk about it.
  • Meet with city officials individually first to have them on board and get it on agenda.
  • Have doctors present info if possible. 
  • Then present at council for vote with as many citizen testimonials as possible. Parents of children with cancer are especially poweful. 
  • Coordinate media ahead of time.

There is much more info at Non Toxic Irvine.


So grateful for all their hard and smart work!

We applaud the city council members for serving the people of Irvine, something which our EPA and senators have failed to do. We hope our regulators and elected federal officials will see that all it takes is the political will to start protecting the people of America.

We hope you will be inspired to take one small step at a time to make a big difference for the health, IQ and long term future of your city! 

If you do chose to take this step, start by posting your initial gathering on under EVENTS and get a code for a free box of materials to pass out which contains pesticide/herbicide info!

Download your "Creating Healthy Communities" printable flyer for your city council member ここに to start!

Have fun creating a healthy community!


Zen and MAA Team

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Monsanto Shareholder Meeting 2016

meeting1.jpgIt is the morning after the Monsanto Shareholder Meeting on 1月 29, 2016. Thinking back on what happened, I have to be honest, I was SO NERVOUS. Let's just get that out of the way, right off the bat. I was stepping in for Zen, for crying out loud. I have watched this woman speak and she is so good at what she does, and I knew I had some really big shoes to fill.

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2015 A Year of Great Strides

What an incredible year! Both tragic and triumphant, if you are a supporter of this cause, one thing is for sure -- life is always challenging.

With your support we have reached more people than we can count, raised awareness, inspired action and supported healthy communities across the country and around the world together. Your support and participation is literally altering the future of our planet. THANK YOU!

We are committed to taking bold actions with velocity and this year we continued to do so. The events you initiate, support, attend or promote make a difference!

Amber, Happel, Kayt, Anne, Heather and Zen on "The Hill" after
meetings with Senator's aides on World Food Day 10月 16 2015.

During our third year as a growing organization we were delighted with the many amazing people we have been able to collaborate with nationally and internationally:

the Organic Consumer's Association, Label GMOs, CSG, March Against Monsanto, GMOFree USA, SumofUs, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds Expo, MADGE Australia, GE Free New Zealand, No GMOs Tawain, No GMOs UK Moms,, AsYouSow, Weston A. Price Foundation, Truth in Labeling Coalition, Food Democracy Now, Chinese and African Mom leaders, scientists and farmers around the world, Jeffrey Smith, Citizen's For GMO Labeling, Autism One,  Concerned Citizens of Iowa, Occupy the World Food Prize, Shaka Movement, and more. We are grateful to our primary sponsors, NYR Organic, Baker Creek and Dr.Bronner's Magic Soaps and the hundreds of individual supporters for being a part of this crucial cause.

We are most grateful this year for the opportunity to work together with so many wonderful people. Thank you all.

Group of activists at Heirloom Expo Breakfast

Many groups have requested the presence of Moms Across America at their events this year.  I was honored to speak on behalf of our supporters at 40 locations, nationally and  internationally, reaching thousands, raising awareness and supporting actions for healthy communities. In every location, I looked into the eyes of parents and saw people struggling with their children's health. I also saw immense gratitude for all of your testimonials and actions. People around the world are truly inspired by the number of calls, the events and campaigns you are participating in and the difference you are making. THANK YOU!
I also spoke at events where people oppose what we are doing, and even then, I saw that they listened and we  made a difference for them. I wondered if it is because many of them have family that are sick as well.
These locations included Monsanto in Missouri, Dow in Michigan, Dupont in Maryland, Syngenta in Basel, Switzerland, and the Borlaug Dialogue: World Food Prize Conference in Iowa.
The Monsanto shareholder meeting account blog was reported to us by an EU contact to have been translated into 7 languages.
I spoke on behalf of Moms Across America on a speaking tour with Dr. Michelle Perro and Dr. Michael Antoniou in Australia and New Zealand and in Zurich, Switzerland at an EU protest against the GM Potato and corporate control. It is clear that we are a global food economy and GMO chemical farming is affecting us all. 

Parade marchers in CT and Texas.  

You had Moms Meetups all across the country in May and connected with leaders who inspire us to continue on.
You called, emailed, posted and wrote letters by the thousands to senators and representatives.

Many of you courageously met with your Senator's aides for the first time, really expanding yourself and our impact.
Supporters marched in parades in July for the third year, totaling over 700 events in the first three years of our existence in all 50 states.

Our sponsors enabled us to send out hundreds of thousands of free flyers, door hangers, buttons and decals to over 500 leaders and you passed them out around your communities.

In addition, over 85 supporters took our speaker training and are empowered to speak across the country, expanding our reach!


Outside of Monsanto building at the OCA, MAM, Occupy and MAA Dark Act Rally.

The results? What you are contributing to:

  • Food manufacturers are moving away from GMOs and toxins! Organic food is the fastest growing sector of the market!
  • More moms report healthier children and happier families! Priceless!
  • The World Health Organization deemed glyphosate a probable carcinogen. Did you know that a member of the WHO was in our meeting with the EPA 5月 27, 2014 on Rachel Carson's birthday? We presented a binder of studies showing harmful and cancerous effects and your testimonies.
  • The EPA is conducting glyphosate testing in breast milk and has yet to make their decision about revoking the license of glyphosate.
  • The CA EPA stated it's intent to label glyphosate a carcinogen.
  • Monsanto's stock value dropped 30% at one point.
  • Syngenta declared they deliberately decreased the sale of glyphosate this year.
  • Reuters reported that Big Ag is moving AWAY from harsh chemical pesticides and towards more biological solutions.
  • Enlist Duo was was pulled OFF the market (THANK YOU!!!) and further investigation of glyphosate and other toxic chemicals were conducted.
  • Climate Chaos is being connected to GMO farming and the international community is beginning to agree on organic farming benefits.
  • Moms championed and succeeded in having schools, homeowners associations and counties to go glyphosate free.
  • GMO Free zones were passed and Vermont's labeling law was upheld!
  • We helped stop the DARK Act and TPP from being passed this year.
  • More countries now BAN GMOS than grow them.

DC_Tami_Zen_Amber_capitol_2015.jpg   Maui_Rep_and_beth.jpg

Food Justice Rally: Zen, Tami, & Amber.             Maui with Autumn, Rep. Ellie Cochran, Zen &  Beth of Shaka.

Be assured that you supporters- getting tested, calling and speaking up about your children's health issues, are the primary catalyst for many of these countries' concerns and bans. This I have been told many times. Even more than scientific studies, your experience matters.

Your calls, testimonials, actions, and support make a difference! Thank you!

In the coming year, we have some great campaigns, solutions, events and actions you can participate in and support.
We have new health solutions, a grocery store, new campaigns and more supportive training coming soon!
Check our newest event and please participate if you can!
Look out for some exciting announcements in our emails and calls to action. To further support us, please become a member in 2016.

Again, Thank you for your partnership!

With Gratitude,
Founder and Director Moms Across America


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3 Ways Monsanto Contributes to Climate Chaos and World Hunger

First published on EcoWatch website
12月 5, 2015 9:22 am 
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Call to Black and Hispanic Community for Health

Mom Uses Triple Platinum Singing Voice to Raise Awareness About GMOs


Le'Shaun Courtney Williams, former singer with LL Cool J, with adult children Bri'Anna and Isaiah in DC.

Le'Shaun came all the way from Las Vegas, NV to the Food Justice Rally in DC in 10月 2015. She spoke out on the stage for her state's Senator to say NO to the Dark Act and YES to 511 FOR mandatory GMO labeling.

I am particularly glad she is taking a stand because the statistics for the Black and Hispanic communities are worse than other races. More Black and Hispanic children have both diabetes and obesity than other races. In some Black and Hispanic communities pediatricians report 90% of children with obesity, most with other conditions such as allergies, autism, asthma, auto immune or mental disorders as well. We hope this blog reached the Black and Hispanic communities and alerts everyone, of all races, to the injustices befalling our children. 


Here is her story and request to the Black and Hispanic Community:

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