Let's celebrate our wins!
There are thousands of people in our cause for GMO and toxin free lives, striving for health and freedom every day.
This week, I met amazing people in San Diego at a WOW Talks (highly recommended! Women of Wellness Talks), supporters and the organizer of the March Against Monsanto, and horse owners who are working to get GMOs and toxins out of horse feed to prevent needless harm to race horses. The extent of the harm that GMOs and glyphosate can inflict is far reaching, but our supporters are aware, determined, and unstoppable.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude this week to all the scientists who are pursuing the truth and work tirelessly to bring clarity to the impact of GMOs and toxic chemicals. Their work is to be applauded and shared.
New article on a study shows that DDT (produced by Monsanto) and other pesticides are strongly linked to the feminization and sterility of African men.
New scientific information released this week that you can find on our website under DATA:
New paper shows that glyphosate has been detected in Missouri soil at levels of 1000 ug per kg up to a year after application.
Scientists Seneff and Nigh just published a paper showing how glyphosate is likely the cause of developmental cuts which lead to anencephaly and neuro tube birth defects.
It is a celebration of community activism.Watch and share it today!

"Inspiring! This movie shows what is possible when one takes a stand for what one believes in." -Susan Patterson, author of 15 Minute Healthy Organic Meals for Less than 10 Dollars a Day.
"I highly recommend Communities Rising by Zen Honeycutt & Moms Across America. She is bringing to light an epidemic health crisis that is being ignored in the media and providing ways for individuals and families to make better choices and instigate real change. Everyone should support Moms Across America because they support our future." -Matt Powers, Author of Permaculture Student Curriculum and Permaculture Educator

LEARN & ENJOY! Are you interested in learning how to grow your own food or be a bonafide Homesteader? Attend the Mother Earth News Fair in Oregon on 8月 4-5! Meet me there! I would like to interview our supporters, farmers, and others who are taking action to protect their families and communities from GMOs and toxins. If you live nearby and can help me with coordinating interviews or just want to meet up and enjoy the fair please RSVP here and contact me at [メール保護].

PROGRESS! Moms Across America, Organic Consumer Association, and Beyond Pesticides lawsuit moves forward! The DC Judge agreed that our case against Nature Valley for claiming their oatmeal bars are 100% Natural Oats even though they have residues of the carcinogenic chemical, glyphosate, should continue. A midwest Judge with the same case before him ruled that the case did not have merit (so poison is 100% natural?) but we have faith that the DC Judge will see the importance of not misleading customers in packaging and rule in our favor.

JOIN US! Monday nights at 5pm PT Moms Across America has an empowering Moms Connect video meeting on zoom. Find out the latest news, hear from other moms across the country, and sometimes around the world! Last week we had two ladies from Auckland, New Zealand on our call that met for the first time! Wonderful! Join us at https://zoom.us/j/370843501. You will need to submit your name, email, city, and state and have a webcam and mic to participate. Video will be recorded. We look forward to meeting you!

As always, we deeply appreciate your continued support.
Keep sharing!
Zen Honeycutt,