あなたが10代の場合、あなたの10代が他の人を見たり、vapingを試みた可能性は約1000%です。私の息子にとって、彼は高校のトイレに行くたびに甘い香りのする蒸気で溢れています。による 議員パロン、統計によると、12年生の1 / 3人は電子タバコのユーザーです。
When parents think about the dangers their children face, they often first think about smoking...and educate their children on the dangers of tobacco. They typically discuss the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes and cigars or chewing tobacco. Statistics show that however, that traditional cigarette use has declined consistently for decades, nicotine use is still on the rise. This increase in nicotine consumption among teens and young adults can be linked to vaping. In 2017, 11% of high schoolers vaped, and in 2018, that number increased to 20.8% of all high school students in the United States.