
5 EMF曝露を減らすためのステップ

Moms Across Americaは、数多くの会議やウェビナーに参加し、数千の研究をレビューした数十年の経験を持つ数十の情報源を調査してきました。電磁界ばく露が私たちの子供と家族の健康問題の主な要因であることは明らかです。これが、私たちの支持者の多くが、子供たちが有機的になったときに子供のアレルギーや行動の問題が改善したが、完全には回復しなかったと言う理由である可能性があります。



While we work to raise awareness and encourage the public to take action and stop the installation of thousands of wireless "small" cell 4/5G facilities in cities and towns across the USA (happening right now), we also implore you to do all you can to reduce your exposure NOW, from the existing technology in your home.


  • First: Do not keep your laptop/iPad/phone on or charge your device (even on-off/airplane mode) by your head at night. Charge it in a different room or unplug it entirely.

  • Second: Hardwire your phone, laptop, and gaming consoles with a shielded Ethernet cord and adapters. Then turn off your Wi-Fi. 


Things you will definitely need:
- D-Link 8ポートギガビットイーサネットスイッチ
- さまざまな長さのCat7イーサネットケーブル

Things you may need:
- 床用ケーブルガード(6または30フィート)
- 壁用コードカバーコジット

  • Third: Purchase a "smart" meter shield if you cannot have it removed (if you have solar) or have it removed and replaced with analog. 

This Economy Exterior Smart Meter Shield Kit installs in second and fits all smart meters. For $19.95, it includes everything you need and requires no tools (except scissors) to install. Installation takes only seconds.




  • Fourth: Purchase a silver threaded cap to protect your brain from EMFs. A 最近の研究 showed a 90% improvement from symptoms related to "microwave Electrosmog" from wearing a "silver-threaded cap"!

The フード付きスカーフ is an investment at $95.95. It is great shielding from cellphones, Wi-Fi, smart meters, and other radio frequency signals for the head, neck, and shoulders both day and night. Stylish looking, soft and very comfy... especially in cooler weather. The medium brown color goes well with most outfits and can be used indoors or out. SILVERELL® quality, made with pure silver-coated nylon and modal. 90% RF attenuation tested up to 8 GHz.


  • Fifth: Purchase a shielding cover to use over your lap when using a laptop, PC, iPod, or other electronic devices. Reproductive changes in animal studies were present in minutes when exposed to EMFs. If you have or want kids/grandkids, getting a shielding blanket for you or your kids' laps is a good idea. 

This Baby Blanket with soft cotton flannel is an investment at $99.95. Perfect for infants, children, and adults, especially expecting mothers! It will shield you and your loved ones from any wireless radiation you cannot otherwise control, and it comes with a lifetime warranty.

-ラジオおよびマイクロ波EMF放射の> 30 dBを偏向
-寸法38 "x 30"
- アメリカ製
- 特許出願中






Please tell us how you feel afterward! Contact us with your testimonials at [email protected]

