Moms Across America にボランティアとして参加してくれた 3000 人に感謝します!
私たちは、EPA とグリホサートで問題を解決しています。先週、EPA は最高裁判所に上訴し、ライセンスのグリホサートを更新または取り消すかどうかの決定の期限を延長しました。ばかげている。彼らはグリホサートを検討するのに 13 年かかりました。
パーデュー大学の名誉教授であり、60 年の植物病理学者であるドン フーバー博士。 「グリホサート除草剤は、DDT をうがい薬のように見せます。」
Three hundred million pounds of these toxic chemicals are sprayed in America on our food crops and communities every year. The CDC found glyphosate in 80% of the 2,310 American urine samples. We are in a health crisis primarily due to these toxins.
This is a historic moment. This is the time in history when the EPA will decide to affect millions of lives and wildlife species. Recently, the Supreme Court rejected the EPA’s interim glyphosate approval and ordered the EPA to review available science and come to a decision by 10月 1, 2022.
何年も前に母乳、尿、水道水に含まれるグリホサートの調査結果について 10,000 人の母親が EPA に電話したとき、より親しみやすいスタッフの 1 人が私にこう言いました。
Let’s do that! Let��s INUNDATE the EPA!
To me, this person’s invitation means that some in the EPA want to do the right thing, but they need to hear from us.
The EPA needs to see considerable public outcry to make the necessary changes to protect the environment. We all know they get significant pressure from the chemical companies to approve their harmful chemicals and cover up the harm. We are up against a Goliath. We need many “Davids,” or moms and supporters, to win this fight for food safety.
Will you please pick a method of volunteering and commit to one for the next three weeks?
We want to get all communications to them before 9月 1, as we are assuming they may have made their decision by then and will be merely drafting the wording for their announcement after that.
Our main message: revoke the license of glyphosate and disallow the spraying of all toxicants as drying agents (desiccants) on our food and feed crops!
Volunteering opportunities:
1. Be a Caller. Call the EPA every work day for a month and give them a reason to revoke the license of glyphosate. Be positive and thankful for the work they are doing! We have a list of reasons here. Thank them for listening and for the courage it will take to do the right thing. Call the director Elissa Reaves at (202)566-1925 and the head of the EPA, Michael Regan, at (202) 564-4700. You have about 30 seconds to leave a voice mail for Regan.
Use your own words or get inspiration from our many reasons to revoke the glyphosate license here.
2. Be an Emailer. Email the EPA every work day for a month. Give them multiple personal reasons ( with a unique subject line each time) why they need to revoke the license of glyphosate and stop allowing all poisons to be used on our food. Thank them for their courage and dedication. Email the director, Elissa Reaves, [メール保護], the Acting Deputy Director, [メール保護], and the Head of the EPA, Michael Regan[メール保護] and the team listed below*.
Use your own words and derive inspiration from the many reasons to revoke the glyphosate license.
3. Be a Faxer. Download the program (a small monthly fee) and send a FAX with a reason to revoke the glyphosate license every morning for every business day straight into the offices of the decision-makers. Remind them of their mission and thank them for fulfilling it. List of reasons here. Fax Elissa Reaves and the Pesticide Re-Evaluation Division at 703-308-8005
Use your own words and derive inspiration from the many reasons to revoke the glyphosate license here.
4. Be a Mailer. Buy a stack of envelopes and stamps and send a hard copy, old school letter to the EPA every business day for a month. Handwriting and children’s notes are incredibly impactful. Thank them for their hard work and dedication. Write to:
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pesticide Programs, Mail Code 7506C
Pesticide Re-Evaluation RMIB I
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington DC 20460
5. Be a Tweeter. Every weekday Tweet a message to the EPA. Tell them why they need to revoke the glyphosate license, not just restrict it, and why they need to stop allowing all toxicants to be sprayed on our food. List of reasons here. Link @EPA, @EPAMIchaelRegan
6. Be a Social Media Scout. Every weekday on Facebook and Instagram, search for one or more topics - “cancer, autism, infertility, liver disease, kidney disease, or mental illness or depression” and post a SOLUTION! Ask people to join our campaign to get the EPA to stop allowing the spraying of carcinogenic chemicals that also causes neurotoxicity, infertility, and liver and kidney damage to our FOOD. Thank them for being a part of this historical call to action!
Please give them the link to sign our letter to the CDC, EPA, and Congress. Link to One Click campaign:
7. Be a Gift Quilter. Make a gift to Tom Vilsack and Michael Regan. Honey attracts more bees than vinegar. We want a meeting with the head of the USDA, Tom Vilsack, and the EPA, Michael Regan. One way to do that might be to present each with a red, white, and blue quilt that includes hearts from our moms and children. Are you willing to be on the team to gather and assemble quilt squares? Sign up by sending an email to [メール保護] today.
8. Be a School Lunch Champion. Help us deal with herbicides, heavy metals, and nutrients. Our government provides our children with 30 million school meals from GMO crops ( sprayed with glyphosate) daily. Be a part of our team to buy, bring home, freeze, and mail a school lunch to a lab. 寄付する or Be a part of the team to fundraise the $1000 needed per sample. We need to raise $45,000 by 9月 1! Contact [メール保護] to get directions and be a part of this team.
Do you have other ideas? We want to hear from you! Most important is that every one of us gets creative, courageous, and makes a considerable contribution to current and future generations by COMMITTING to taking one action a day for a month before the EPA’s decision about glyphosate and many other toxic chemicals.
Let’s not look back and say we wish we could have, would matter what they decide...
Let’s look back and say WE DID IT!
We did our BEST!
Please join us for our Moms Connect Calls on Monday (get the invitation link when you sign up for our email alerts) to get in touch, answer your questions, or share your story and ideas. We love to connect with our supporters all across the country!
With Love and Gratitude,
Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America Team
Three thousand volunteers all across the nation - we can do this!!!
Note: Please note - it is always more effective to use your own words when communicating with our regulatory agencies. They tend not to count it if it is cut and pasted from an organization. So please add a few sentences, tweak the wording or write it yourself.
Click here to sign our letter - but also, every day, do something - one thing above to INUNDATE the EPA!
*EPA Pesticide Re- Division Risk Management and Implementation Branch EvaluationChlorpyrifos, Diazinon, Dimethoate, Glyphosate, Neonicotinoids, Rodenticides |
Dana Friedman |
703-347-8827 |
Branch Chief |
David Jones |
703-305-6725 |
Senior Regulatory Advisor |
Ricardo Jones |
703-347-0493 |
Team Leader |
Melissa Grable |
703-308-3953 |
Team Leader |
Also the recording for Michael Regan gives you about 30 seconds to make a statement. Be succinct.