農薬がワインの味を変えることが証明された - アメリカ中のママたち


New Discoveries
Press Release



J Douzelet&GESéraliniによる発見:



First, 16 pairs of organic and non-organic bottles of wine were identified in 7 regions. The same varieties of grapes in each pair were grown on the same soils (in neighboring vineyards), in the same climate and in the same year. The resulting wines were assessed for over 250 pesticides. Traces were present only in one organic bottle. In contrast, 4686 ppb were detected in total in non-organic bottles, with only 2 samples at 0 and a mean of 293 ± 270 [0 - 1144] ppb reached by up to 6 pesticides–mostly fungicides and one glyphosate-based herbicide. Secondly, 195 blind tests with 71 different professionals were conducted at different periods. In 77% of the cases, organic wines were preferred.

同じ農薬を単独または混合して、ワインに存在するレベルで水で希釈しました。混合物のうち少なくとも 1 つの殺虫剤は、ブラインド テストで水とは味が異なると判断されたため、そのように特定されました。これは、専門家によって回答が提供されたケースの 85% に当てはまりました (147)。また、58% がすべてを認識しました。農薬を検出した専門家のうち、57% が 2 本のボトルから農薬が含まれているワインを特定しました。私たちの知る限り、この実験は人間が味によって農薬を識別できる最初の実験です。

Prof.Gilles-Eric Séralini stated: “After the discovery of arsenic and petroleum residues in pesticides,
glyphosate is found also in wines since it is a common herbicide used in vineyards; and it
is detectable by specialists as many pesticides.This is a scandal."

[email protected]; phone +33 6 70 80 20 87.
Article published in the  FOOD AND NUTRITION JOURNAL

Article: The Taste of Pesticides in Wines



