

12月 4, 2020、カリフォルニア農業省(CDFA)は 州全体の即時検疫とAGROGOLDWS有機肥料の販売の削除 ラベルに記載されていないグリホサートとジクワットが存在するため。

グリホサートは世界で最も広く使用されている除草剤であり、主に農業で直接食品/飼料作物に使用されており、 数万件の訴訟 非ホジキンリンパ腫の場合、これまでのところ合計で10億ドルの支払いになります。ジクワットは、原因となることが知られている非常に有毒な化学物質です 震え、けいれん、呼吸器系の問題。  また、鳥や牛などの家畜にも非常に毒性があり、ミミズやミツバチに有害です。れらの2つの非常に有害な化学除草剤は、有機製品(または任意の製品)には存在せず、これらの製品を購入する消費者は、それらの存在に憤慨する権利があります。

The CDFA document reads, "Effective immediately, the California Department of Food & Agriculture’s Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program (FMIP), pursuant to its authority under the Food and Agricultural Code, Division 7, Chapter 5, Article 10, is issuing an order of statewide quarantine and removal from sale for the product AGRO GOLD WS manufactured by Agro Research International LLC. The product AGRO GOLD WS is labeled and registered as an organic fertilizing material, but has been found to contain both Diquat and Glyphosate. Sale and use of this product thus poses a public health risk because the product was found to contain synthetic herbicides not disclosed on its label. This product has been distributed within a co-packed box, also containing the product WEED SLAYER, an organic herbicide."

Meanwhile... Monsanto/Bayer gets to keep selling glyphosate herbicide, without a cancer warning on their label, continuing the poisoning of animal feed and their manure, waterways, and drift and soil contaminating organic products. These products include not only the fertilizer, but the food and feed crops that uptake the fertilizer, and the animals and their meat and milk that absorb the chemicals.

To be fair, due to the widespread consumption of non-organic, conventional, and GMO grains which are often sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent, we would expect that all fertilizer for conventional food would have these chemicals in them. No one should be consuming these chemicals for any reason!

We believe the contamination should be stopped at the source! 

When I was a consumer representative alternate on the California Organic Products Advisory Committee, I spoke up on behalf of the concerns of moms from Moms Across America. The contamination of our organic food can be a life-threatening situation for families with children with autoimmune issues and allergies. We were deeply concerned about glyphosate contamination in organic food, and we asked for glyphosate testing to be conducted of organic food products and fertilizer in California, in order to identify the sources and work toward solutions. We, along with our advisors, expected the contamination of organic food products to be happening via the "organic" fertilizer, which likely comes from animals fed GMOs and/or glyphosate-sprayed grains.

We received complete pushback - the members of the advisory committee were too concerned about the livelihoods of the farmers growing organic to conduct any testing (even though they would remain anonymous). Any testing proposals (which would merely be advisement to the CDFA) that I presented were denied and eventually I left the advisory board to focus on our Moms Across America Gold Standard. Eventually, however, it appears that the CDFA did find it important to test fertilizer for glyphosate and other herbicides and we are certainly glad they did.

Consumers do not have to wait for a governmental advisory committee or agriculture department to take action, however. We can act now.

Ask your fertilizer company where they get their manure or soil amendments.

Are the animals fed GMO grains sprayed with glyphosate? Has the supplier tested the product for glyphosate and other chemicals?

Have they made a request that those animals be fed non-GMO organically grown grains?

Inquiring minds (who want safe, organic food) need to know.



  • 禅ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2020-12-07 21:38:48 -0500

