Needless Tragedy for Autistic Child - Moms Across America









Earlier this week the parents of the girl who died from a peanut allergy, even though her father was a doctor and injected her with three epi pens, spoke out and asked for the system to do something about allergies. The system failed them.

The mothers of babies with 4-8 X more anacephaly,  ( warning image is disturbing) severe brain birth defects, in Washington state, who are downstream from the orchards sprayed with glyphosate, are not speaking up. Their grief and struggle may be too great.They may not have any idea how severely the system is failing them.

If you have read any of our previous blogs about glyphosate, GMOs, autism, allergies, stomach ulcers, cancer, IBS  and skyrocketing other illnesses, you know where this is headed. You may say that we can't blame everything on GMOs and/or glyphosate, but as a mother, for me, the correlation is clear. The autistic boy's behavior, thrashing and biting, was according to his mother, believed to be due to gastric pain. Her suspicions were confirmed when gastric specialist discovered that he had hundreds of lesions in his stomach, just like the pigs who ate GMO feed and also behaved erratically. We know now that GMO feed has this same effect on pigs: inflammation and lesions on their stomachs and fighting and biting. Scientists also know that pigs have very similar digestive systems to humans. See the pig study by Dr. Judy Carman, Howard Vlieger and other scientists here.

But not once in the news piece do they address WHY are these lesions on his stomach. Not once do they look to his food. For most of us mothers of children with allergies, autism, asthma or auto immune diseases, WHY these symptoms are occurring is not something most of our western medical doctors address. They only prescribe medicine to alleviate the pain. They do not know why.  The system fails to ask and it fails to act.


お母さんが尋ねて、子供や私たち自身がグリホサートの検査を受けるように行動しようとすると、ラボは検査を行いません。彼らは「彼らはそのテストをしない」と言う。 「GMO外来タンパク質」のテストを依頼しても同じ反応が得られると想像できます。しかし、特にこの1年、子供の病気の世話をするためにたくさんの本を読んだ私のようなお母さんにとっては、不必要でさえありません。





We need to support our millions of American Moms who are struggling every day and let them know about GMOs and Glyphosate as well. We need to support them. We can call, meet with and email our friends with kids with autism, allergies, auto immune diseases and asthma. Ask them  to watch Anthony Samsels's interview on autism and the glyphosate link and watch Howard Vlieger's DVD on how GMOs affect pigs.  Listen to his radio interview with Melinda Hemmellgam here.

We need to share how important it is to eat organic and non GMO. We Moms see our children's allergy, autism, autoimmune disorder and asthma symptoms improve in a matter of days or weeks after eating organic and non GMO. Click here for testimonials.This and many other horrific tragedies are avoidable, they did not and do not need to continue to happen. We must eat organic and non GMO.






To share with your community, host a World Food Day Community Outreach Week 10月 12-19th, get free flyers, give them to your local supporters and you all just hand them out during the week everywhere as you run your errands or together on the weekend.






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    このページをフォローしました 2016-09-27 14:13:38 -0400

