

“We are the authors of our destinies. No one can see the vision any clearer, believe in and work any harder to make it a reality more than the visionary.”
                                                                                       – Nike Campbell-Fatoki







Moms Across Americaでは、ソリューションに焦点を当て、新たな目的と決意を持って前進する準備ができています。健康的な有機食品へのアクセス、独自の食品の栽培、健康ソリューション、パートナーシップ、再生有機農業、および接続された地域コミュニティは、2020以降の成功を生み出すと私たちが見ているものです。私たちは私たちが運命の作者であることをっており、私たち一人一人の先見の明を認識しています-そして私たちが山を動かす先見の明として持っている集合的な能力。






  • あなたの時間とエネルギーをボランティアしてください。あなの専門知識を寄付してください。ガーデニングの専門家、ビデオ編集者、イベントプランナー、マーケティング、営業担当者、PRの専門家を募集しています。または、映画の夜やオーガニックポットラックなどの地元のイベントを主催する場合は、つながり、エンパワーメントを共有するのはとても楽しいことです!全国的な取り組みを支援する-私たちの取り組みをさらに進める方法については、お問い合わせください。
  • Support MAA! MAA works with a minimal budget. Donate generously and your investment will reap rewards for generations to come. Revenue from sales through our Health Solutions Store supports our programs, costly testing, and educational outreach about toxins in our food supply. If you want to help us do even more consider a fundraising event on our behalf or consider being a sponsor for a specific MAA activity like testing or travel.
  • Expand collaboration with MAA! If you know a leader of an organization or company that we can collaborate with, unite us - let us know. Together we will keep our vision alive and be unstoppable in creating health and freedom! The love of our families, the health of our communities, and the future of the planet itself are our inspiration-inspiration, that that will never end.



Showing 1 reaction

  • Tom Braun
    コメントした 2020-01-11 15:10:56 -0500
    Dear Zen! Thank you for your initiative and vision and the need to educate all Moms across the US. I don’t have the answer, but I know there are a number of women with vision that are speaking out on changing our food system and other health issues that are being generated by entities that are profiting from the current paradigm which is detrimental to good health. My question is? How do you bring a coalition together and identify one fundamental change in the American life style that will benefit millions? Once Identified, why can’t all those in the coalition speak to the same common goal so that the voice for positive change is magnified and heard by millions. The reluctance for positive health changes by corporations has to be addressed. The new crisis that is developing is the impact of higher radiation levels due to the push to create the 5G network in homes. Thomas Braun RPh N2E+ for Life
    PS: The Tech industry has already gotten a concession that they can’t be sued for harm that may be caused by the higher radiation levels. Does that mean they already know it can harm?. Looks like they have taken a page out of the vaccine manufacturers play book. It was just reported that only 1% of the Adverse effects from over vaccination including death is reported to the FDA. Shameful.

