It was with great honor and happiness that I interviewed Dr. John Gray, world renowned best selling author on Tuesday Sept 15th, 2015. When we met at the Autism One conference in the spring, he greeted me warmly, saying that he knew about and appreciated the work of Moms Across America (all of YOU!) and offered his support. I could sense that he is a person who is completely devoted to the well being of human kind and he meant it, so when I read an article about American's getting dementia in their 40's, I was reminded of a Brazilian study showing glyphosate causing neurotoxicity of the brain (brain cell death) and then thought of John Gray's recent book "Staying Focused in a Hyper World" about ADHD, memory loss and brain performance. I asked him for an interview and he was very generous to accept. He is compassionate, extremely intelligent, and a powerful speaker. It was truly a delight to meet and interview John Gray.
GMO、12:17のグリホサート、28:53 のタイレノール/アセトアミノフェン、その他の有毒物質への暴露、そして私たちの体と脳への影響について取り上げました。彼は、グリホサートが腸内細菌を破壊する方法について、細胞保護剤(抗グリホサートなど)であるグルタチオンの生成を停止し、ニューロンの細胞死に影響を与えることについて、明確で驚くべき説明をしています。私たちは、自閉症、パーキンソン病、ADHDについて何ができるかを調べ、脳のパフォーマンスを回復し、危険な副作用を伴う合成化学薬品の寿命を逃れます。彼は35:06で癌、GCMAF、ブラッドスティート博士に触れています。多くの人が、これがこれまでの最高の面接だったと言っています。
There were many topics we did not get to. And there are so many possibilities of renewed health for you and your family. I strongly urge you to buy his book at or watch his free videos on a variety of topics.
The fact is we are all being exposed to glyphosate, which is a chelator, meaning it "holds or makes unavailable", the vital nutrients of any living thing it touches. So we could be eating very healthy food, lots of vegetables and fruits, have a filter on our water faucet and still be vitamin and mineral deficient because glyphosate, in our food, water, air and rain, is grabbing onto those vitamins and minerals and making them unavailable to our bodies. This impacts our brain and overall health, relationships, performance and happiness.